SD 13 cutting and sympothy
Well long story short...step daughters grandmother is schitzophrenic, mom has borderline personality, and her first step mom is nuts. This child is encased in crazy. Dad finally decided to give her consequences for her actions....took her dog away that she never walked or cared for, took her door for slamming it multiple times, took her iphone away for posting things about him on facebook along with her computer, grounded her for staying the night at a friends house without permission. Well mindyou this girl has been raised entitled. She's been given evrything shes ever asked for but been eqipped with nothing to help her cope with life. No skills for survival, no coping skills, no ability to deal with no. Now That dad finally woke up she's cutting. we found out when he took her to the doc last night due to pink eye from wearing a friends makeup which she's not allowed to wear. The nurse discovered it when she took her bp. She said the cat did it. We dont have a cat. So now all of these women are begging dad to stop consequences for her actions and to allow the girl to live with them. Mind you the mom never wanted her, she was removed for neglect at 9 months old. And SM number one is the best friend. She too abandoned the girl at age 8 by giving her back to dad when he wouldnt let her adopt her( same one who sent her see through thong underwear at age 12 and defended it). Both women play the friend telling SD how evil and mean dad is they undermind his authority at every turn. For many years I've lived in thei shadows under their critisims of my parenting to this disturbed entitled child. Since ive disengaged many months ago dad finally opened his eyes to see what ive been saying for 6 years. My fear now with a 4 year old and a 10 month old given her mental history my marriage wont survive this childs spiraling mental condition and episodes. I now fear for my children. SD loves with an infatuation my daughter 10 Months but really cant stand my son who is 4. TO me it seems like she could snap. See her BM kept her boy child who is now 9 but didnt keep her. She moved here from california in July and now lives 16 miles rom our home but has only seen SD maybe 4 times. We are the custodial parents. We are in counsiling but dad....well i just dont know i think after this he will feel guilty and revert back to past behaviors.
I don't think you need to
I don't think you need to fear for your kids, she's harming herself...not others. Also, as you probably know, she is not cutting do to getting consequences from dad, but due to her inability to deal with emotional disturbances that are happening in her life. She doesn't seem to be doing it for attention as you guys didn't even know about it, and she tried to lie about it, I suspect she is doing it to get a release from real emotional pain she is feeling. Is she in counseling by herself? If not, she needs it. With her genetics it sounds like all the odds are stacked against as far as having mental issues.
I agree with forestfairy.
I agree with forestfairy. It's a release from her emotional pain. She's highly unlikely to hurt anyone else. She takes her anger out on herself. I'm not a cutter, but I have a desire to hurt myself when things are REALLY bad and I feel completely powerless in my life, I overcome the desire, but I get it.
She should get individual therapy with someone who's dealt with this before. She has a lot of issues and no coping skills. Taking away consequences will not help her. If anything she needs them now more than any other time.
I wouldn't wait to do this. I would also make sure DH talks with the expert so he knows how to help her and not enable her.