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trip to carowinds

robinmm's picture

my fiance's child is 5 yrs kids are 14, 11, and 9..i wanna take mine to carowinds for the day but i dont want my fiance to bring his child cause shes too young to ride the do i explain that to him without sounding like a hateful B*TCH ???

GhostWhoCooksDinner's picture

Will he be going with you? If not, you shouldn't be obligated to take her with you. HIS visitation time is for HIM, not you. If so, he can hang back with her while you and your kids enjoy the rides.

robinmm's picture

no the mom doesnt ever wanna keep her on her time but he made the comment that he wants to go with us..i just dont want his child to rule our trip and we have to stay in the kiddie park all day..

he also says that when we get married that he wants her to live with US fulltime and that he knows his X wont care cause she barely gets their kid problem is my kids spend the nite off often (with grandparents, their dad, and friends)..i have told him that when i dont have my own kids on the weekend why on earth would i want to tend to his..he says he cant make the X get the child if she doesnt want her but why does he think he can make me stay home all the time and tend to her..she's not my child!! am i being selfish by assuming that if i dont have my own kids i shouldnt have his either? please shed some light here!!

Disneyfan's picture

Why are you two getting married? You both have done the right thing by letting the other know your feelings about having SD live with you.

If he's the better parent, the child should be with him full time.

You have reached the point in parenting where you have plenty of free time to do what you want. Expecting you to give that up is wrong.