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Rant about being 2nd best

Here Comes Treble's picture

I’m so sick of this “daddee” nonsense. Here’s how it went tonight.

1. I was in the middle of talking to FH about my business plans. Suddenly, “I need to call SD.” No transition. Nothing. Just, “I’m gonna call SD and figure out the plans for tonight, because what you (SM) have to say is boring and not relevant.”
2. Hours later, we’re prepping BBQ at a friend’s. I come in to assist SD, but “dadddee” needs to come in because he knows how to do it. So the woman that cooks daily for these folks doesn’t know anything? Ok.
3. Later, FH has SD come out an apologize. “I didn’t mean it the way I said it.” My response? “I know. You don’t need to apologize. It’s not you but someone else.” So FH pushes asking who. And I say I’m not going to discuss it now.

This is the reality. I’m second until I call it out. Then I’m the bad guy. Whatever. I’m over the BS.

Here Comes Treble's picture

And now, according to him, I’m the one that makes the problems. Fine, I’ll chill and spend time with friends. As long as i do so with no feeling, I’m good.

SacrificialLamb's picture

Once again, I don't think I would want FH to be DH. Why would you want to memorialize this with marriage? It gets worse after you get married, not better.

jollybean's picture

2nd best ?! You flatter yourself 1st it’s SD then BM then daddee then you in 4th place

sammigirl's picture

Marriage is a piece of paper, it doesn't change a person or the situation. If I had it to do over, I would not say "I Do".

I saw all the red flags, but ignored them, thinking if I was nice enough to Skids, it would be ok. NOT....

CANYOUHELP's picture

It gets worse, dating is usually the best time; at least mine hid his daddeee phobia nicely during that time. After you get married, the sickness emerges and suffocates you until to change it yourself.

Get out while you can, he is showing you who he is--early on, and, at least you know!