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Question regarding “sharing information” between DH/BM

stacylee757's picture

Ok both DH and BM HATE each other and almost never communicate with each other regarding step kids. 
SS14 is a total spoiled brat who if failing three classes already and it's not even second quarter. 
The teachers will send ONE email to both DH/BM about SS14 failing or some Behavioral issue in school. When BOTH BM and DH respond to the teachers they do not send their response to the other parent only the teacher. I find this odd but DH does not. Opinions? If a teacher sends a email addressed to BOTH parents regarding a negitive school issue that requires a response from the parents should the parents share their response with the other parent? 

papayag's picture

Yea, I agree with you - this seems like a reply-all situation out of respect for the teacher unless perhaps the parent's relationship has deteriorated so much even the reply-all would trigger a problematic e-mail exchange with the poor teacher in cc.  

I doubt that the parents response would be dramatically different anyways?? 

stacylee757's picture

BM likes to play the poor me card that she's a single mom getting no help from DH. Not true.  I'm SURE that's a big reason why BM does NOT reply all to the emails. BM does not want DH to see her response as I'm sure she pointing the finger at DH. DH does not reply all as BM will nit pick his response plus just from pure hate he does not want her to see his response. 
Im just thinking it's going to make it harder on the teacher in keeping who said what straight when there are two separate emails going rather than one Continuous one

LittleCloud9's picture

This really is a pretty mild inconvenience for the teacher at most. I would not worry about it. Considering what some of the teachers at my SS's school have to deal with from parents I can't imagine individual email responses rank high on the irritation list. Parents who don't reply at all are likely a much bigger problem.

tog redux's picture

In our case, if DH had hit reply all, he would have been subjected to a 10-paragraph email manifesto from BM about what a failure he was as a father. Not worth it. 

No big deal, the teacher is likely just informing them of something.