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Thought I would create a forum on skids on drugs!

Igiveupsotornupinside's picture

Anyone else have issues with a Step Kid that was once a good sweet kid and then completely changed once they turned to drugs? Mine is now an adult, we tried everything and learned you cant help them until they want to help themselves. Mine started turning on us at age 15, it wasn't until she was 17 that we found out it was her drug dealing boyfriend she had since age 15 that we knew nothing about (always lied about where she was). Now due to 4 years of pure hell with her lying, using us for everything and her going from sweet heart to either yelling, crying, complaining, and yes blaming us, we have stopped having her in our life. She wanted it this way, told us she wanted her father and I out of her life, we are apparently too judgmental, wont help her money wise because at 19 she has NEVER had a job and its hard to live without a job. We have too many rules, we called the cops on her too many times for finding drugs and for running away...blah blah blah. I am much happier with out her. I miss the old sweet SD but this drug stuff is horrible. It can turn a person into your worst nightmare and its sad that she doesn't want help but I cant sacrifice the other 3 kids for the one who does not want any help any more.

Long story put into a short one, but thought I would create a forum for anyone who wants to bitch about how horribly drugs can change a person. I swear for 4 years we lived a nightmare, I find myself literally hating all drugs.

Igiveupsotornupinside's picture

Yes we have tried everything under the sun. She had a good life growing up. Honestly I am at the give up point and so is her father, I was just wanting to know if there were others out there that had issues like this. It has been 4 years of battles. Her BM can deal with her now. As harsh as it sounds, I was the parent who did the most talking to her, the most trying to find her help, the most crying...ect. I was the one she constantly hurt and did until I finally walked away. She has really treated me like shit and all she does is lie, which is a common drug users way. So not to be harsh I right now have no interest in helping her anymore, it affected my little bio kids way too much and it put them last for a while and they are who I am on this earth for.

Tried, counseling, interventions more then once with all parents, family members, friends...Ect, calling the cops on her for both running away and stealing our cars, and for drugs, tried everything. I could go on and on. At this point she is 19 and she is living her own life. I can only pray that she is serious that she is not doing drugs due to her pregnancy but she is still flipping out on us up till last week when she asked us to remain out of her life and we finally did, well I finally did. Her dad gave up a while ago, says he is not sacrificing his other three children, one of them my oldest SD and the other 2 are our bios to help one who refuses help and thinks there is nothing wrong with the way she lives. I will also never accept her loser boyfriend no matter what. He has said way too many threatening things and I know his past so he scares the crap out of me. Anyways was more looking to vent with and hear if others had similar situations happen to them.

Thanks for the idea though Smile

TheHatedSD's picture

My ss is smoking pot and possibly doing pills (his bros meds). He is getting kicked out of his very expensive private school and if you ask me has brought nothing but shame on us as a family. Does he care? He doesn’t give a rats a$$, and that pisses me off.  My wife and I really cannot talk with each other about it as she thinks I over react and I think she unreacts. 5 months ago we took everything away from him he literally came home and just went to bed after school because he was board. He told his mom last night that it’s all her fault he is using again because she didn’t test him enough. I’m all for calling the cops and letting them take him off for a night or two but he has a valid point when he said last night « I’m a white kid in a very affluent neighbourhood, they have bigger fish to fry ».  My wife called and got a dr that is going to see him and talk with him about it. He sees no issue with what he is doing and doesn’t see where it’s wrong at all.   I am beyond ashamed of his behavior. He now walks into the room and I just turn around and walk out, I have nothing to say to him and I’m afraid if I start to say something it will blow up into something and I’ll be the one in the pound for the night and not him........... has anyone else ever experienced this before or am I the LoneRanger? How do I handle this child (mind you he will be 16 in 2 weeks)

TheHatedSD's picture

My ss is smoking pot and possibly doing pills (his bros meds). He is getting kicked out of his very expensive private school and if you ask me has brought nothing but shame on us as a family. Does he care? He doesn’t give a rats a$$, and that pisses me off.  My wife and I really cannot talk with each other about it as she thinks I over react and I think she unreacts. 5 months ago we took everything away from him he literally came home and just went to bed after school because he was board. He told his mom last night that it’s all her fault he is using again because she didn’t test him enough. I’m all for calling the cops and letting them take him off for a night or two but he has a valid point when he said last night « I’m a white kid in a very affluent neighbourhood, they have bigger fish to fry ».  My wife called and got a dr that is going to see him and talk with him about it. He sees no issue with what he is doing and doesn’t see where it’s wrong at all.   I am beyond ashamed of his behavior. He now walks into the room and I just turn around and walk out, I have nothing to say to him and I’m afraid if I start to say something it will blow up into something and I’ll be the one in the pound for the night and not him........... has anyone else ever experienced this before or am I the LoneRanger? How do I handle this child (mind you he will be 16 in 2 weeks)