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wedding $

sandyteetee's picture

my husband has two daughters that are both getting married, one in june the other in july....very unfair to anyone attending both weddings, but I can't say anthing...anyway...i just received money from the sale of my house from a former marriage.....only 12,000 but my husband proceeded to give 5,000 to both daughters for their weddings....i have never got a thank you or anything from them.....this money was meant for ME to pay my bills off, but my husband was in a bind and I did tell him to take it.(not without an argument).....How do I let THEM know this money was actually from me????

not2sureimsaneanymore's picture

What? What sort of bind was he in that he had to take YOUR money to go towards something BOT for your household? He should go pick up a part time job or something if he wanted to give his daughters some money. Geez.

Icansorelate's picture

How in the hell did your husband get his hands on your money?

Forget the SDs they will never thank you. Tell your DH in no uncertain terms he now owes you 10 grand plus interest. He can start paying it off on June 1.

Icansorelate's picture

How in the hell did your husband get his hands on your money?

Forget the SDs they will never thank you. Tell your DH in no uncertain terms he now owes you 10 grand plus interest. He can start paying it off on June 1.

Cover1W's picture

How did he get the money?
Wait a gave it to him?

You are outta luck.
And you will not get a thanks.

Journey Perez's picture

don't hold your breath waiting for a thank you. As far as his daughters are concerned, their dad gave them that money. I doubt they will feel any obligation to thank you if they were to discover it came from you. You were definitely too nice in this instance. I'm afraid you are SOL. sorry sweetie.

TexasPickles's picture

You might as well have lit that five grand on fire. So sorry but I think that you are setting yourself up for disappointment if you think the SDs will care where the money came from. Daddy scored it for them and that's what counts. No one is going to care that you are hurt and clearly that includes your DH. At this point I'd write the entire experience off as a very expensive lesson. And don't give them any more of that house money!

Indigo's picture

Money intended to benefit your children and pay your own bills and you gave it away?

Where do I stand in line?

notasm3's picture

I'm sorry but are you brain damaged? No sane person agrees to give thousands of dollars to assholes.

robin333's picture

Wow, sigh, gulp of wine. I'm sorry, you did this when you told him to take it. Side note- I will disagree with Sueu here (no offense). Your DH is an as*hole for taking it despite your consent. What self respecting man takes money from his partner that the partner needs?

I doubt you will ever get a thank you or any other acknowledgement from SD'S. Their father is a user and raised them to be the same.

Why do you feel that you have to do things detrimental to yourself in the name of a relationship? Don't you deserve better?

robin333's picture

I was only disagreeing with you about the DH being an as*hole. I do think it reflects on his character, or lack thereof, that he took the money.

I'm sure it doesn't do much good to rag on the men for what women allow them to do (I am guilty as well). So why do women allow this and complain about it? I'm sure you are probably more perceptive than me about that. I wanted to have OP think about why she agreed to this and what it says about her DH. But you are right, it comes down to self respect, no disagreement there.

Amcc13's picture

Well you did give it to him but it sounds like a lot of duress was involved where he argued for it till he got it.
Before I could make further advice could we get some further info ;
- what bind was he in? They didn't Spring the wedding on him by surprise, he knew they were coming and could of saved
- how much did you say he could take?
- did he tell him where it came from and who it came from
- what is he going to do to help you pay down the bills that you have now got after you helped him out of this bind ?

Look if he said he was 1000 short to give them both 5k of his own money and he would work overtime to help you pay down a similar bill value, I would prob grit my teeth and bear it. But you made 12k and it seems like 10k has been taken for these girls who do not like you and there is a strong possibility you will not be invited to the wedding- what will you do if you are not invited to wedding and you paid for both????

I would suggest keeping things separate from now on in terms of finance so that something like this can't happen again. I don't think you will be getting any thank you from either cause money came via dad so he could look like a hero. You could tell the sd X 2 the truth and see how they will act now but I wouldn't hold my breath

This is potentially not the sd fault- all they may see and know is money from dad - your husband tho, he needs a lesson in taking care of his wife and he can either pay you back the money or help you pay off the debt the money is for- his choice

Rags's picture

You just tell them. Straight up. "The money for your weddings is my money. I did it for your father but make no mistake in recognizing that "I" am the one that is helping to fund your wedding celebrations."

Be clear, be confident, be direct.

Any time they get snarky going forward drop a "You can pay back my wedding money any time you like. Keep up that attitude and I will put you in collections." Have fun rubbing their toxic noses in it. I would. }:)

Stepped in what momma's picture

LOL, BeAccountable- that is funny! This is the first forum I have ever joined and I find it interesting how you get to know (as much as you can know from the internet) peoples personalities.

Teas83's picture

If you let him talk you into giving him the money, I'm not sure how you can be upset about it. There is no way I will ever contribute my own money towards anything big for SD, like weddings or college tuition, and my husband knows this and understands it.

still learning's picture

"How do I let THEM know this money was actually from me????"

OP, you just told the internet that the $$$ was from you so tell them too. BTW that was a terrible financial decision to give $10,000 of your personal money towards SD's weddings. Wow. You really think your husband that gets in such "binds" and is so willing to spend YOUR $$$ without even acknowledging it was from you is going to pay you back?!

Keep dreaming honey.