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should i seek custody of stepkids?

elizabethxxx's picture

first i'd like to say i'm new to step-parenting (about 9-10 months in)... and parenting in general, no children of my own though we would like to have a couple in the future but i've gotten fairly adjusted to it and i love my stepkids! they are great kids, two boys age 4 and 6. they stay with us every other weekend. much less than we would like but we hope to change this. we make the most of our time. it is difficult for my husband as he wishes he could be more involved in how they are raised. he does not agree with many things his ex-wife does/teaches his kids, but less than a week per month is not a lot of time to teach values to the kids and reinforce them, as they will just be told the opposite when they go home.

anyways, here are some things going on that seem off color to me that i'm worried about - but i am new (really kind of clueless) to parenting, and i need another perspective.

1. the oldest gets upset VERY easily, and will get withdrawn yet overly agressive if something bothers him. (sulking for 30+ minutes, or more often getting red-faced, yelling, and hitting (for example, if his brother is playing with a toy that he wants or if he is served milk instead of soda) - of course this could just be what 6 year olds do

2. they are hungry EVERY time they come over, begging for food. i'm always shocked and like, of course you can have food! i now make a point to ask if they ate dinner/lunch, and the answer is always no. the 6 year old says things like "we went home but we didnt have time to eat anything cause we forgot" "mom said dad would buy us happy meals" "i ate an apple at school but didnt get any dinner" situations always seem to come up that prevents them from eating for 4, 5, 6, even 8 hours.

3. they are NEVER dressed for the weather. throughout the winter they were sent to our house with coats only ONCE. every other time it was t-shirts and shorts in 30 degree weather! it puzzles me.

4. she pulls them out of school a lot. nearly every time they come over, one of the kids missed school that day or she is taking them out on monday for this or that.

5. they are sick a lot. the 6 year old always has a cough that is never cured. often she sends a pouch with a variety of medicines, cough syrup, triaminic cough strips, allergy medicine, various nose sprays, ointments, etc. (what do they need all this for?!?)
their mom does not follow the instructions on the medicine bottle. she doesn't make them take what theyre supposed to and they take the wrong meds. this weekend my SS gave me a bottle of medicine saying "im supposed to take this for my cough". it was prescribed to my other SS. theyres always something like this going on.

6. she pushes atheism on them. it isn't wrong to be atheist if you want but little kids shouldnt be outright told that religion is hogwash and be insulting to others' beliefs. (spirituality is very important to me but i do not push it on them, i just want to teach them to be tolerant of all people). the six year old has a rehearsed script about it, my husband mentioned god and he said "you can believe in that if you want but it isn't real" or something to that effect

7. their mom just generally doesn't seem to care about them: she will openly say "i put them to bed early, they were so annoying" and stuff like that. she hugs the younger one goodbye and says i love you but i have never heard her say i love you to the older one or seen her hug him

8. over the kids' fall break she went to the beach and they stayed with us, she uses time away from them as her fun time - every weekend when they are here she and her boyfriend are on a vacation or out at some fair or this or that and change plans last minute - like texting to say "we won't be back till monday night, can you keep them an extra day?" because she is so spontaneous and unplanned... usually she wont even come get them, we drop them off at their grandparents' house. she's always saying "you can pick them up at such and such". only once or twice have we picked them up from her directly and she's picked them up. (we are all civil so that's not the issue)

9. they cuss a lot, calling each other b word, n word, and we let them know they can't say those things at our house. i guess they don't get in trouble for it at home. (for example: SS said he didn't know those words were bad and asked why he was in trouble)

so my question, is this normal behavior or does any of this stand out to you? we don't really know what is going on at mom's house.
my hubby and i are considering asking her to let them come to us every weekend, and we think she will probably be fine with this. we do want majority of the custody someday - i know it is hard to take away kids from the mother and we have no proof, really, and they are not being physically abused as far as being hit or anything. is it possible for them to live with us and how does this work in a court? we want them to see her but we feel our house is a better environment for most of their time.

how would we go about getting them to live with us, should we, and does it sound like they have a bad environment at home?
how do i know if they're being treated well at home? what would you do in this position?

Lalena75's picture

I will let other far more experienced SM's step in on most of what you asked and direct my response to what I know best. Kids and food, they will lie to you. Both my bios and SO's kids play the I haven't eaten game. They will tell us they haven't eaten didn't eat much or ate something weird (I only got a a carrot) because its ONE of the things they remember eating AND they want more food! My exH for a long time refused to feed the kids dinner on sundays before he brought them home because "dad feeds us dinner on Friday so he shouldn't have to Sunday" (he has the eowe) my bios are older and I pointed out his thinking was odd since I feed them 24 days a month they spoke up to him and usually he feeds them Sunday nights now. My BioS loves food and will make statements like he didn't get lunch so he should get a 2nd dinner to make up for it. Your SO needs to be finding out if they are playing the food game, easiest way "you'll get fed when its lunch/dinner whatever time" they won't die but if you feed them everytime they say they didn't eat they've learned the food game works and will keep doing it. My and SO's kids have learned if I'm not sure or SO is unsure if the kids are telling the truth we ask the other parent what they ate last cause we think they are bullshitting us. 90% of the time the kids are full of it and 6-12 yr olds are the worst for it.

elizabethxxx's picture

what if their mother was ok with my husband having custody? do the courts just say ok, you can have the kids? their mom just wants to go on vacation and dates with her boyfriend, she'd be happy to hand them off to others - that's what she does already - i'd say they spend majority of their time at various babysitters houses and her parents house.

NCMilGal's picture

I replied to your other (identical) topic, but I guess you didn't like what I had to say - probably because it wasn't what you wanted to hear.

I'm going to say it again, and add in a couple of things:

YOU do not get to seek custody of your steps. That is not YOUR decision to make. Every court in the country would laugh you out if you tried.

Secondly, there is not a single thing on your list outside of skipping school that the courts give a shit about. It's considered parenting differences. Kids eating (or not) and clothing choices are often bizarre - lord knows we hear about the battles all the time on this site.

Disneyfan's picture

Those aren't your kids so you can't get custody.

Dad can try, but nothing you listed screams unfit parent.

elizabethxxx's picture

thanks all for the input.
just to clarify, by "me" i obviously mean my husband - they are his kids. i just mean they would live at our house and be a part of our household.
i guess much of this is differences in parenting. but really, does it not seem like a problem to anyone that she gives the kids the wrong medicine, doesn't care if they miss school a lot? i guess i just have higher expectations of a mother of two very young kids.

twopines's picture

But since your DH knows all that BM is and isn't doing (I'm assuming), why is it even a question of should he seek custody? Wouldn't he have already filed if he had a problem with this difference in parenting? The sooner he seeks custody, the sooner yours/his/whoever's higher expectations of very young kids can happen, yes?

elizabethxxx's picture

well, he was not in a good place financially until recently, so now he/we are able to provide for them, and now we can talk about it... but he doesn't stand up to her a lot.

he does not question what she does. he has always had this fear that she will not let him see his kids if he questions her too much. she has a very carefree attitude about everything. when he questions things she does she simply says "ok" and he doesn't push for an answer. i'm reminding him that they are his kids and he has a right to know what is going on with them. lately he has been more vocal with her, letting her know it's not okay to show up a day or two late and that he wants more time with them. it is a process.

elizabethxxx's picture

thank you so much for taking the time to respond to everything, i really appreciate your perspective. i hadn't really thought about what might be the kids manipulating us, i just figured they are too young for that. but the six year old is smart. my husband did try to tell me that, he said "they pull that hungry thing every time, i'm not buying it" and i'm like are you sure?!

just the fact that she doesn't care how I parent them or what I say to them, that worries me. i could tell them murder is ok and she'd be fine with it! she is the single most carefree person ever, and ahhh it just gets on my nerves! it's great for her, but little kids need some kind of schedule or organization to their lives.

i don't think we'd ever even go to court with her. she is always fine with whatever we ask, as far as an extra weekend or whatever. it would be so easy to get most of the time with them and i guess that's why i put this up, because that scares me a little!

thank you for commenting and you have a great SM situation there! lucky duck!