Is this really the truth
Now I'm married to this man who is a minister and sometimes things are fine and other times I want to say f*ck it. He has been married before for 10 years and this is my first marriage we havent't even been married for a whole year and we are starting to fight. I know fight? What kind of minister fights his wife? Well let me say this everything that claims to be holy ain't always holy now, I want to keep my marriage together so I gave him the option of counseling but oh no brother man does not think he should go but, since the fight he has been leaving staying out late, not coming home til 830 9o'clock at night, and I have just been wondering if he is creeping and if I should try to keep it together I have been trying to get him to read the book of Ephesians with me because it speaks of marriage and the way a marriage should be but, he keeps refusing says that he doesn't need to know what it says because he has read it. I'm thinking what the f*ck! I'm really starting to lose patience with this man so someone out there give me some feed back please!!!!!! What should I do????
Good Christians!!!
Well, I can understand how frustrated you are. You are just being normal. My DH is a Christian, yet, doesn't read the bible at home, and I often do devotions with his kids, and I was recently baptized. I am sorry dear, fighting in the first year, was commonplace in my home too. I feel in my situation that my husband is a control freak, and likes no communication, and me not having any opinion, and when I quoted the bible he freaked out.....
You are not alone, I have gone thru this, gone to marriage counselling, and we are still in a state of conflict.......I don't want to be negative....
Just live your life....and do what is good for you.....
Sorry that you are disappointed.....and you are entitled to your feelings, don't blame yourself, it takes two.....
Ministers- YET Human FIRST
The first thing to understand is that being a Minister, Pastor, Preacher, Whatever each religion wants to call it- Does not make ANYONE perfect. It should however instill some sort of compassion or understanding beyond what one would expect out of a person with employment outside of a Religious capacity. What those of us that are "privy" to the home life of anyone in a position of Religious Counsel need to remember, is that we are all "works in progress". The only FINISHED product would be Jesus Christ himself, and while some of our men may THINK they are "Holier THAN THOU" We all know that they are not. And neither are we.
There is nothing to be ashamed of, getting help with your marriage. Sounds like your new hubby has a bit of a PRIDE issue, as what is "normal" to him is he is the one GIVING the counseling rather than RECEIVING it. I would say seek counseling on your own. Being the "Preachers Wife" is not an easy position to hold either, as those around you watch your home with a careful eye what you are doing as well. But find someone you TRUST will keep things confidential and try to learn how to deal with the short comings of a man who is Stereo Typically supposed to be "PERFECT". Don't give up- the first year of marriage is hard on ANYONE- Even a Minister.
In My Prayers-
out where the heck he is going. This guy may not be all there, get the facts and make a decision. Reading and guessing is not going to help you, he's spending time somewhere or with someone.
Well, As it is said, The
Well, As it is said, The first 2 or 3 years of marriage is the hardest. Now a days marriage is complicated anyways, The average marriage now a days last only 6 months they say.
Find out what he is doing, Where he is going and tell him you have concerns,and you have the right to know whats going on!
Keep your eyes open, and lisiten to conversations he may have on the phone, look for sighns, Things that out of the abnormal for him.
Usually men have a change in personality when they are running( atleast my x did), That whole " I don't care additude I am it" type thing.
Is he treating you any differnt?
Is he as communative as before with you?
Does he seem more irrataited and short tempered then usual?
Most the time if these things are happening its cause their up to know dang good.
And what about his sexual attractivenness to you? has that changed in any aspect?or has his performane with you has changed for no reasons that you know of.
Think about all these things, They are possible sighns. I am not saying it all fits your man.. All men are different, Some become nicer out of guilt, Some go real stone cold like your feelings dont even count, Depends on the man.
The Breakthrough
Well, since I last posted my forum alot of things have changed I thought about it, cried about it, and then I prayed and prayed some more and finally but, soon enough I got a break through. Me and DH sat down and had a heart to heart because no one can hold a marriage together alone. We decided to meet on neutral ground without the kids or anyone's input. Yes we are going to start counseling and we are also going to start taking one night a week just for ourselves to keep things new because everyone needs to be loved and everyone likes to feel loved so thanks to all of you who kept us in your prayers especially Daddysgirl (thanks for the inspiration) I'm just going to hold fast to what I know to be proven to work and keep my head up and stay strong for my marriage as long as he is willing.
Keep reading your Bible
and when you are done, read it again!