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Vacation Drama

acn's picture

We are supposed to go to Costa Rica in July for a friend's wedding. DH said that he wanted to take the boys to make it our annual "family"vacation. Do whatever, I don't care one way or another. One thing I said is that he better start communicating with their mother the dates, and also she needs to be there or give a notarized consent for them to get passports and also a consent form for them to get out of the country. This conversation took place in late February early march. I never asked what happened because "not my kids, not my problem" but apparently my husband had just sat on his ass and done nothing.

We had to go and apply for a passport for our son and I guess he realized that he needs to talk to the mother of his older children. So he sent an email to which she hasn't responded. (lately she has given him the silent treatment on all emails sent). Again not my problem - however it becomes my problem when the block of rooms reserved for the wedding with 30% discount is released this Friday(the discount only applies to prepaid rooms). What if she doesn't respond? I am going forward making a reservation for ONE room and too bad so sad.....What would you do????

soverysad's picture


Greenfig's picture

Yeah, this has been an issue at our house too. In fact the BM told BF straight that she will not allow the skid go on 1 week vacation with us to the Grand Canyon. This was 3 weeks after BF emailed her about the dates. Bf is taking her ass back to court for contempt for not letting her go and getting the CO modified that she needs to respond to things by a certain time frame, unless it's a medical emergency. Does your CO say anything about how long do the parents have to respond to issues pertaining custody?

This is probably not the time to figure this out, I am sure, on the brink of vacation. That sounds so frustrating. I agree with soverysad, give DH a warning, before it becomes to late. A vacation in Costa Rica is just to good risking.

soverysad's picture

Your bm gets to decide where you can take vacation in the States? I can see if it is out of the country because she needs to approve passport, etc., but our CO only requires us to let her know when we're going (with 30 days notice) and contact information for where we're staying. We don't need her permission. I doubt you need BMs either.

"That's how women are, aren't they? We want to know that others have been where we've been, who understand our fragile places, and who see our sunsets in the same shades of blue" - Beth Moore

Greenfig's picture

No, we do not need her permission. MY BF talked to his lawyer (he was not clear about these terms) and he was told that she did not need to agree.

The problem is that the current CO does not specify that there is a specific amount of vacation time with each parent. It just says, upon agreement between two parents. BF made a huge mistake agreeing to such CO, since she has shown nothing but being an ass about everything. Even in court.

I think BF was handing her that power for a while, he actually did think that she has the right. I was telling BF to "get in touch with his rights". He is starting to realize that she less power over him than he thinks. I just wish BF would ask more questions from his lawyer. I think BF is even confused over some of the terms such as "physical custody, custodial parent" and such. I got BF a book about custody laws in my state. If it was me, I would read everything I could get my hands on about this stuff. The more info, the better off.

So, BF submitted the petition to have everything written into the CO and we will be going on vacation, regardless.
Lawyer also said that we have legal ground also because she has taken her out of state 3 times this year, including a 10 day trip to Disneyland last month, so she has no grounds for any of this non-sense.

BM seriously thinks that she can actually make those calls, she is in for a surprise. She will not know what hit her.

soverysad's picture

Well, if she thinks she can take her whereever she wants and bf agrees to give her adequate time to do so, she'll look like a controlling ASS in court if she argues this.

"That's how women are, aren't they? We want to know that others have been where we've been, who understand our fragile places, and who see our sunsets in the same shades of blue" - Beth Moore

Greenfig's picture

yeah, I am pretty psyched for this court date. BM does not know what's hurling towards her. I visualize it as a meteorite coming towards the earth, and people happily going about their business.

She is in for a surprise. I think BF finally had a break through in his own understanding too. This BM control was going on way to long. The way to take care of it is to spell out EVERYTHING and leave no room for "interpretation".

I would love to be a fly when she gets served with this. Then again, maybe not.

soverysad's picture


epgr's picture

I wouldnt give him the warning.. jmo.. he had that. I would say you sat on it, now its time to pay for the rooms.. maybe next time you will get off your ass do something before its to late..
not gonna lose the room at a discounted rate, or get stuck with everyone being shoved into one room cuz you are not planning..

I posted somewhere else that my mom said "poor planning on your part does not constitute and emergency on mine" I think it fits this subject well.