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SD17 wants to come visit daaaaady again

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i'm just feeling awful tonite and very anxious. i struggle bec. i have christian beliefs and have tried to weigh my situation with my SD17 treating me so shitty with how i know christians should deal with times of trouble. i want to find peace in my life, but at the same time, i am only human and this little puke has driven me bat shit crazy to the point that i don't know how to deal with myself or how to be civil towards her. long story short, SD17 is an asshole. her own mother has packed her bedroom up into boxes. i packed princess' stuff up into boxes in her bedroom over here. her paternal grandma has made her room in their house into another storage area. i'm pissed at my DH for all the time he has allowed SD to be a bitch to me. last straw was this past cmas when she snubbed me and gave all family members presents except me. SD decided in november she haaaad to go to counseling daaaaady bec. i'm mad at elle94 and i have "issues" with the divorce. (well, it's been 8 years, get over it you effen bitch)...... i'm just so worn out over how much i have done for his kids only to have SD repay me with hatred and silent treatment and all the passive aggressive crap. sorry my vent is so long, but i just can't stop filling up with these retarded tears. my body hurts from all this sobbing. FUCK! i just hate this!