SS raised very different
How do you deal with stepkids that are raised very different from how you were raised and how you raise your own kids?
My DH and I were raised kind of different and had very different childhoods and cultures. DH's upbringing has more similarities to BM's than mine. He knows and loves my culture and loves the fact that I am instilling a lot of those values into our own DDs. What I'm having trouble with is the fact that SS is being brought up very differently and since he lives with BM and only visits us holidays and summers, DH finds it very difficult to parent SS the way I would want him to be raised if he lived with us. BM is very liberal with him and allows him a lot of freedoms so she can focus on herself. He is 13 and still needs to be told to clean up after himself, pick up food wrappers, take a shower, etc. He cannot be left home alone as no one trusts him and is very irresponsible and undependable. I find myself complaining to DH a lot since I stay at home with the girls so in the summer when SS is here, he is under my care as well. DH says he doesn't see most of the stuff SS does or doesn't do. DH has a lot of good qualities but being a hands on dad is not one of them. So I am left with the burden of parenting SS when he's here. It is so frustrating because I feel like it isn't my place or my responsibility to make him a better person but I also can't leave him be so he can model these behaviors to my girls. Does anyone know what I'm trying to get at? I'm sort of at a loss.
This is good advice. ^^^ I'm
This is good advice. ^^^
I'm bummed/angry for you that you're stuck watching him just because you're home with your girls. He should be in camp, or something like that, and not your problem.
DH would be happy as a clam
DH would be happy as a clam if I would just parent SS the same as our DDs.
For the record, I already follow the above advice and let DH know whenever SS needs something but I just find it so annoying.
How does the household function when there are clearly different rules, expectations of kids within the household?
I agree with the ladies.....
I agree with the ladies..... disengage, stop parenting SS, he's not your responsibility...
You keep on raising your girls the way you see fit, you are their mother, DH can raise his son as he sees fit.
It sound strange but it works....
I am a different parent then SO, I have a son, he has a daughter with the freedom a kid should not be able to have,
age 14 she looked 18, and SO allowed her to hang in bars with much older friends, she was underage and it's against the law, my son at that stage was not 18 yet and I refused that he could hang in bars, our legal drinking age is 18...
Son told me once but why can she, she's younger then me... I smiled and I said, cause I'm not her mother and SO is not your father, I say NO that's the end of it...