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Seeking advice on Delinquent steps who fail out of school

Shannon1myers's picture

SD is 17 and last year of HS. Two years ago SD got into a huge Fight with DH and I refused to follow our rules and ran back to BM’s house. She has not been invited back. THANK GOD. SD has had Discipline and academic problems all through high school. Multiple detentions and a couple of Suspensions. BM of course makes bullshit Excuses for SD. First it was Because SD supposedly had depression. Then after we refused to let her back unless SD agrees to follow our rules it was because DH “threw away his Daughter”. 

Here is my Concerns. SD is badly failing her Senior year and it looks like she will not Graduate this spring due to her poor grades. Why do I care since she’s not our problem anymore? Well DH Legally agreed to split all cost of the children’s schooling Including college when he divorced BM years ago. Im afraid it’s going to cost us $$$$ to pull this delinquent out of the mess she made with her grades. I can’t see BM throwing in the towel. What I do see is BM pushing SD to finish HS somehow then off the college. All this will take a ton of money to pull off. 

So my questions are for kids that fail 12th grade do they repeat the year, summer school or have to get private study somewhere? What are the Options and is it costly? Does anyone have Experience with this and what was the out come? SD has NO Experience with anything. Never had a job except babysitting her cousins a few times. 


STaround's picture

Very few kids do not graduate, unless they do not pass state tests.  Someone grade issues get resolved.  YMMV.  I suspect it is becuase schools do not want to pay for summer school.  Where I live if summer school is needed for graduation or staying at grade level, the school pays (i.e., the taxpayers).  Most enrichment summer courses have been eliminated. 

tog redux's picture

They will push her through.  Schools want to be rid of kids like this. But if they can't, she will have to go to summer school, or take the classes again next year.  In my state you can stay in high school until age 21.

Shannon1myers's picture

She’s Disrespectful and Swears at the teachers comes to class late and has a “I don’t care” Attitude. A real prize. The last two years without that Psychopath has been wonderful. Besides Financial Aspect that DH agreed to till she is 21( state law) I dont see her being inserted into our marriage/life. SD HATES me and I’m not going anyplace anytime soon. I’ve learned to pick my battles with DH and SD is one I’m digging my heals into. SD will NEVER agree to our rules and I’ll NEVER let DH back down on this so SD won’t be coming around anytime soon and hopefully never. 

My fear is BM Definitely wanting darling Daughter to go to college. Like others said no college will take her with those grades which means SD would need to retake courses($$$) to get her grade point up and THEN get into a college(more $$$$)

Rags's picture

Because of my own experience, I have little tolerance for teens who are  toxic lippy little shits.  While I was too smart for my own good, I was never lippy and I was not toxic.  But I know that no tolerance and no bullshit application of ownership and consequences of behavior on the failing kid works to drive performance.  

I have lived it.

Likely the best thing for her is for the school to flunk her. That may wake her up.

I hope that it does.f

It certainly woke me up at her age.