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Struggling on how to handle the next step of this soap opera

Jackielynn2000's picture

Hi again. Thanks all for ur feedback as this is one place I truly feel like people just get it...


I'm struggling here because deep down im a very very forgiving loving person. Sometimes its really hard for me to be mean. I've been angry for a long time because of my 2 teen stepdaughters and all the chaos they have caused within my marriage and within the in laws. They have had false cps allegations and had made up stories to in laws that have caused permanent damage to the family. Sounds strange but my MIL FIL SIL AND BIL have all moved 1000 miles away. All of them used to be very involved in sds lives-every party and event we have thrown they have joined. I've been around almost 11 years and have been very involved from the start...up until I got pregnant.


No one admits its because of the baby but the timing is spot on. Anyway after 5 years of on and off blocking(both girls on and off), taking turns belittling and disrespecting their dad and I, years of refusal to visit and refusal to talk or even go to counseling-idk WHY I'm considering trying again but I think apart of me feels it maybe good for my husband's mental health and maybe for my healing. I've been going to therapy myself because I feel bm found a way to get super close to me-like best friends who say I love you-& getting the girls that way too. I truly felt I was another parent of theirs and I enjoyed it. Getting it wripped away and have them turn on us is something I'm still trying to heal from....

But now I have a 2.5 year old who is most precious most beautiful most everything! Shes the light of our life. My dh is such an amazing dad and im so so blessed. Words can't even describe. My love for my sds as kids doesn't even compare.


Sd16 went to lunch with us about 6 weeks ago. First time I've seen her in 3 years since she claimed abuse. Every time my dh has tried to bring up talking about the past it gets shut down. But I need conversation to trust again. I told my dh I'd go to occasional lunches


With our dd(i know thats a big step to invite ours) but I will not agree for them to just pop over whenever(sd16 drives and got a new car) or sleep over until there's some resolution and I feel comfortable. 


For so long I never thought about myself but now with my own dd life is so different and I will protect her from any old family chaos.


Sd14 asked to come to my family's side on Easter. I was shocked...we haven't even seen or spoken to her since last Aug and now since she has no family on her moms side she wants to come... no thats awkward. And maybe I sound judgmental but she dresses like a stripper and her makeup and hair is like a drag queen.(she came outside when we dropped off sd16 after lunch 6 weeks ago) Even my dh said he would be so embarassed.


Dh and bm have had each other blocked for years.


Bm has recently asked me if we could do baby steps and do a zoom with her girls and my dd. I said ok but now I'm thinking-why arnt they repairing their relationship with their dad?

Bm says they really want to know their sister.

Like I said before I have this super forgiving nature and I want to hope its sincere. Idk. 

Survivingstephell's picture

Why on  Earth are you bff with BM?  She has brought up TWO stepdaughter that hate their father, refuse to make amends for the drama they caused and you are having second thoughts.  Would you choose having your little one  turned into a battering ram against her father?  What pisdible good can come from this situation right now ?  Let's say this is a long range plan on BM's part.  Why the vengeance towards DH?   

I have an our's child with DH. I also had a BM try some games with me including the child.  I caught on to her evil ways quickly.  An ex spouse/partner has no business inserting themselves into the new family.   You already have drama. Why invite more?   

Jackielynn2000's picture

I know trust me im very hesitant. She keeps saying such nice things and I guess I'm hoping  It's sincere. Then SD14 was writing to us saying how much she loves us and misses us and I don't know maybe I'm too soft. I haven't decided anything yet I am still very much hesitant but they're also as a part of me that wishes things could be solved and not separated forever.

Kaylee's picture

Yeah I agree.

Don't do this to yourself. Never mind your husband's mental health - what about yours??

Lastly you MUST protect your little daughter. Your SDs have shown you repeatedly that they can't be trusted one bit. Imagine if they called CPS on you again, for vengeance?  THINK ABOUT YOUR OWN DAUGHTER AND STAY STRONG ON THIS.

Jackielynn2000's picture

Oh trust me on that one. I refuse to have alone visits or let either back at our house. I said maybe meet at a park or do lunch again but it's not that easy. Sd14 said she hated family counseling when she was little(didnt go with us so she must have gone with stepdad and mom) & asked if there was anyway we could get past the hurt and move on without counseling. She says she stopped visiting because we wouldn't let her sister come over(she came for over 2 years alone so strange she suddenly decided it was "wrong" what we were doing. I did ask sd16 not to come over but thats because of her disrespectful behavior! Then she blocked us for for ever and suddenly misses her dad again...

Survivingstephell's picture

It might do you some good to google what healthy relationships and people look like.   After the SHTF I did just for clarity.  

Jackielynn2000's picture

Whats SHTF stand for? I understand im too soft and can easily forgive. Its a weakness of mine.

Harry's picture

Who reported you to CPS a second chance.  They kinda burned there bridge .  They whould have to do something.  Not just talk. Going to family counseling for start to get the issue worked out 

Jackielynn2000's picture

Exactly. But the thing is sd16 is told by her mom -who is her only friend(not trying to be mean but shes told my dh for years now she has no friends) on what shes supposed to do. Even my counselor told me there's alot of loyalty in the house and until they are independent adults that I shouldn't expect anything different. Bm wants to be in full control so of course she would never encourage counseling. Im sure she pushed her to tell the cps case worker how abusive I am too. I had to request the full report and it was 5 pages of complete bs!

I actually love this support website because it helps me remember what I'm dealing with. So thank you...for bringing me back to reality. 

Jackielynn2000's picture

She won't go to family counseling. She won't talk to my dh about it either. She hasn't apologized. My avoider of a husband is ok with occasional lunches. I wish he spoke up more but theres something about him that makes him fear of loss. Idk what it is. Its like he's perfectly fine just not dealing or confronting because its just easier...I think??

JRI's picture

I get the impression that you are seeing this as an either/or situation.  Either maintain total distance from the girls, or return to your former close relationship.  You and we know you can't return to the former relationship given the rightful distrust you feel, especially the CPS call.  But its also unrealistic to be completely cut off from them since they are DH's children and will be in your life as long as you are with DH.

For the time being, I would encourage DH to see them outside the home.  See how that goes for awhile.  Then perhaps have them at the house for some type of occasion, like a birthday or Thanksgiving.  See how that goes.  I'd be polite and civil while you assess things.  I know it would be nice to hear an apology but I never believe those anyway since I only value what people do.  So if it were me, I'd let that go.

My goal would be a livable relationship with these people who are DH's children.  I wouldnt look for any love from them and I'd always watch my back.  I would totally disregard BM's overtures altho I"d be polite to her, too.  I would ignote all the talk about wanting to interact with your DD.  If the girls act right during the birthday or Thanksgiving visits, they will get to see her then.

Honestly, with the age differences, even in the best scenario, there wont be much of a relationship between all 3 kids, take it from me, I'm much older than my siblings.

Take the long view.  Good luck

Jackielynn2000's picture

Thank you for responding. Id be shocked if either apologized or agreed to counseling...because then they would have to self reflect and take some responsibility. In their minds (bms mind) they did nothing wrong. I think sometimes I have some type of hope because of how wonderful it used to be. Sometimes I see older siblings out in public with baby siblings and wonder how that would be for my daughter to experience that love. But trust is gone. Life is different. 


Bm has a sibling 14 years younger than her(my age, 35) and says she loves her so much and couldn't imagine life without her. Would love her kids to know my dh blah blah blah. But makes zero sense if they have no true desire to make amends with us(dh and i) her parents.


If bm asks about zoom again ill tell her that the girls need to figure out a relationship with their dad and I first. Sd14 hasn't even spoken to us since Aug (except randomly asking to go to easter with us a week ago)...

JRI's picture

I am 8 years older than brother #1, 10 years older than my sister and 17 years older than brother #2.  We dont have family dissension or issues but sadly I have had very little relationship with any of them due to the age disparity.  So I am skeptical about BM"s story altho I hope it's true.  As an older adult (77), who is overseeing my.99yo mom's care, I have more interaction with them than I've ever had but skeptic that I am, it's probably because I'll be administering the estate.   It's a nice illusion that your DD could have 2 doting older sisters but don't hold your breath.

Exjuliemccoy's picture

None of the adults involved in your situation seem to understand the need for or respect healthy boundaries. There's an H who's fine with hiding behind your skirts, one of those faux-nice BMs who keeps trying to drag you back into what is honestly none of your business, and sweet people pleaser you who doesn't know what her role is/isn't or how to say NO.

Because these parents have no boundaries, because both seem to use you as a go between, and because BM wants to involve your your bio child, you simply MUST step back. The core problem is between a father and his older daughters - they need to work that out before access to you or your daughter should be considered. You need to stay out of their poo, which means disengaging completely. Stop overfunctioning for your H, stop allowing BM to drag you into their coparenting relationship. STOP COMMUNICATING WITH BM, PERIOD! THAT'S YOUR H's JOB! Create space so they can figure things out for themselves (or not; that's their perogative). 

Your role is to be a good parent to your daughter and a loving wife. Period. Dot. That's it. Accept that you can't trust the judgement of either your H or BM, protect your daughter from the toxicity of the SDs, and do whatever it takes to keep THEIR nonsense out of YOUR life.

Winterglow's picture

You're not being objective about this at all. You want all this to be rosy and happy but you have a pair of SDs who called CPS on you ... why would you want to forgive that? You do realize that if they pulled that stunt again, you'd risk losing your daughter? IMO, they've burned their bridges. 

Your DH blocked BM years ago and you should have done the same. It is not your job to keep up the communication in their couple. Block her indefinitely and let her talk to your DH if she has something to say. If it's important, she'll find a way. 

The zoom meeting should be off the table. Your SDs showed their true colours in the past and do not deserve to "meet" their half-sister. 

They won't go to counselling? Won't apologize or make up? Not your problem. You hold the cards here - you have something they want so if they want it badly enough they will follow the rules that your DH has set out, otherwise no deal. I'd also stop going to any more meals with them - it's your DH's problem to solve, your presence might just be complicating things.

You say you want to help patch things up but has your DH asked you for any help? Why do you think that you're the one to do the patching? Remember that the line between being loving and forgiving and being a pushovr/doormat is very, very fine. Also, you are afraid of coming across as being mean ... having boundaries and respecting them is not being mean, it's totally normal and boundaries are designed to protect and be respected. If you don't have boundaries, people will walk all over you. 

I highly recommend blocking BM and SDs and taking a huge step back so that your DH can deal with them on his terms. 

ESMOD's picture

I will be quite blunt.  There is likely ZERO real chance that a 14 yo and a 16 yo want to bond with a 2.5 month old child.  

There is something very wrong with this picture to me and you need to stop being so nice about it all.  

BM doesn't want to be your friend.  Her girls don't want to bond with their sister.

At best this is a ploy to get you and your DH roped in so they get more materialistic gifts and money.. at worst this is an attempt to sow seeds of discontent and drama in your toddler's life.

First order of business... they repair and maintain a relationship with their FATHER.

Second, they have meaningful efforts to repair and acknowledge the issues that occured in the past so that they can repair a relationship with you.

Then.. and only then.. when they are allowed to resume visitation do you begin to introduce them as part of the family to your baby.. NOT before.  

A Zoom meeting witha toddler? what in the crazy plan is that.. what toddler wants to be on a zoom call with two people they don't know?  that is stupid.

Jackielynn2000's picture

I totally agree. Thank you for commenting. It's hard for me because I don't have anyone to talk to about this and my husband is the king of avoiders and I feel like he literally will just go with most of the things I say  Or just do nothing at all and it drives me crazy. He is and he is an amazing dad to our daughter and we have a very normal calm life. I don't want any more drama invited and feel stupid for being so easily manipulate that period anyway my my husband did tell S you 16 that I need family counseling because I do not feel comfortable with either of them in my house because of all the trust that is lost. She kept saying that it was 5 years ago and that I'm dramatic and I need to get over it. The CPS thing was actually 2 years ago But all the big drama started when I got pregnant about 4 years ago. So she just added on 3 years and called me a dramatic. I do not think it's dramatic to have to hire a lawyer because I don't want any background of child abuse especially when I am a nurse. SD16 then went on saying that everything is about me and her and her sister came along before me and D blah blah blah blah it's pretty clear how jealous she is and pretty clear how angry she is but when I saw her at lunch maybe 2 months ago or so she was really nice to me. I guess it's good to know now that it was just fake behavior like she told me the last time she visited you visited close to 4 years ago . It just seems like she it's like she wants her dad to choose her over me I don't know why you would want to cause conflict in a marriage like that period

Exjuliemccoy's picture

"my husband did tell S you 16 that I need family counseling because I do not feel comfortable with either of them in my house because of all the trust that is lost. She kept saying that it was 5 years ago and that I'm dramatic and I need to get over it."

This is an example of what your H should NOT say, as it makes you both the bad guy and a target for his daughter's venom. Many skids know they can manipulate their bioparents; it's the step parent that thwarts them, and they resent that. So, your H should keep your name out of the covo entirely. The focus should be: Dad loves SD, but she's done some bad, hurtful things that damaged the family. This needs to be addressed as part of rebuilding their relationship, and Dad hopes SD will work with him to move forward. That's it, and he needs to redirect SD every time she tries to drag other stuff into the convo.


Jackielynn2000's picture

I understand wording is so important but I also feel like no matter what stepmom(me) will always be the bad guy snd to blame.

Shes also said several times that I stole her dad away and want him to myself-that I manipulate him and control his every move...I've heard them both say that. I truly think no matter what I'll be to blame. It is what it is. This last time has made me realize its time to finally let go.

Jackielynn2000's picture

Thank you all for bringing me back to reality I don't know why I am so easily sucked into manipulation...

Rags's picture

Forgiveness while putting yourself and your family forward as repeated and willing abuse victims is you abusing yourself, you DH, and your DD. 

Stop that.

Intellect, intellect, intellect. Enough with the feelings. Focus on fixing the problem.  Healing is not the goal, Ending the problem is the goal.


CLove's picture

In my opinion and from my experience, it sounds like they are REALY effed up, in many ways. Theres Parental Alienation with their father (not your problem to solve), then theres the false accusations that could end up getting your child taken away from you (main problem for you to solve) and trying to untangle their level of effed up probably isnt the best use of your time and resources.

WATCH YOUR BACK! Ive trusted in the past and have a back thats got a lot of holes in it.

Ohsoconfused's picture

I totally agree with those who question why a 2.5 yr old needs to be on a zoom call with a couple of teens.  She will no doubt have plenty of years to establish a relationship with them if she chooses once she's old enough, but for now it is entirely up to you to protect her.  Cut their access to a minimum!
I was a stepdaughter and I hated my SM with a passion just because my Dad spent his money on her.  Now to be fair, she was a gold digger but she was always nice to me.  I just had the idea my Dad's money was mine, even though now years later I realise how stupid that notion was. I simply wanted her out of our lives and thank goodness they were too old to reproduce because I probably would've hated that kid!

I only say this because I can totally believe these naive young girls would go to some lengths to try to split you and DH, because so often young people truly don't realise the full implications of pushing too far for what they want.  Their calling CPS on you is full evidence that you should go greyrock on them, if only to protect yourself from more false accusations.

it might be a good idea to drop your self description as a "forgiving" person in this case.  First of all, if someone mugged you, would you seek them out as a friend?  These girls levelled false accusations against you!  The healthy thing to do is just stop trying to make everyone like you.  Friendship with BM is basically betraying your DH, ever look at it that way?

Jackielynn2000's picture

I've never thought of that way because my dh has never expressed that to me but your right , im loyal to him and they clearly hate each other and im trying to be this peace maker. Im truly done this time. I told my dh this. Idk why i keep having these "hopes" things will change or go back to the old ways. Im truly truly done. 

Exjuliemccoy's picture

We all wanted a happy, functional, healthy blended family. However in most cases, we're here because of stuff that predates us and has little to do with us.

The skids blame us, BM blames us, and sometimes even the inlaws blame us. Heck, we blame ourselves. But Jackie, these people are part of a family that failed before you ever met your H. BM and your H screwed their kids up, and you don't have to suffer for that. These people already put you through Hell because you didn't know you had the right to tap out. Well, you do and you should.

There are some things that cause irreparable damage to relationships, things there's just no coming back from. Not because of spite or an unwillingness to forgive, but because we need to protect ourselves and can't unknow what we know. You, your H, and BM all have separate work to do in order to improve your respective situations. Regardless of whether they know this, you do and need to proceed accordingly. Remarriages, especially with kids, still have certain separate obligations no matter how smoothly things go, and you can still have a good marriage without getting involved with your H's stuff. It may not be the fairy tale, but it can be even better because it's based in truth and clarity.

Jackielynn2000's picture

This response made me cry! Thank you. I think I've tried sooo hard to make it something it will never be again. I needed to read this-so thank you.