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Wasted time and money

SMof2Girls's picture

DH and I flew to Florida last night so that he could have his reverse vasectomy surgery today.

They put him out and found a very concerning lump in his testicle. So they couldn't proceed with the surgery.

So we're going home to see a specialist and have a biopsy done.

So much for hopeful happy endings


AlreadyGone's picture

I was just thinking.... divine intervention perhaps?

@OP: Sending prayers your way. Smile

SMof2Girls's picture

I can't stop crying about this. I know I'm overreacting. I just feel like every time I get really hopeful about something finally going our way, it never does.

We've been planning this trip and saving for the procedure for so long now. Sad

And now it's all downward spiral in my head. Not only do I not get the kids of my own, I get to deal with some potential cancer in my husband.

I watched my mother wither away over the course of 10 months when I was 16. It can't possibly be fair for me to go through that again .. right? Sad

kathc's picture


It might be nothing. Try not to worry until you know for sure.

This doesn't necessarily mean you'll never have your own kids, please try to keep positive.

BSgoinon's picture

Prayers to you both. Keep your chin up, this could have saved his life. And you never know what wonderful things are in store for you and DH in the future. (((SM)))

thinkthrice's picture

It's good they caught it!!! Now they can combat it instead of it getting worse and you not knowing! Baby Steps!!

SMof2Girls's picture

I know you're right. I truly am trying to find the upside in all of it.

It's so crushing because we never even imagined this possibility. We came here to start a journey into the next chapter of our lives together. Not to be blindsided by a completely different problem, know what I mean?

SMof2Girls's picture

Thank you all.

Don't get me wrong, I'm glad we found it (whatever it is) early. If this means his life has been spared/prolonged, then yes, it is absolutely a blessing.

Regardless of the outcome regarding the lump, any plans for a reverse vasectomy are severely delayed. Insurance does not cover this procedure and we've lost both the deposit, travel funds, and a portion of the bill (they did put him under and incur cost for personnel, supplies, etc). We don't just have this money lying around to pick up and try again in a month or two; especially not with DH's court battle looming in the near future.

We flew to FL because the doctor here has a dedicated practice to JUST this procedure .. he's been doing it for 30 years, has a fantastic success rate, and charges less money overall because he doesn't offer a full service urology practice. He retires at the end of the month. So we'll be in search of an all new doctor, who will most likely cost significantly more.

It's just easier to not be hopeful. So much harder to be disappointed that way.