SIL wedding
DH is a groomsman even though he isn't that close with the groom, SDs ate junior bridesmaids and SS is a junior groomsman... SIL is having a very formal Catholic wedding where the wedding party will be separated from everyone else for the wedding and the wedding party will be sitting at their own table. No dancing, no alcohol, assigned seats.
When I brought up how uncomfortable this wedding was making me, being singled out to sit at a table by myself with God knows who else-with no alcohol to keep me company- I pointed out that he isn't even close with the groom and I asked why he was chosen to be a groomsmen.
He got defensive and raised his voice back at me, "Then don't go!"
This wedding has been in the works for over a year, and this SIL outwardly displays she doesn't like me, if I don't go to her wedding for even a little bit, won't that just solidify the hate?
Country wedding,... I'll be a
Country wedding,... I'll be a mile down the road from my house for the ceremony. Not sure where the reception is...
Wedding party will be carted around in a limo bus all day from church to hall. I'll have to drive behind in my car or meet them there... just not enough room for me in the limo bus...
I though about skipping out on ceremony... since its a big wedding I thought no one would notice. I could show up at the begining, never take a seat, go home after it starts and come back and hour and a half weddings are notorious for being forever long...
I get why H is a groomsman.
I get why H is a groomsman. Years ago siblings were almost always asked to be in the wedding party.
No idea why the no dancing, no liquor. That's not a Catholic thing. There's no prohibition in Catholic teaching of dancing and liquor.
My DH was once a groomsman at a wedding of a friend who I barely knew. I dreaded going knowing that he'd be seated with the wedding party and I'd be at a table with no one I knew.
The day turned out fine.
^^ This, exponentially. ^^
Yeah i could see why your
Yeah i could see why your husband would get snippy with you. I've had that conversation with my DH when I was in a wedding, ( i wasn't super close with her but she didn't have a lot of friends) i pretty much told him he put on his big boy panites suck it up and go for me, or he could stay home and look like a douche for me being there alone. He went and we did have a good time, you never know whats going to happen. P.S. a flask in your purse works wonders sometimes.
Sneak a flask in your purse.
Sneak a flask in your purse. I'm sure the other guests at your table will love your for it and you'll have instant friends.