Stepson making my life a nightmare
First time posting here and I really just need to know I’m not alone. So here goes:
I have been with my husband for 7 years. I have a 12 year old daughter from a previous relationship and a 2 year old with my husband. Those kids are great! The problem is my 15 year old stepson who’s been trying to drive a wedge between myself and my husband when I first met him at the age of 8. For the first five years he lived with us, he wouldn’t even acknowledge my existence. Seriously. Never spoke to me, etc.
He has limited contact with bio mom, who’s a prostitute and lives on another coast. He came to live with us very damaged and traumatized. I have done everything I can to make sure he has a happy, easy life, but he hates me because I’m not mom. He’s a polite enough kid, does well in school, etc, but refuses to acknowledge me as a kind person or any sort of person at all. I had a miscarriage last week and he told me “you f##king suck” a day after it happened and I lost my cool and told him to go live with his mother then. My husband always takes his side. Stepson is super passive aggressive, rarely comes out of his room, and now says he’s suffering from anxiety because of me. Basically, he sees me as the devil even though I’m the one who just made him a special birthday cake, for him a $50 gift card, etc. His bio mom didn’t even call him on his bday, nor has she ever sent him so much as a card for Christmas, etc.
i beleive he’s angry at his mother, but since I’m around I’m the easy target. I have to be absolutely perfect and I’m sick of it.
It’s gotten so bad I’m ready to throw in the towel and walk away from my marriage. I love my husband dearly, but his son is a problem, always has been and I fear will always be so. It’s gotten so bad I really can’t stand the sight or sound of him.
Anyone else have a super damaged traumatized passive aggressive sneaky & manipulative step kid? How do you handle it when the abuse you’re receiving is just because you’re a step parent? I feel it is just so unfair when I’ve spent years bending over backward for the poor kid and all I get is passive aggressive cold & rudeness. He’s also super spoiled- his dad has given him an iPhone, new Mac book, keyboard, whatever video game he wants, etc, as a way to make up for his bio mom being a crack whore. Yet he claims his life is miserable.
I am also no saint in the situation! Over the years I have been pushed to my breaking point and have said really terrible things to him out of hurt, anger & frustration. He knows exactly how to push my buttons so I blow up and then he can play victim. But yes, I’ve said things I’m ashamed of and hate myself for doing so. Been in therapy for years, and we’ve had stretches of normalcy- I’m more informed & knowledgeable about the stepson’s life & school than his father is. But whenever the stepson gets in a pissy mood then it’s all my fault. Sick of living my life this way!!!! I am *this close* to calling a divorce attorney. I love my stepson and wish him the best, but just don’t see any way I can continue to live with him & function sanely. At this point, i
Cut me off...
what I wanted to say is that while I wish my stepson the best, currently I have really unkind feelings about him & want his negativity out of my life.
Your husband is the real
Your husband is the real problem here. He's created an entitled victim in his son, someone who believes he can mistreat others because he's a poor victim whose mother has abandoned him. Instead of creating gratitude in his son for what you've been willing to do for him, he's allowed his son to have too much power and thereby created a narcissist.
He should have been disciplining his son and reminding him regularly that he should be appreciative that you are willing to step in where his loser mother has dropped the ball.
If you plan to stay in the marriage, stop doing anything for this kid, let your DH handle it all, he's created this monster. You can be civil to him, but certainly no more than that.
make it like this kid is dead. Don’t talk to him, don’t do anything for him. Cook, wash, clean, don’t take him anywhere, none of your money goes to SS. No babysitting of him, No going on vacation with him. It’s your DH kid let him deal with him.
OK... First off - I'm really sorry to hear about your miscarriage. I've never had one, so I don't know what it feels like. But I can imagine it leaves you feeling very raw.
I do agree with Curious Georgetta about the fact that this kid needs therapy and whether the kid IS powerless or not, the kid certainly probably feels powerless. From an SM's perspective, it doesn't feel like the kid is powerless, but in reality they don't have the power to go and live elsewhere and really him going to live with his drug-addled prostitute mother is not an option and is a cruel thing to say. The miscarriage might be a reason why your nerves were frayed, but it's not an excuse to talk to a minor child in that way - or really anyone - in that way.
That's not excusing the way that he talks to you or treats you in general. But the very fact that this kid didn't speak to an adult in the household in an open, respectful (if perhaps not affectionate) way from the age of 8 should have been a big red flag that this kid needed help. And it should have been a big red flag that dad needed some help with parenting. No way no how do I let my son ignore polite conversation from adults. But sometimes kids need retraining. I was in a CRAP marriage and my ex talked to me in horrible ways and my son learned to talk to me that way, too. My ex probably has aspergers and is from a deeply disfunctional family - he can't teach my son about proper social interaction. But I can. And I have to retrain him after every extended period with my ex. One day it will stick. I do not allow him to talk to me in a rude way or ignore me and neither do I let him talk to my partner that way. My partner will stick up for me, when I'm struggling to get that lesson through and vice versa with his kids. That doesn't mean that we accept bad treatment from each other's kids, we have voices and a responsibility to model good behaviour and boundary setting to all children in our household.
If this kid didn't get the help he needed and if dad didn't get the help he needed to parent well, that's a shame, but you can reach out for help now. And that includes not just helping this kid, but helping you get control of the hurtful things you say. That's no way to live.
Are you suggesting that the
Are you suggesting that the SM put the kid in therapy then? Just like CG’s responses, your reply is putting the onus on the wrong parent. The SP has no legal standing over the child, the BP, however, does.
OP has said her DH always aides with the boy, which gives him power in the dynamic with SM. He might be powerless to choose where he lives at his age, but he’s not powerless when it comes to wrecking drama & chaos within the household.
The person who should be holding this kid accountable, yet is failing to do so, is his father. The person who should be putting him into therapy, and insisting upon respectful behaviour within the house, is his father.
I’m sure OP could have handled herself better than she did in the moment, but that still doesn’t acknowledge the underlying issue that the BP is allowing his sons treatment towards his SM in the first place. You’re looking at the symptom, not the problem.
OP needs to disengage completely from this kid. No more birthday treats, no more special favours, nothing. Put everything back on the appropriate party, and let him deal with any and all issues for his son.
You are absolutely right
You are absolutely right about that - it should be dad doing it. But if he isn't and she wants to continue to live in that household then she'll absolutely have to get him to do it or be ready to walk away. Those are the choices. Whatever happens she has to be prepared to make that decision. It's absolutely not going to resolve on its own.
OP didn't just say a horrible thing in the moment - she admits to saying a lot of horrible things over the years. She can't fix the boy, but she can fix herself. Nobody MAKES you act below your own standards.
At this point, with a teenager, yeah - disengage. Whatever. But he's been there for seven years? Apparently he didn't speak to her at all for the first 5 years but the way she writes she was saying horrible things to him even during this phase - as apparently he's only been speaking to her from the age of 13. ?? I mean that's the way I read the math. Just so he could play the victim?? I mean look, I don't believe kids are angels and kids do start practicing their manipulation skills early on (it's human, but not so nice) but at 8, 9, 10 - you're not playing the victim in a situation like this you ARE the victim.
But just because SS is the victim doesn't mean that SM is the villain. Mom's an addict. Dad's MIA in term's of parenting. And no kid wants a broken home. SM's only real responsibility is to not add to the trauma.
Ok, so how is your judgement
Ok, so how is your judgement helping OP? Or anyone who finds themselves in this situation?
Nobody in this situation has been perfect. I don’t agree that the only other alternative to the father getting this kid therapy is divorce. Disengagement puts the responsibility back on the appropriate party, and it’s possible that could be enough of an eye opener for dad to get his kid some help.
Should this have happened sooner? For sure, but it didn’t. Lots of people find themselves in situations they don’t know how to handle & end up making a bunch of mistakes before they learn to deal with it appropriately.
It’s really easy to sit on your high horse & judge someone because they didn’t do things the way you would have. I agree with you she could hanve handled things differently. But guess what, so could her husband.
If he’d had appropriate boundaries for his kid from the getgo, the outbursts might never have happened in the first place.
Does blaming OP’s DH help OP at all? Nope. But offering a constructive solution like disengagement might actually help. And you’re right, this situation might lead to divorce eventually, but I don’t see why it needs to be the only alternative.
OP can’t force her DH to get this kid into counselling anymore than I can force my DH to do things the way I’d do them if I was the parent. She can’t control him, but she can control herself. Hence, disengagement.
High horse? OP's the one
High horse? OP's the one talking divorce here.
Disengagement from a minor child who lives full time in your household is NEVER a constructive solution to family life. Sometimes it's just the least worse alternative.
And sometimes it forces the
And sometimes it forces the parent to see what’s actually going on, which leads to a constructive solution to the issues at hand...
"Anyone else have a super
"Anyone else have a super damaged traumatized passive aggressive sneaky & manipulative step kid? How do you handle it when the abuse you’re receiving is just because you’re a step parent?"
*raises hand* Yes i do, though I came into the situation when he was in his late 20's and as of now I don't have to deal with him 24/7. There was a spell where he lived with us on and off for a few months and that was sheer h*ll. He is grown but it's still difficult and impacts DH and I's relationship.
It's good that you're in counseling. You need someone to help keep your sanity intact. The posters stating that this is a DH problem are absolutely correct. I used to think the skid issues were all ss33's fault but it's really because DH has and continues to enable a grown man. In your case ss is still a child and is not being parented at all. It's terrible that you are the one who is dealing with the fallout of DH's poor choice of who he procreated with. I hope you can find ways to disengage from the situation and let DH fully deal with the lovely young man he fathered.
I don’t think OP can take SS
For any medical treatment. The law looks at her as a person off the street, with both BM and BF alive I don’t think even if given medical rights for SS. It would not cover the treatment he needs.
Op, i’m in a similar situation to you
been married 4 yrs, ss was 15 when i married his dad, we had a daughter a year after the wedding snd a son 16.5 months later. Ss has not had a conversation with me in years. If you wanna call the mumbled apology hubby forcibly make him do mid last year while he grinned throughout a conversation then so be it. Me and hubbys 2 kids (his half siblings) he doesn’r acknowledge until daddy is home and inlaws so he can play nice nice but inlaws see right through his fake attention on my kids because my kids give him the awkward stare.
last year i told hubby i was done with his kids. Being treated like shit, being emotionally abused on purpose because thats a narcissists power of choice, being told by my husband to be patient for a little arsehole and its 4 years and no change. I laid it back on hubby “how dare you put me in this situation and you’re only answer is be patient and accept more of this crap.
i told hubby i was done, wanted a divorce as this was ridiculous and he enabled this behaviour to continue, he was allowing his son to emotionally abuse us including his half siblings and even emotionally abused his dad, manipulated and guilted him, thats just disrespect.
hubby told me he needed help, that he didn’t know how to manage this anymore so i told him that everytime he felt like caving into the bullshit and re-enabling sa behaviour out of guilt and out of fear of upsetting him, that this should reassure him ss needed to be brought in line and show basic respect. Everytime he behaved this way and was rude and emotionally abusing others that it needed to stop
at that point i told hubby i had enough and it was upto hubby what he wanted to do with his son but I wouldn’t care anymore. I’m done with him and if he genuinely apologised, i feel the irreparable damage has already been done, behaviour like this and when you emotionally abuse your own half siblings and enjoying/thriving on it when you should be an example to them, rarely changes.
i’ve removed myself out. I go about my day, worry about my kids, and do my thing. I don’t go out of my way for ss. Hubby knows as i have told him i will not attend and holidays with skids because they all have that same character to different degrees...
disengagement seems the only sane thing to do. I have reminded hubby that what ss has done, i doubt any of our kids will want to pursue a relationship with him and they won’t see him as a brother but rather a stranger...
my ss aged 17 told his uncle that it was my job to raise kids, look after the home and hold the baby all the time. Hubby was holding our then 5 week old daughter.
my amazing bil (recently retired army man) pointed his finger to hubby and told ss “see this is not only a womans job but a mans job too, dads are responsible for parenting and nurturing their kids”
in my case ss had never been nurtured by bm, had been tortured by her but never proven as he and his sisters wouldn’t admit anything but the clear signs are all there... bm abandoned him 6 years ago and disappeared. At times i feel he resents me because I actually nurture my kids but thats not my fault, he refuses to address this with his bio mum
Even if he does have genuine
Even if he does have genuine issues, he can't use that as an excuse to be a cunt and treat people like dirt, especially when they do their best for him. He's more than old enough to understand basic social conduct and what is a good or bad way to treat another person. I've just lost a longtime friend because she has this attitude and couldn't take her bullshit any more. There comes a point when you need to let go of your past issues and move on. If he carries on like this he will end up a very bitter and lonely adult. Maybe get him into counselling?
I think you and your husband
I think you and your husband need to go to counseling so that you can learn to be on the same page! It isn’t fair that he is always taking your SS side when he’s clearly disrespecting you in your home. He’s being rewarded and that behavior will never end that way! I’d be putting my foot down with your SS and definitely your husband.