viral letter from BM to sm....
I think you know what I am talking about. So Bm sends it to you despite the fact that So and her are still arguing over custody. Even though that effects mostly So it also affects our family unit with our children together. What would you do/say....
For those who don't know:
I fucking hate that
I fucking hate that letter!
If BM sent me that I think I would want to claw her eyes out. LOL
It's weird... I wish we could
It's weird... I wish we could just be civil... And happy... Do us and let her do her and possibly have one birthday party for sks... That might be nice. Up until now there has always been fighting. I guess peace would be nice.
This woman is so full of
This woman is so full of herself if she thinks that anyone cares about her thoughts and emotions in her EX'S new family. This situation just spells disaster. If this woman thinks that she has so much power that she thinks that her blessing counts, then she is delusional.
I told DH from day 1, to make
I told DH from day 1, to make sure his EXW knew I had no interest in being her friend or anything. She is HIS EX and I do not have to deal with her and no interest in it.
It wasn't to be mean but I wanted my life to be without her intrusion. She just showed quickly how crazy she was and thought she could tell HIM and ME what to do.
She told him for awhile because he was stupid, ME nope. She found that out the hard way quickly.
Blah yeah I definitely do not
Blah yeah I definitely do not want to make a best friend out of this. I just want to be left ALONE!! Our situation is a little bit unique in that I provide childcare for sks. So I do end up communicating alot with Bm. I remain guarded until I find out what exactly she expects of this situation! I want peace and the ability to have our own family without a custody battle looming over our heads. It would be nice if cs wasn't being modified every time I turn around aswell.
BM and I always had a pretty
BM and I always had a pretty descent relationship over the years. When the shit hit the fan she became one of my biggest supporters and best friends. We joke now that we belong to an exclusive club the crazy ex h survivor club,
You know my history with
You know my history with BM... What would you do if she sent it to you?
Signed... "God Bless You, and
"God Bless You, and I Love You."
Signed... "God Bless You, and
"God Bless You, and I Love You."
I call bullshit too! Wait
I call bullshit too! Wait until step mom gets sick of daddy daughter looking all incest will the daughter half grown and wanting to cut hand holding to get in the middle or cuddle up next to daddy during movie time, everytime. When step mom decides to disengage because her identity gets stolen and BM clones herself into the step mom because BM couldn't make him happy. Wait until the weird shit starts happening and BM gets her feelings hurt . What the letter sounds like to me is a bi sexual crush the BM has on Her daughters step mother. Sounds like the step mother is just trying to keep it real without the drama. Wait until step mom checks DH text messages out of curiosity one day and BM ask him if he is ok after a fight SM and DH has. Wait until the BM tries to run the house hold from another house hold, can't have two bitches in the same kitchen because it will ruin a recipe.