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Update - pickup horror

notarelative's picture

This is an update to the story of the dad being shot and killed by biomom's husband during pickup.

The grand jury did not charge the shooter.




hereiam's picture

Unreal. The guy was unarmed AND the shooter had every opportunity to retreat into his own home and call the police if he felt threatened; instead he brought out a gun.

Bio dad should have left, instead of playing tug of war with the gun.

Both men were being idiots.

I guess they figured it was self defense because of the bio dad grabbing the barrel of the rifle and struggling for the gun.

Rags's picture

BM is an idiot when it comes to choosing a mate. Neither of these so called men are worth a shit in the brain department.

Sadly, these kids are FUBAR for life over the idiocy of the adults in their lives. Yes, even the dead one.


Based on the short video clip, I agree with the Grand Jury.  The deceased was on the shooter's property and clearly aggressive.  Texas has a very strong history of supporting the rights of property owners to defend themselves and their property.  Bad move by deceased dad.