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SS10 Still Wears Diapers, Help!

smileygirl's picture

My DH has been through a lot dealing with his mentally unstable ex and consequently pretty much allows her to do anything. I've delt with this for 6 yrs now but he and I have a 1 yr old son ourselves now so I have to worry about more than my own sanity.

Anyway, despite the fact that I was shocked to discover when we began dating that his then 4 and 2 yr old sons were both still in diapers with no end in sight, so I took it upon myself and potty trained both. This upset his insane ex and she put the oldest back in diaper, as the youngest refused. (The oldest isn't exactly mentally togeather either)...Well, he we are now that he's 10, soon to be 11 yrs old and he still wears and uses diapers daily. As you can imagine this has caused many problems for him socially, educationally, etc. The ex initally claimed that the child had a medical condition that she was told he would grow out of very soon. We could find no evidence of this, the doctor said not true...but still DH when pressed to end it, sites medical condition...6 yrs later.

My concern is now that my DH gets very upset with me when I mention that this is a problem that needs to be resolved. I am the bad guy because I "don't like(his) kids" when honestly, aside from being disgusted by it, I'm incredibly worried about my BS and his potty training efforts...when I take him to the zoo with his brothers, have him use the toliet and then we have to leave early because his 10-yr old SB has messed his pants. DH seems to view this all as a problem too but is...I done with confrontation with the ex that he just lets her do anything she wants. This seems to include damaging their children and our marriage.

I guess I just want to know how to handle DH who is so afraid of conflict with his ex that he has just accepted many things, including this disgusting "medical condition", that I belive will eventually destroy his son(s)physch. as he has already been instutionalized a few times for voilence. During which time by the way he was not allowed his diapers as the medical professionals didn't feel he needed them and had no problems. Has anyone ever experience anything like this??? The situation just seems to get worse and worse every year, as the child gets even more screwed up by his crazy mother and my premessive husband.

I don't want to be the wicked step-mother but someone has to speak up for this child and make him do something he doesn't want to do...mainly stop behaving like a baby.

giveitago's picture

Is BM getting some sort of SSI or extra benefit for the boy? You know that would stop as soon as the boy is better...right?? DH probably does not want to rock the boat there too...

I agree with other posters, it's far from usual and if you had success with helping him before then you can have it again. Poor kid! Yeah, some custody would go a long way.

Totalybogus's picture

If this child truly does not have a medical condition and BM insists he be in diapers at his age, I would consider that abuse. That poor boy is probably ridiculed daily among his peers. If he doesn't have a mental condition already, he surely will.

Disneyfan's picture

If he attends a public school, something has to be going on with him. Peer pressure alone would have solved this problem as soon he started school if everything with him were fine. Who changes him in school? Does he have a para who takes care of him? If mom is getting SSI, how did she pull that off without input from the teacher/school saying there are problems present? I can't tell you how many times I've had a parent flip out because I didn't fill the SSI forms out "the right" way. Sorry but I'm not telling a bunch of lies about a student so that you can get an extra check. I hope you can get this issue resolved soon. If not, that poor child is going to catch hell in middle school.

Crazyness's picture

My SD7 still wears diapers at night and I am done trying. BM and MIL had an eruption when they found out that we were trying to get SD out of diapers. MIL was the biggest issue in our case. She was soooooooo mad at me, telling me stuff like "im cruel" and that shes still little and that she will grow out of them when shes ready and that right now its not her fault she cant control herself. Weve had these discussion with DH and weve tried but it doesnt work since MIL and BM dont want to teach her to stop sleeping with diapers. BM was lazy and obsiously thats why SD is not potty trained. Diapers are the easiest answer and she didnt wanted to bother potty trainging her daughter. I dont care anymore and dont even bring it up. All I care is about my kids and I will make sure theyre thought the right thing.

zebra.wings's picture

my oldest son is 7 and wears a overnight to bed. However. the doctor has said that this IS a medical condition and that he cannot wake himself up to go pee at night, her son (my pediatricians for my son) had the same issues, she said aside from giving him a pill (which if he was 11 or so they would try that) that its just his body not waking up and he will grow out of it. She said she even had this alarm system for her son when he pee'd to wake him and he SLEPT through it and it woke the house though...aside from that though, all day in diapers is very odd and damaging..I would go for FC of this child and get him straightened out.

christag's picture

Find out if this is truly medical. Go to court if you need to to see the medical records, get a second opinion. My son had issues with wetting the bed until he was 9, he had daytime accidents until 2nd grade, perhaps a few beyond that if we didn't closely monitor his liquids. If he drank a big soda at the movie theater- he would have issues. There were times on vacation especially I'd ask him to wear pullups during the day, just because I knew there could be issues. He was perfectly potty trained, just sometimes he wouldn't know he had to go until it was too late.

It is a pretty sensitive issue, No one wants to be the mom of the kids that wets themselves. Perhaps diapers are the more practical solution. Having been there when my son was in 2nd grade and had to go home 'cos he wet... I might have sent him to school in pull ups too. Instead we went to about 3 urologists until he got some help dealing with it. Partly, my son has ADHD and can get so distracted and busy with what he's doing, he never remembers to go. His ADHD medications help him greatly with that, as did simple maturity and a desire not to embarrass himself. And he did grow out of it, but up until he was around 10, he simply wouldn't wake up to go to the bathroom at night. 15% or so of kids still wet the bed at age 8, it's not like they're doing it on purpose.

smileygirl's picture

I'm glad to see someone has had a similar experience. While I don't personally believe that it's still necessary that he wear diapers as BM does collect SSI for him, based on reports from his school principal (her monther)and his family doctor (her cousin) that he is bi-polar, diagonised at 4yo btw...

Well, enough of mine. I appreciate the information.

For all those that said take custody, we have tried on numerous occasions and it's been a huge waste of what will just have to be diaper or hopefully college funds. They live in a very tiny town in the middle of nowhere that just happens to have the majority of it's funds come from the amount that they take for processing child support payments.

It was laid out to us very bluntly by several officials including judges after BM was declared mentally unfit to care for herself and had the children temp. removed from her home because of child abuse that we would never receive custody of them as long as she was alive and wanted seems tiny redneck towns still believe that no matter what the mother should retain her children.

Thanks for all the input everyone!

k8tie's picture

I just have to comment because my SD7 still has issues at night staying dry. Does he wear pull ups or actual diapers? I would assume its got to be difficult finding diapers in his size unless he is very small for his age. I was also wondering about school. How does the school deal with it. I didnt think schools allowed un-potty trained children that wasnt related to anything medical. I do know how frustrating it can be as I mentioned that my SD7 still wears one at night because she doesnt get up at night to go potty when she has to go. If you need a friend or someone to talk to, please feel free to add me as a friend. Have a wonderful day!


michie22's picture

I understand what you are going through. My SD is 6 and her BM puts pull-ups (or diapers if she's out of pull-ups) on her at night. She tried to claim it as medical but since we get her for every summer, we know it's not true. My husband and I have 'cured' her of this since the age of 3. She never wet with us in tthe summer and the day she would go back she was back in pull ups. Have you tried to take them off again and teach him now that he's older? Remember to be positive because all he hears is that he's not capable and he has issues... I'm sure any kid would continue to wet if they don't have someone telling them they can actually do it. I know it's hard, but you can be that person. As of now, we are wanting to have my SD because it's just not right to do that to a child... does anyone know if that is sufficient enough to do it?

joanie's picture

She collects SSI for him?

Have you called the SS determination board and reported possible fraud?

I believe they take anonymous tips, and what's going on sounds like abuse for financial gain...jmho

joanie's picture

They do indeed. Found this while researching something else, and thought of you.

"In some instances, informants may believe that the disclosure of their identities may create problems or place them in danger. We will protect the identity of complainants to the maximum extent allowed by law and only release your identity to those officials who have a need to know."

"May I Remain Anonymous?

Yes, however, please keep in mind that your decision for anonymity may limit our ability to conduct a complete investigation."

"If you cannot fully complete the form to report fraud, fill in as much information as you can, or call our hotline at 1-800-269-0271 from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time"

unbelieveable's picture

SD's are 6 and 8...they are still in pullups at night....BM makes excuses she has had them tested for diabetes...and all kinds of other things...blood tests - ridiculous things - like she wants to make excuses for her poor parenting skills - she sends them to bed with's ridiculous - that is just sick that they are 10 - you need to records all of these accidents - take it to a lawyer or something this is going to screw this kid up - and YOURS.