Superbowl Sunday should be fun. Anybody else looking forward to the game?
I AM! I AM! AND, I'm determined not to let DH's pouty-ass-suck-the-life-out-of-the-room-daughter ruin our fun. She was at our house a day or two this past week. I mostly stayed in my office and worked just so I wouldn't have to be around her. I was hoping the new year would've brought out maybe a change in her attitude, but I was WRONG!
Ooooh yeah! I was born and
Ooooh yeah! I was born and raised in Baltimore .. DH was born and raised in San Francisco ..
You can only imagine the pranks/jokes/smack-talk that has been going on for the past two weeks!
Me too! Me too! We have a
Me too! Me too! We have a large party every year. It is so fun. Lot of food gambling and a small amount of drinking . lol
Since my team is not playing, I don't really care who wins. I just want my numbers to win!
Is she going to be there? YES
Is she going to be there?
YES I AM STOKED!!! I called off work over a month ago before anyone else remembered to call off so I would for sure be able to be home }:) My Dad thought that was hilarious. DH and I have a bottle of tasty wine that we may or may not be splitting, depending on how we feel. But for sure there will be stuffed crust pizza. I LOVE STUFFED CRUST PIZZA. May even watch the game in a cute bra/panty set if DH is nice
Thinking pink. Girly with interest in football. Now THAT is being game-day ready haha Wonder what my favourite Super Bowl commercial will be this year...
Ps, if the game is 6:30 ET, when is it central time?
"DH's pouty-ass-suck-the-life-out-of-the-room-daughter ruin our fun". Isn't coming this weekend!!!! Lucky ME!!!! BM is forcing her to go over to a friend's (BM's new man) house for his SuperBowl party. She can suck the life out of that room. HA! It's just show though cause as soon as BM finally gets him SD12 will be back at our house every weekend. Pretending to be supermom will be over.
lol usually it's more like
lol usually it's more like SuperSlut, or SuperBig. In our case, BM is both
She drug her to some
She drug her to some christmas brunch this year. We were shocked because SD has spent every major holiday (including Mother's Day) with us for the past 3 years. According to BM these are just regular days. As soon as this dude dumped her SD was right back at our house.
It's a shame...and mildly
It's a shame...and mildly humorous. What an idiot. Like a "poser mom".
When people are around it is so funny BM acts totally different. She is all, "Look at my handsome, smart, funny SON!! I love him SO MUCH. He is my WHOLE HEART." Everyone knows she just uses the poor kids as trophies. Flipping him and then looking up to see if you(or me/DH) are looking. When no one but her family is around(or us, when she doesn't feel like putting on a show) she just plops her huge body on the couch and pretends like SKs don't exist.
And she wonders why SKs prefer DH and I..
You sure we ain't sisters?
You sure we ain't sisters? This is BM all the way. But in my case she claims to be working all the time. This chick works and the sleeps the day away. What a waste. SD has a lot of social issues. At my house we try to deal with them but with BM at these little parties I can only imagine.
She sits in the corner, stares at the ground, wears a hoodie or hat in 100 degree weather and won't open her mouth. These things aren't tolerated with us if it get's out of hand but I'm sure BM is getting the full brunt of it and has no clue what to do. Totally embarrassing. As soon as old dude gets the cookies he'll be out of there just like the plumber, cable man and roofer . . .I'm not kidding.
lololol @ your last sentence
lololol @ your last sentence
Your SD sounds like our BM kinda: Sits in the corner, stares like a crazy person, tries to be emo, etc. I'm glad to hear you guys don't let her dramatize, which is her way of trying to control things. I'm sure it is embarrassing, but it is more so for her. She is the one acting like a brat. No one ever thinks, "Oh DH and SM should be embarrassed of themselves". Nope, that is what everyone thinks of the child making a scene(even if her way of doing that is acting how you described. A scene is a scene.)
Wow your BM works?? That's a new one. At least it keeps her mind occupied from the assumed crazy that seems to reside in the shallow ends of every BM's mindset.
I wish I was looking forward
I wish I was looking forward to it but Im really not.
BF's parents have a big get-together at their home down the street from us.They have the whole family over,BF and I cant stand half of them.
Plus the place is like a free for all cluster fuck with everyones kids there,they all act like wild,rude, animals and no one reins them in.
So football which I couldnt care less about + people I dont like + obnoxious kids = I think Im gonna have the flu and stay home with a book and my dogs. }:)
I'm in New Orleans right now
I'm in New Orleans right now - was across the street from the Dome an hour ago. My favorite city.
i loved all your replies! i
i loved all your replies! i was just bummed cuz i couldn't get on here till just now. we had a big snowstorm, live out in the middle of nowhere and it made my internet go down :O
then we lost all power, heat went out, power came back on, heat did not, and we had to turn the oven on with the door open to keep warm. i mean, what the frig!!!!
however, life is good now.
anyway, hope everyone has fun tomorrow and is able to keep their sanity while dealing with family members, SKIDS and other people's monsters running around like animals!
ha ha. i love MMA, but DH
ha ha. i love MMA, but DH told me i can't watch it anymore cuz i learned an effed up move where i can pin his arm. he can't move. and then i give him a "purple nurple".....