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Toddler for 7 days

Old sm's picture

SD is having a baby#2 soon and she and Baby Daddy want a few days alone with the baby to "adjust" and Baby Daddy doesn't want to take time off work.  They already have a toddler and she has talked DH into keeping the toddler here for a week.  Stupidly, DH has agreed and now HE is the one taking time from his job so the "delicate" couple can adjust to the new child.  What a bunch of morons. I understand keeping the toddler 1-2 days while she delivers and recovers but a week? Prime example of manipulators and enablers. 

I already told DH I'm not taking time from my job and will probably be working extra so babysitting the toddler is 100% on him.  His monkeys, his circus.

When I saw the list of do's and don't's and the schedule SD gave DH, I just shook my head and smirked. Dh can follow it; I personally think she should just be grateful he's sitting for them.  If I have to deal with the boy I'll take care of him MY way and SD can just suck it. 

It's going to be a long week

tryingjusttrying's picture

Just wanted to share my reaction to your post. It made me realize that even after SS (18 yo) is out of the house, there may be years, decades worth of more drama to come. Oof. My heart just sank into my stomach.

I agree that if SD wants your dh to babysit, she should allow him flexibility to care for the toddler in his own way, especially given that she is putting a huge burden on him. A week is not reasonable. Like you say, a few days tops.

CajunMom's picture

BUT your DH accepted the job....not YOU. I would not even think about what to do if the child needs anything. Do not go against the SD's wishes. Let your DH do HIS job. Personally, I'd make myself scarce that week. You've said you'll take on more work. Aside from that, I'd make some solid plans with friends to be out of the house til late evening and be gone all weekend. 

I'm not a betting person but I'd bet money on this one. Your DH will learn his lesson and not volunteer himself for outrageous requests from his daughter.

Jeez...I had two children. One was 2 yrs, 10 months when the second was born. My DH took off a couple of days and then I handled my children. SMH  Apparently, we all did fine. They're well adjusted adults today. And I'm fine, also. LOL