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What am I supposed to do about BM's new "tricks?" Please help?

MarriedwithChild's picture

Okay, those of you who know me somewhat might remember my post last week about the BM all of a sudden becoming "cozy" after finding out that I am pregnant.

Well, my intuition was right-on, let me tell you! First, we had the loser BM's "calls" under control for awhile. It was ALL the time something until my DH put his foot down and the psycho X from Tex got the message...or so I thought...

I had a prenatal Dr.'s appointment yesterday at 10AM. Guess what?! The BM CALLS HERE at 9:30!!! wtf BM had "gotten" SS5 to "make the call to my DH (this is important, SS5 NEVER calls his dad, never) so I am standing there thinking, "OH F-ing great, the psycho has found yet another way in again to this house, WTF does she use her son like a biological weapon?!" So, the BM has figured out that she can use ss5 now to get to my DH- WTH

I know many of you are going to say, "What's wrong with his son calling him?" I UNDERSTAND. You would have to understand the siutuation though. BM has used EVERY method in the last two weeks to get to my DH- everything from "inviting" him in to her home to calls to my home now (this had been stopped and communication was only on exchanges) to trying to PUSH her "baby" things on DH, not me mind you- and no way in hades would I accept anyway.

So, what can I do about her "new" moves? WTH is BM doing all of this crap? WTH does she use the kid as a weapon towards my dh? I seem to be the only one who can "see" this...besides my mom. DH seems to be "eating" it up.? Sad

Advice, help...please?! Thanks!!!

stepmasochist's picture

I'm not sure I understand what the problem is? How is she using SS5 as a weapon? Is she having him call everyday so she can talk to DH? She tried to give ya'll baby stuff? She invited him into her home?

I don't know if you didn't communicate it well that what she's doing is a problem, but it doesn't really sound like that big a deal. Maybe I'm not getting it here.

soverysad's picture

I do understand. Wingnut used to do all these things as well. It is like they make last ditch efforts to "win" the guy back. Sometimes I actually think Wingnut thinks they're still happily married and that someday she will move back into this house with him. If SS calls, there isn't anything you can do about it, but if BM then gets on the phone dh needs to cut her off and hang up. And if ss calls and you're at an appointment, he'll have to call ss back.

"God is great, beer is good, and people are crazy" and you can't change crazy!!

MarriedwithChild's picture

humbersidegal - soversad...EXACTLY what you have said. I'm trying my best to let it just "fly" over but you know, it gets on your last nerve sometimes. I'm trying to figure out how she knows so much info? I don't think she is a psychic or anything. I noticed on her FB profile that she by accident, unblocked, she is RANTING on and on about INSOMINIA?!!! Huh??? Not to mention writing to the dh's "in-laws" all of a sudden about ss5, out of the blue of course. What a nut!!! I'm gonna see how the new drop-off at dh's work pans out this Friday (instead of her home) I'll park accross the street and see if she shows up early, goes inside to dh like HIS wife again- etc...I'm afraid that is what is going to happen but I have to see/ know. What would you do? I'm thinking about pulling up right behind her if she does this and going in too???

soverysad's picture

I think that is a great idea. Go inside and say "oh, hello bm, I came to surprise my husband at work." Wingnut tries to befriend all our neighbors when they go into the grocery store shopping (she works there and she used to live here so she recognizes them). They all think she is a retard (and I do not mean that offensively to those with mental health deficiencies), but she thinks they're all good friends.

"God is great, beer is good, and people are crazy" and you can't change crazy!!

MarriedwithChild's picture

Same crap here too- befriending everybody!!! Yes, it is time for me to make my mark as they say. This nut has to be put down.

MarriedwithChild's picture

LMAO- I thought about that "comment" as soon as it went thru- "must be put down" some sick dog w/ mange or something. (If you saw her pic though you might concur, seriously.)

She is bitching on her FB about insominia? wth ? That's a first...

MarriedwithChild's picture

Stepmadness- You have me curious here.To what extent is the BM going to? Does she go out of her way also to "befriend" everybody in town too? What have you done? Curious...

MarriedwithChild's picture

I see what you are saying. The problem here is status quo at the moment. BM has the better neighborhood, already made a lot of connections, the local gym, yatta yatta yatta...the pool. You get me. BUT she acts like a charity case lately because she is too lazy at age 40 to make a life of her own, even w/ a kid.

I suppose I could get up the nerve and go to these places even though she has tried to ruin my name here with everybody. (for zero reason too) It's not looks or education- those are both in my favor?

soverysad's picture

I've found that most people are pretty smart and they catch on really fast that when someone intentionally continues to "try" to ruin someone. They may placate because it isn't worth the argument, but I've found that every person (except maybe some of her lifelong minions) she has tried to turn against dh and I has seen right through her. She actually told the neighbors here the following (before we moved in)

dh is bipolar and they should lock their children in the house if they ever see him because he is very dangerous (she had this conversation with neighbor across the street. after living here for 2 1/2 years this was her first contact with this woman)
dh is abusive and not allowed to see his daughter
dh left her with no money

Now - at the time she was living in a beautiful neighborhood in a 3,000 sq. ft. house with no job and a giant luxury suv - yeh, he left her with no money. These are working people, they saw through that immediately. Also, before dh left, they NEVER saw wingnut. EVER. They saw dh and sd outside all the time. In fact, even after he left, they only saw her when she sauntered up to their homes to unload this crap on them. And she never opened the blinds in the house. EVER. SD didn't even know there was a pool out back or that there were houses across the street. They thought it was creepy at the very least. And now, they see dh with sd every day of the week. Sooo they now go into this store, see her and she tries to chum up to them, seemingly forgetting that she made dh out to be a violent, lousy human being that couldn't see his kid and knowing they know better. Wouldn't you be uncomfortable seeing people after telling them stuff and then being taken to the cleaner's in court?? The neighbors love dh and I. We attend a lot of neighborhood parties, etc. No one is afraid to have him around their children.

So the point is - don't worry about what BM says around town. Go where you want and be you. The people who matter, will figure out who the nut is pretty quickly.

"God is great, beer is good, and people are crazy" and you can't change crazy!!

MarriedwithChild's picture

You are right and really came through! Now, I just need to conjure up the nerve to "get out" and around this town again.