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Skids lunches are disgusting!

StepLady's picture

So BM2 gets free lunch and breakfast for the kids (by lying about her income.) These skids eat at home, then get to school late after fighting and screaming and crying with BM2, if she decides to take them at all. So they get free lunch which is actually balanced. But no, they don't like the free school lunches they get, so BM2 sends left over food she cooks each day or buys crap for them. Today I picked up skids, SD gets in my car and opens her lunch bag up, unopened Lunchable, I tell her she can eat at the house, not in my car, and why had she not eaten her lunch? Her asnwer, "I ate one of the lunchables mommy gave me." WTF? This kid gets two lunchables, a bag of chips and some candy and a Gatorade on a regular basis! These poor kids are stuffed with processed fattening crap day in and day out. So sick of it! No wonder SD does not behave, no wonder she is constantly weezing and no wonder kids make fun of her size. Poor thing! SS had three slices of pizza from last nights dinner in his lunch and ate them all! Plus a cupcake! What is wrong with this lazy woman? She sends candy in to the school all the time! She is so gross!

Aniki-Moderator's picture

I can relate. BioHo feeds the skids a diet full of junk food. They are allowed to drink 64oz cups of pop (they stop at the local gas stations every damn day!). It's all prepackaged, frozen garbage full of chemicals and sugar or it's fast food/carryout. Pizza, McD's, frozen lasagna, French fries, cookies, cupcakes... NOTHING is homemade. The only veggie they willingly eat is... potatoes in the form of tater tots or fries. When DH makes them corn or broccoli, he has to stand there and MAKE them eat it or they will throw it away. It's bloody ridiculous.

A few weeks ago, we had freshly picked berries. DH cooked them with just a BIT of sugar and we had it over homemade angel food cake. Skids hated it. Why? NOT SWEET ENOUGH.
eye roll

I USED to cook dinner all of the time. Their taste buds are so ruined from chemicals, they think homemade is not sweet/salty/ketchup enough. The clencher for me was when PrincASS16 said that frozen lasagna had more flavor than my homemade! Yeah, because it's full of SODIUM. SMDH. That was the last time I cooked for them. DH either cooks (which is rare) or heats up that chemical-laden shi!t they love. I cook my own dinner on those nights (like steak!).

Unless your DH is going to take a stand and make them eat healthy at your house, give up. It's not worth the headache. Except for eating in your car. Your car; your rules!!

Ninji's picture

One of the reasons we rarely eat out with my Skids is because they eat way too much junk food at BM's. She works at a bar and brings home basket food for them several times a week. They reek of cigarettes and grease when we pick them up.

Shaman29's picture

Sadly this pattern of eating will follow them into adulthood.

Skid and her BF came to the islands to visit last week. They hit the grocery store for their food (we eat healthy and I'm on a candida cleanse).

Here is a list of crap they bought: frozen pizza, frozen waffles, sugary Yoplait yogurt, Starbucks caramel refrigerated coffee, tons of Gatorade, Oreos, Nutterbutters, Goldfish crackers and Kraft mac'n'cheese. Oh and bananas they didn't eat, oranges they didn't eat and apples (they ate two).

Guess who was constipated nearly the entire time she was here? Guess who is about sixty pounds or more overweight?

I did what I could while she lived with us and during EOWE visits to instill healthy eating habits. Due to H being a HUGE Disney Dad, I had to live by example. H would go out and buy her mostly processed foods to eat when she was with us. Instead of just having her eat what we had available.

It's very frustrating watching this, however I learned a long time ago, I can't care more about her health than they (H, Uberskank and skid) care.

Aniki-Moderator's picture

That is the thing, Sally - skids are not our problem!!

For me, it is because my mother was a housewife and an excellent cook and made sure we all had healthy, balanced meals. We were not allowed to drink a lot of pop - she even made Kool-Aid with HALF the sugar. She taught me how to cook which means I was not raised to make sh!tty meals of grease and salt and fat or live on processed frozen stuff. Blech!

DH used to cook when the skids were younger because BioHo does not. Once they split, she fed them a steady diet of fast food and preprocessed crap. Since she has them 12 days out of 14, it is pretty much impossible trying to instill good eating habits in the skids. DH has finally given up, too.

Stepmom09's picture

We honestly have the opposite problem. SS is tiny like 10th percentile. I worry about how much fat he gets at BM's house. She eats extremely healthy but I don't think she understands how kids need some fat. Before me he had never had fast food. Once in awhile we go through drive thru. SS favorite foods are peanut butter and fish. I just wish there was some education when people are pregnant about a balanced diet.

ohiodad's picture

No offense, but sounds like BM has it right. Peanut Butter and Fish are wonderful sources of fat. You should avoid fast food like the plague...because it kind of is.

jumanji's picture

I follow my grandmother's precept (she was a GP) - you can have everything, in moderation. Yes, that includes the dreaded fast food. I used to send leftover pizza for lunch, and occasionally lunchables (had to be two, as one wasn't ever enough) - some mornings were not conducive to making a "healthy" lunch. And.... I remember my own school days as the kid with the weird, healthy or ethnic food.

I've known a lot of kids whose parents insisted on only healthy foods, where never would something "bad" cross their lips. They universally went crazy if they got their hands on some junk food. No self control at all. Those with a balance and few forbidden foods? Self-regulating.