Train wreck
Last night was a train wreck. We went to a Christmas dinner with h friends, suppose to be my friends too but there is this one loud mouth, large n in charge wife. Supposibly her and her h has known h when he was young. I on the other hand have know loud mouth since middle school, acquaintances. The gift giving was suppose the be the other h friends new girl friends idea. They been together on and off awhile because that guy friend of h was getting over his divorce from this physco path whore that left him for another man and she is the sister of the loud mouth large n in charge girl. Ok, large and n charge girl and the new couple live in's are best friends now. It's kinda a screwed up situation. I'm the type of person to where if you're not gonna be together then disappear and start a clean fresh start. In h and my situation we been married and both have 1 kid each. The problem with that is that h has a ex step kid which is his bio daughters sister. That kid is 15 going on 40. She rules the roost at her house. I tried to be nice too her at first but she cut me down and said hurtful things to be and disrespected me to the point she isn't allowed over my house, yeah she pretty made fun of several miscarriages I had. Well getting to the point. She doesn't come over and the Bm and that kid really isn't mentioned. Last night at the party I lost my cool. The large and in charge girl starts talking just like my over bearing MIL. She starts asking my std12 about her sister and mother. Kitchen full of just us females because guys all went out side to look at a stupid money pit race car. This loud mouth was basically stirring the pot with h ex kid getting all personal. I quietly get up and walk outside. Guys are deep into conversation and h looks at me wondering why I'm out there with guys. He starts trying to get what happened out of me because he's pushy. I simply said the conversation. Was distasteful In doors. He wanted more so I said I'm sick and tired of hearing about his ex. So you know I felt embarrass and upset so I walk away. They were in a building so after I shut the door I could hear them talking. My h starts bad mouthing me in there. He thought I walked away. I open back the door and ask for keys to vehicle and he refuses. Soi walk back to the house. Really I just wanted to go home . I sit down inside and he comes In and ask metro come outside and my son follows. He starts jumping on me in the people's yard. I get my purse out of vehicle and start to walk because I just want This to be over . So he wants to look good in front of his friends he agrees to take us home. I myself was gonna get a little down road and call someone to come get me & son. H leaves his daughter and cusses me inside vehicle In front of my son calling me a retarded stupid bitch, ohhh princess bitch. Saying I never loved him. He drops me off and leaves. My son goes to his room confused and shuts door. Keep in mind my son is special needs and child like. I explain to my son best I can. Maybe I should have kept my feelings to myself and let loud mouth disrespect me . I just really had had enough.H wasn't with that woman but less tha 3 years. We been together going on 5 of living together , married over 3. That ex step kid of his I haven't seen since last spring and that was brief, prior to that it was on and off since I seen her. Why is his loudmouth friend trying to push his ex step kid into outlives. I top of that. This party was arranged by the other girl and she requested us all to bring gifts. She had got us and our kids gifts so I felt I had to get them gifts. That's just the way I am. I do not like being left in the cold. I have bought and done the Christmas thing with all his family and friends. Haven't done anything with my family, my friends. My mom may not even have food which is her fault but I haven't worried and put my family first ( h, step, my son) and my h family's do friends. I've tried to be a good wife but lost it because I felt disrespected . Maybe he can go back to his ex and they can raise them girls but oh yeah, his ex remarried. H has a place to go it he came back here and sleeping on couch right now. What the hell do I do?
Another detail I left out.
Another detail I left out. Loud mouth h is h ex brother n law. H should behaving Christmas with his sister . And I don't even bring h sister up but maybe I should to loud mouth.
He bad mouthed you to his
He bad mouthed you to his friends and then cussed you out to your face in front of your kid. What should you do? Divorce his butt.
Why are you subjecting your
Why are you subjecting your son to this shit show? And at Christmas no less. Stop obsessing about that waste of flesh and bone you call a husband and be the mom your son deserves. Really. This stops today.
OMGosh, I'm sorry. I've never
OMGosh, I'm sorry.
I've never understood why the past cannot be the past and a new life has so much promise.
In 36 years my DH and SD cannot move on; they re-live the past every day.
I address it to their face now; but it is so ugly.
He came in last night and
He came in last night and slept on couch without a word. I didn't say anything because his daughter needed to rest. He gets up this morning and gets her up for shower. While she was In shower I asked him if he was going back over to his friends, where the shit broke out. He said yes. I said you mise well get your stuff because he has a vacant house he can go to with a bed he can set up and he can have things here to take. Some how I admit I lost it when he said to my son " your mom" telling him I start all this like drilling in his head I start shit. I was so hurt over the fact he did t defend my honor to his friends. I tump over tree and he throws a Coke at me. I said to where his daughter could hear that he can get back with her mom and be a daddddeee to his ex step kid. So yea we are divorcing. I wouldn't have said that I front of her but I felt his kid was no better than mine. Yeah I did all that I front of princess .
It really is the mans fault .
It really is the mans fault . Seems to me he has been playing two faced. When I confront the problem he goes physco. When skid left and everyone went on their merry way he calls me worried and in love, he don't know what he is gonna do without me. He says don't worry about bills or credit cards he has them. Ha!