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Well it happened as I thought it would

AmIWicked's picture

My husband's ex DID get the information on
She signed in RIGHT before her time, just in time to see that the youngest was going to be at cheerleading practice. However, in her apparent rush, she must have thought that ALL THREE kids were going to be at a different location at her pick up time.

So, with my husband not home, the other two older kids waiting to be picked up, the pickup time came and went. The two older kids asked me,"where's mom? did she say she would be late?"
I logged onto the site and saw that she had just been on(it shows when last log on was). So I told the two older kids that their mom must have chosen to go get the youngest first and then come get them at our house, just not telling us that's what she chose to do.

Fifteen minutes after pick up time, the house phone rings. I answer it. It is her screaming at me on the phone something like, "don't tell me the kids are there with you" I hung up on her and called my husband. He didn't answer and I left a message.

I turned to the kids and the oldest asked, "So you aren't allowed to talk to mom on the phone?"
I answered, "The court order that just went through states that your mom and dad must use for all non emergency communication."
"So mom and dad can't even text anymore?"

Then we hear a loud unending HONK outside. I open the door and see it's her. I turn back inside and tell the kids to get their stuff it's their mom. The unending HONK is still going on. I yell over the HONK, "The honk is not necessary, please stop. The kids are on their way out." I close the door behind me and the HONK stops. The kids go out.

Then my husband calls back. He said he got a voicemail from her he hasn't listened to. And I explained the situation. He said we will just record it and document.

Exactly what I thought would happen! She didn't check it in time and problems happen.

SAHsigh's picture

Sounds enormously stressful. Also sounds like you did the right thing.

I find myself warning my partner that this stuff will happen. And then, when it does, I regret that it's happened...

Hopefully this will be the last stupid thing you have to deal with for some time to come.

EvilWickedSM's picture

You did the right thing. Hopefully it will only take one time of her being inconvenienced by her lack of following basic instructions before she learns to be a little more careful regarding accessing the program in a timely manner.