What is the child support really for?
What is the child support really for? I'm just curious? I thought it was for the welfare of the kids? right? I guess I was wrong in this case anyway. My husband and I sent his ex wife and kids over 3000.00 in child support and no we're not complaining it's best to look out on your kids. But my thing is if we just sent that kind of money and then we get the kids for the weekend and they don't have on any decent clothes nor did they bring any I have a problem with that. Would any one else besides me? My husband and I asked the kids did their mom buy them any new clothes for school or anything like that. Guess what their reply was? NO!!! but, they did say that mommy and her boyfriend got some new clothes, shoes, and fishing gear. WTF? I know some people would say just don't worry about it. But, I can't. That really got to me that she didn't buy them crap. I said all of that to say this: What or should I say how, do we confront her about this without letting her know that the kids already told us that she didn't buy them anything? And is there anything that can be done about that? Someone please give me some info.
Whatever she wants, sadly...
When my husband and I first went to court w/his ex, we wanted receipts for all of the money we were giving her so we knew it was going towrds SS and not for her own self indulgence...well, our lawyer told us it didn't matter what she spent it on. The courts were more concerned w/the non custodial parent contributing than where the money was actually going. They said unless it is a concern for neglect, then it's not an issue. BS? ABSOLUTELY.
Don't know what it is for
I have never received a penny of the child support owed to me, so I don't know what it spent on.. haha. I know that the attorney told my ex the same thing as mentioned above. It doesn't matter what it is spent on. If the kids are going without nesessary items, then I would consider going to court and getting a court order to have BM purchase needed items.
In My Case
DH has custody. He only gets a little over $100.00 per child for CS which is pathetic. The cost to house 3 children, feed 3 children, utilities, school clothes, day care, health insurance (DH provides that) runs way over that.
As far as the clothes situation. I was told by my Attorney that BM can have her set of clothes for the child at her house and BF can have yet another set of clothes at his house. Stupid I know but last year we bought the kids a ton of clothes and sent it overseas with them to visit their mom. I am talking everything. She threw clothes out because she didn't like them and very little came back. Well this year we only sent one set of everything they actually need. In our opinion if she didn't like the clothes we purchased with MY hard earned money (CS didn't even cover the $700.00 per month day care expense) than she can go and purchase them herself. She doesn't even buy the children gifts for Christmas or birthdays. It doesn't take an accountant to figure out what DH uses the CS for. BB is getting away with murder. I have every receipt for every penny we spend on SKIDS. I have no problems showing it. It may help DH
In your case I would wonder why the kids didn't get new clothes. Keep in mind also when even talking to my skids they will plead poverty even though we buy them everything. That drives me nuts!!! It very well could be BM is keeping their best clothes at her house. $3000.00 per month? You should be seeing them dress to kill.
Care of kids ...
Child support is supposed to go for the care of the kids: rent, food, clothes, etc. However, there is no way to proove that, that is where it is going.
Logic would deduce that CSP should go to buying clothes, and since you pay CSP you shouldn't have to buy another set of clothes for your house. Unfortunately, there is NOTHING that says BM has to send kids with clothes.
We are in the same situation. BM gets about $1000 per month and SS dresses in warm up pants and BB's BF's Kid's old t-shirts that are 2 & 3 sizes too big for SS. Against my DH wishes, I went out and bought SS $50 worth of summer clothes to send home with him. He likes to dress nice (like his daddy), and we showed him all the new clothes to get him excited about wearing them, and told him "they are for you to take to mommy's house, and for you to wear to school. It's important to look nice when you go to school."
We went through months of BB playign games, sending clothes, not sending clothes. In July last year we went to Western Washington, which is like the dessert (110 there last Thursday), and she only sent SS long pants, and long sleeved shirts. Another time she sent one pair of underware and NO SOCKS for an entire weekend. His clothes always smell moldy, she never uses bleach, and we just finally decided we didn't want to run around town with our kid looking like trash ... so we bought him clothes to keep her. Just bit the bullet. We even have to get his hair cut (she hasn't done it in over a year, even when we let it go, and go, and go), we also have had to buy him his last 2 pairs of tennis shoes.
I know its frustrating, but the way I put it to my DH when I bought the clothes ... I did it because I love my SS. I didn't do it to help her out. I told him ever 3-months or so I am going to spend extra money on SS' clothes so he can dress nicely to school. I'd rather go without myself and make sure he has what he needs ... BB is ungrateful, and I know we won't get a thank you for the clothes - she'll proably be offended.
So, I guess you just have to pick your battles, and I'd leave this one alone ... do what you can (in addition) and help the kids.
~ Katrina
It is a stupid game BB's like to play. In our case it is me that has been buying the children's clothing. BB won't pay for one stitch of clothing. She has no right to throw away the children's belongings I don't care if she is the BM. I mean they were brand new and were not purchased by her. They were purchased by me out of my own bank account. DH is not working right now he is out due to a surgery. It is winter time over where the skids are going so I just sent what school clothes still fit them. They were in perfect shape. They got their basic clothes sent to them. They were only purchased in April so they were still on the new side. I just didn't send brand new clothes like I did last year.
I just went out yesterday and purchased a ton of clothes for them. I caught a huge sale so now they are set for school. I found it stupid to buy clothes for them to go see their mother and then turn around and have to replace all of their clothes for school because this woman is an idiot and can't send back what belongs to the children. She makes the children leave behind whatever gifts she purchases if any. Last year SS left a few shirts and asked his mother to send them. She never did.
You are a wonderful Mom. What your skids BB is doing is stupid. The child should have at least his basic needs and there is no reason why any child should look like an orphan.
Thanks ...
With the recent court activity a friend said "BB is dirt poor." We just laughed and said we didn't care. Then I found out what her salary is, calculated the taxes, DH and I estimated her living expenses from when they lived together, and her expenses exceed her budget by almost $1000 a month(and that's including the child support). So, I just made the decision that there is no reason SS shoudl go without because BB can't manage her money, and doesn't have her priorities straight ... no need to harm the children.
Gees, she made him use money he got for Christmas to buy him a new winter coat. The one he had was BF's kids, and was 2 sizes too big - I had to repair it (and wash it because she couldn't find time to do that I guess) every time he was here. We were getting ready to buy him a winter coat to take to his moms; he had one here that fit just right (hummm, paid $10 for it at a consignment shop). He should have been able to spend that money on toys and stuff.
You know, that's the funny thing ... I only spent $50 at WalMart and got 5 outfits, and a couple of extra t-shirts. I spent $50 the other day at Toys R Us (having a big clothing sale) for his summer clothes here (shorts from last year still fit). It just pisses me off that she can spend $30 every two weeks to get her fingernails and toenails done, but can't spend money on SS clothes so he dresses nicely.
~ Katrina
I went to Dillards today and found really nice Tshirts and shirts on sale for as little as $2.00 a piece. Yestrday I bought SD 10 shirts, a pair of PJS, SS 4 T Shirts, and 2 shorts, and other SS 4 Nike T shirts, tennis shoes (Adidas) and spent about $100.00 at a place called Bealles. All I have to get now is shoes and jeans which DH will do when they get back. It costs a lot of money to clothe the children but if you take the time and look these sales are everywhere this time of year. You can even buy clothes that actually look good and fit at the Salvation Army for Petes sake. My sister in law gave my ss a huge bag of barely used shorts. He LOVED them and they all fit. I am with you. No need for the children to look like orphans. There was also no need for BB to throw new clothes away. I was pissed last year. They will just have tons of clothes when they get back. I feel when they get back DH will be back to work and he needs to buy the rest. The fact BB sits by her pool with her new hotub and does nothing for the kids makes me angry. I am not the children's mother. She is a pitiful excuse for one.
I was a single parent myself with 2 sons and they always had great clothing thanks to my family and the fact I worked my butt off. I barely got any CS but somehow we managed. My kids got to the age that they wanted to dress nicely. Your SS will eventually get there. It is going to be interesting for your SS's BB when the teenage years hit.
No kidding ...
What will she do when he WON'T wear the clothes she buys for him. My mom raised me by herself too and I never went without. She would even make clothes for me so that I would have nice clothes. We have 2-3 consignment shops for kids in the area, and then of course things like the Goodwill. Problem is at age 4 boys burn through jeans like there is no tomorrow ... so there weren't a lot of 4Ts and 4Rs. I just went to Walmart and paid $6 for a pair ... not too hard. It just erks me.
Oh, SS said that BB's BF bought a dog at the pet store. He doesnt' have a job and is on SSD ... gee, I wonder who paid for the dog ... probably our child support. LOL ... will these women ever get their priorities straight?
~ Katrina
I dont think they will get their priorities straight.
De inimico non loquaris sed cogities.
It wasnt two months ago that my dh was on phone talking to ss and bm got on line( a habitual habit of hers up until her getting served, now we dont hear anything from her.) anyway she told dh how she was going to get her a breast augmentation( for larger boobs) this summer. Dh got off the phone and first laughed, "as if bigger boobs is gonna make her attractive". Then he said it was nice to know what his child support payments were being utelized for. Not now though..bm has to use her boob money( aka..child support payments) to retain a lawyer..Ha, Ha, Ha,!!!!!!
I think that these situations are the exception not the norm
Personally, I was a single parent for most of my children's lives (fortunately didn't have to worry about a stepmom). I received child support and also worked two very lucrative jobs making well into the 6 figures. And you know something I did have nice things and it wasn't the child support that paid for them. It was me. I used the child support to pay for children's clothes, activities, memorable birthday celebrations, trips for them that they have never forgotten and now post secondary school. I do not feel the least bit guilty about my ex paying to support HIS children.
I have been a stepmom for a number of years...it ain't easy but I don't focus on what his ex does, says, thinks, plans, etc. any more. Once I let all of that go, my life is SO MUCH more peaceful. Try to let go of some of this stuff and be proud of what you have to offer....you are giving her way too much air time and in the end, rob yourself of some personal confidence and reveal some of your own insecurities as well.
The CS issue will never
The CS issue will never really be fair, and that's because the custodial parent does not have to actually produce his/her share of the monthly maintenance. When the CS is calculated, each parent is given an amount that, according to the financials, s/he is to contribute for raising the child. But since only the NCP has to actually fork that money over, the CP never physically needs to produce one cent.
Now, logic says that unless the CS is astronimically high and capable of covering EVERY cost, including 100% of housing, food, daycare, etc., the CP is obviously contributing something. But, again, it's never seen. So to the NCP and the NCP's family, it just seems like s/he is shouldering all of the responsibility. This, to me, was and is what bothered me about our situation. BB was constantly taking EX back to court for more money, citing one excuse or another. It never made any sense...she got married and moved into her husband's house which is totally paid for. So, they have no mortgage payment. WE covered medical for SS, and paid $800/mo in other CS. She claimed to be "injured" and had to have her hours cut and she got an increase. A month later we find out she's pregnant. Now, she wants to totally stop working and she just filed for another increase. She point blank told EX that she will say whatever she has to in order to get it, even feign the same injury to get the doctor to write up another note for her. It's really sad that these women think that their kids' fathers are akin to Win for Life.
It would be nice if the courts could somehow figure out how much it actually costs to raise a child, rather than use strictly salaries to figure it out. Anything over the median should be optional. A kid won't suffer because he goes to public school rather than private.
Of course, I am on the other side of the fence as well because I am also a BM and now I'm a single one. My DD's BF live in London and he doesn't see DD much. I filed for CS in Oct. 2005 and just last month received my backpay check. I have yet to receive the monthly payments. The backpay was for a lot of money and I'm sure BF feels there is no hurry to begin the monthly payments. Incidentally, BF NETs, not grosses, NETs $90K a year, and has no family. The support was set at $800/mo, which is a JOKE--IF it's based on the salary, which it wasn't. I could easily go back to court and fight for more...but I won't. I have a degree and a job and I will take what he gives me and make it work. But I'll be damned if I will provide receipts, or answer questions about how I spend that money. My rent alone is over $1000/mo, and I have a car payment, utilities, full-time daycare costs in addition to everything else I pay for for us to live. Yet, BF is off in Europe living the high life. Whatever, that's the way it goes.
Sorry, this turned into a ramble...but I guess I just wanted to point out that there are always two sides, you know?
After reading everyone's
After reading everyone's comments on this forum I can see that their are many different ways to view what child support is really for. I am a step mother and a mother who receives child support so I can understand both. But, what I don't understand is a child not having what they are suppose to have when the the mother works, her husband works and she receives child support. Sorry if that bothers anyone. I just don't get it. And I did take into consideration that maybe she just sends the kids over like that until me and DH showed up at the childrens school and saw that they were dressed the exact same way there.I just don't know. I thought child support was for the support of the child and part of that is clothes especially when they are needed.Right?
In our case BM sends her
In our case BM sends her daughter over in clothes that are 2 sizes too small for her and she send her son over in clothes that are about 3 sizes to big for him.
She does wash the clothes most of the time. I used to wash all of the kids clothes before sending them back home but now I leave them dirty and stinky so she can deal with it when she gets them back. For a while she sent them w/ dirty clothes (about twice) and we washed them before the kids wore them but sent them back dirty. I figure, we buy the kids food - pick them up, etc. it's the least she can do.
BF & I also used to buy a lot of clothes for the kids / never to see them again. From what SD tells me she uses the clothes we bought her for school. And it's funny about 2 weeks ago I was going through some clothes that my son has outgrown. He's 12 years old and wears Adult Large because he is soooo tall. I originally bought Adult Small in Dec. & they fit for like a week but then the growth spurt happened so I have given SD all of his hand-me-downs. They are Ecko, Aeropostle, American Eagle, Old Navy etc. & I was going to sell them at a garage sale but then asked SD if she wanted them. She was sooo excited. I thought for sure her mom would toss all of them, especially since they are boy's hand-me-downs but SD wears them all of the time and is happy. So, I guess when she doesn't have any clothes to wear she can just borrow some of my sons.
Also, the SKIDS BM gets $155.00 per wk. which is nice for 2 kids but all she does is PARTY, DRINK & SMOKE... The living conditions are NASTY... But as much as I complain to BF and to her - It's her decision how she spends the money.
And like a lot of you I am also on the other end "A mother who gets Child Support" about $350.00 a month and I will admit "I BLOW IT" because I make enough as it is and heck I did it all on my own for almost 10 years so I am used to not getting it.
And the only reason I am getting it, is because I did it on my own and went against child support. And if any of you ladies want to know how to get money from a non-working deadbeat please PM me and I will help you any way that I can. Or I will just post it on a blog. But anyways. Talk to everyone later.
Julie (31)
Bio-Children - Son under 1 with BF, Son age 11 from previous relationship.
BF - Son under 1 our's together, Daughter age 20 from prior marriage, son age 14 & daughter age 10 from previous relationship.
Child support - more like ex spouse support!
Yes, it is frustrating to see hard earned money NOT go to the kid/s that it should do. My partners EW keep bleeting about not having enough money and he pays her $20K (aust) p.a. so she can keep bludging off him and the government instead of getting off her fat arse and working herself.
And, I pay child support for my son who primarily lives with my EH, so my EH can also sit on his arse and be a professional student instead of working - which he is perfectly qualified and capable of doing. And I am still supporting our daughter, although 18 now, she is in full time University studies. EH never gave me a cent for years towards her, just took money from me for our son.
Also remember though that
Also remember though that what a child "needs" is relative to each parent's opinion. To the father, the child might need nicer, better-fitting clothes. To the mother, the child might need money for school trips or a pet and the cost that comes with one. It's very easy to look at child and say that the only expenses are daycare, food, and clothing, but there are also the incidentals--toiletries, gas for the car to cart the kid around, entertainmnet, etc. Sometimes, I would look at SS and wonder how the hell he is in such tiny, ill-fitting clothing, and yet she would bitch to EX that our clothing for SS was much too large.
Since it's really out of your control, the best thing to do is buy the kids clothes and make sure they stay at your house. Send them home in what they came over in once it's been washed and never let the new stuff leave your home. Yes, it's petty, but if that's the problem then the solution is simple. Once the kids get older, they need to learn to eb responsible for their own things. If they lose clothing or ruin it, they can get a job or use allowance to replace it.
I have to laugh because I am considering getting a boob job next year too. I will be paying for it on my own, but it doesn't mean that BF has A N Y right in the world to complain. I am raising HIS child 100% of the time and just because I find a little extra to spend on ME, a VERY rare occurence, doesn't mean that should assume his money goes to my new tits. No, his money will go to his child, and MY money, what is left after I cover all the expenses for her, will go to ME. I don't get the attitude that flies whenever the custodial parent shows up with a new car or new clothes--"I see what my money really went to." Why would the NCP automatically assume that the money went to the new things? Does the NCP ever spend HIS money on himself or his family? Of course. So why shouldn't the CP do the same?? Just because I can afford an extra doesn't mean that the BF gets off the hook. Isn't HE having a life outside of his CS payments too? Why should every cent I have go to our child just so HE can spend his own GIANT income on himself? I am a good, responsible person and mother, but I am no martyr. Having extra (short of winning F YOU money) doesn't mean that I will allow BF to stop his payments. I will seek it and take it because that is what's right and what's fair.
Yes, it's WRONG for the CP to think that CS should replace his/her own income, or that s/he should seek an increase to support a lifestyle that s/he cannot otherwise afford. The bottom line is that TWO parents are responsible, and whether or not the CP is well-off or is on welfare, the NCP should be contributing, period.
My SS knows that CS is not spent on him. It goes to her gas, drinking and smoking, or rent. It's like she uses it for alimony! They were never married! She once called DH freaking out b/c she was going to get evicted(at the end of the month mind you) yelling where is MY CS? She has never had to work hard for money a day in her life (barmaid)and chastizes me b/c I am a stay at home mom. If I got off my ass and got a job she would have more money, as she puts it. Too bad my children are my job-so she can't shake me down for extra cash. I told her that extra $ won't help her become a more responsible parent anyway. I seriously thought that CS was to be spent on child's expenses, not her own. When SS comes over, his clothes are seldom weather appropriate. Alot of them I just started keeping at our house b/c they fit my 6 yr old. He's 11! We would gladly keep paying her CS just to have custody- money well spent just to know that the boy is in better and more responsible hands.
"All that we are is a result of what we have thought."- Buddha
Tax-free alimony? Not in my
Tax-free alimony? Not in my case. I bust my ass to give my daughter and myself a good life while her father vacations in Europe and collects vintage cars. Damn right that he should pay 100% of that "tax-free alimony" right to me because this child did not sprout from the soil!
I commend you for raising your children on your own...
But my question is why did your children's father not have to shoulder any of the responsibility for his own children? Was he busy raising someone else's or a new family or did you just not pursue it?
Right On
I am a BM and a SM. I receive support for 10yrs now and never asked for an increase; receive the same amount since 1996. Before I was remarried, and the kids were young most of the money went toward day care so I could work, the rest went toward food. the kids still tease me about the 151 ways to make mac-n-cheez!! Now I am more financially set and I still spend an occasional 1 weeks Cs on my 20 yr old--groceries, clothes, school expenses-she lives on her own and has NEVER asked me for a dime. I enjoy being able to help her out.
The extra money I receive goes into a fund for education for the kids-- all three of them. When I say extra that means, I no longer need his CS, BUT for 10 yrs we did. Now? (and since our divorce) He takes absolutely no responsibility toward the kids--is a Disney dad. NO clue about schooling, personal development, likes dislikes etc.. He for all intent and purposes is a weekend babysitter. As a father he can contribute to their welfare.. he chooses to not participate emotionally-- the courts ensures he does financially. Even though we no longer need his financial support, I have no sympathy for him and will not return a cent to him. Before we were divorced he was a participatory dad... it seems like divorce gave him an excuse to not be, CS is his penalty (It irritates him more to pay it than it would to not receive it). Like I said I do not squander the CS, it's just now I am in a position to put the money toward the girls future and not the their immediate needs. I am grateful for that. On the flip side and selfish side.. I would forsake the CS if he would just go away... but the kids think he is fun... not responsible... just fun...
I will qualify this by saying not all dads are this way. My DH is an active father/parent, more so than the BM. He pays Cs and all other expenses even though they share 50/50. expenses.
Just my 2 cents...
Crayon, perhaps the life
Crayon, perhaps the life that BM has is only feasible because her boyfriend is affording her those things? Not making excuses, but it might make you feel better to know that it's not only DH that pays for things? If he does...yes, that's totally wrong and sad.
I don't want to get into a pissing contest about CS. I don't think getting CS automatically makes a parent less hard-working.
Krissy, I am a bm and a sm as well.
De inimico non loquaris sed cogities.
And I work my butt off as well.I also recieve c.s at a mere 350.00 a month for one child, and have yet to take my ex back for an increase or turned it over to Child Support Enforcement even though at the amount my ex is to pay, he is still behind. Yet I stand here today providing not only for my son but assisting my 19 year old daughter who just started college and am so proud to say I am doing this on my own. However,Let me clarify that my comment about the boob job was made because I KNOW that bm is using c.s to pay for this as I know what bm does for a living and she doesnt make the kind of money to support her spending expenditures,pay for her high life style,her vacations out to California(she lives in Fl.) her boob job and pay back the 65,000 dollars in credit card debt she ran up while married to dh(thank the good Lord her credit cards were hers alone.)Bm's income probably covers her rent,utilities and car payment and that is I am sure still with the assistance of my dh's payments to her.I also know that my dh pays an exorbitant amount of childsupport per month to her and as I am sure a good portion is indeed used for his son(in regards to the home, bills, groceries ect, the rest is her play money. As a bm, I agree, does our bm need to give a crap what we think or what we feel or we see about in regards to where the c.s is being spent? No! Not if they are truly one of those bm's whose personally earned income is what affords them the extra's in life as you have stated yours does, as well as I am bm whose earned income does as well.However,as a sm do I and dh have a right to speak our piece when we see the obvious..Absolutley! As a bm, I can tell everyone here right now, I would have no problem at all accounting to the courts when ever they deemed necessary, where my c.s is spent,as I KNOW that every dime of c.s is used for my son alone. Also, this would work to the benefit of alot of children, as the amount of money spent raising them in some cases exceeds what the courts have ordered the NCP to pay.Thus it would show the courts where an increase is not being sought for personal reason's but is indeed for the child/children. My opinion is that at least every 6 months the courts should have the ability to order a review of childsupport expenditures in relation to the childsupport being paid. These expenditures should include housing, utilities,groceries, clothing, transportation,education, and required physician appoinments/treatments. These are the things that are to be shared expenses by the parents only. Vacations, jewlery, boob jobs, butt jobs...hell full body jobs, toys(for bm or child), entertainment, ect are NOT the NCP responsibility. I commend you Krissy on paying your own way, as I know how it goes, but for the CP'S that use the court system and use the NCP income for their own personal wants and needs,there must be a way that they are held accountable....just my opinion.
What About When the BM is the Deadbeat?
My DH has custody of all 3 kids. $100.00 per month per kid...... As I stated before we pay for EVERYTHING dealing with the children, Medical Insurance, Dental Insurance, Daycare, mortgage, utilities, food, school functions, clothes etc etc....... I can easily prove we spend way more than BM. Come on health insurance cost us over $300.00 per month for family. Daycare alone $700.00 per month. DH doesn't make that much money and BM is hiding her assets. We know she makes more. The Judge knows she makes more but because she lives in another country we can't prove it. DH should not will not repeat NOT every have to be held accountable to BM who doesn't even send a card to her children for any event in their lives, Christmas, Birthdays...etc. Why should he ever have to account to this deadbeat? She would only use that power to further abuse DH through the courts. My pay check with this logic will be considered my DH's play money????? Why shouldn't we enjoy SOMETHING? BM tried to find out if we had cable TV in our house. HELL YEAH we have cable. We can't afford to go anywhere else. I should be the one getting my nails done not have to pay for her children and go without myself. She is not around for school activities, she is not there when they are sick and DH or I have to miss a day of work to stay with them. It is like because the CP parent has custody all their money is considered the childrens money and the CP is not allowed any thing nice??? I am not talking about the NCP that are paying big time and are participating in the childrens lives. I know there are NCP that want to spend their time and money over and above what the courts ordered and are not able to. I am talking about the NCP who resents sending that check every month. To me I could easily stroke a check for $300.00 per month and not to actually be responsible for anything else while ex and SM work their asses off and struggle for everything we have.
The courts are so pro BM that the Judge actually said BM doesn't have to work if she didn't have to!!!! WTF!!!! Sorry I don't agree. I have seen it in this state if the father didn't have a job he is told to get 3 jobs to take care of his kids. WE have to hire a babysitter every time we go out. She can just get in the car and leave. When she does have them she is drunk quite a bit. Again we can't do a thing about it.
My husband also raised his children after his divorce...
The deal was that she would give up the kids if he would agree to no child support. He did. So we have all these kids and he gets no support while she lives in the lap of luxury. Oh well...not my problem nor will it ever be. I pay my share of expense, he pays his. The rest is ours. Two reasons...my belongings and finances will go to my kids if something should happen to me and the same for him. And secondly, no resentment on my part for what his ex does, has, etc. because it has nothing to do with me!
In DH's Case
This woman will not leave us alone. DH would glady tell her to keep her measly CS if she would just leave us alone and go away or at least TRY to respect our home. I have resentment because her BS has literally cost us thousands of dollars for Attornies to protect DH for nothing but her nonsense. Her older Adult children had it in their head that they could just drop by anytime of the night anyday they wanted and not call and let us know. Even after asking them a dozen times to call first. They would come over simply to go through the children's bedrooms, computer, and phone just to spy for his mother and admitted it!!! One of them actually had the nerve to ask me what movie I was watching trying to find out if the movie I was watching was appropriate for the children. I felt I had CPS in my home!!! We put a stop to it because my Attorney says it is out and out harrassment. I felt my personal privacy was violated. They can see the kids by appointment now but not at our house. BM's BS DOES affect me both financially and personally with all of her crap. I am finally fighting back and have put my foot down.
So yes I resent that she is living in the lap of luxury while causing so much distress in our home. DH doesn't get much CS and we have to turn around and pay way more in Attornies fees. How is that taking care of her children? She does this on purpose so DH stays broke. The court needs to realize this and do what is best for the children. The children are doing extremly well in school, love us both very much, and are very happy. The only time they are sad is when their mother attacks their father.
I agree totally with you Cruella,
De inimico non loquaris sed cogities.
It doesnt matter who the CP is or who the NCP is, the whole point that I was trying to make is that in ALL regards, there should be some way the courts should evaluate the expenditures made by the CP in regards to the child/children in relation to what is being paid by the NCP. As some NCP'S are paying above and beyond what is needed to raise a child, and some are not paying near enough as is your case most definitly. And yes, the courts are very pro bm, however, in my case, my ex has written off our children, he desires no contact with them, does not attempt to see them, has never sent a birthday card, christmas presents, never call's ect. The only way I know he is even alive is the occassional deposit of whopping 350.00 a month, like that even touches raising 1 child(non the less 3 children as in your case).But it is because of his disappearing act that I DO NOT seek more c.s in court, my children and I prefer it this way.
I Would Prefer It That Way Too
Our problem is BM is a deadbeat that won't go away and uses the court as a weapon. With her she has no regard to hurting her own children to get back at BF for having the nerve to win custody after she disappeared for 2 years. I would rather this woman go away and forget her CS. She has done nothing but hurt her children but she is the mother and well that is not an option. I wish she would just worry about being a mother to her children and do her part. But we all know that won't happen. She abandoned these children and ran away to another country. DH and I don't understand the courts. This woman abandoned 6 children and SHE has more rights????
As I said before I would glady give over all the receipts we pay for the children. It is obvious DH is paying for almost everything. The only problem I have is this "accounting" would cost us more in Attorney and court fee's. So far what was supposed to be a simple court modification for a request to raise the CS has cost us over $4,000.00 because of BB's lying to the court. I am afraid what would happen in a yearly accounting such as you guys mentioned above. That may come back and bite the wrong person in the butt. Going to court at least in my state is not free and with the Biatch we deal with we have to have an Attorney. I feel this would be taking away yet more money that should go to the kids and giving it to the court system and Attornies.
See, the problem that I have
See, the problem that I have with giving receipts is this--who will decide what is an "acceptable" use of the child maintenance? The court? The NCP? A panel of lawmakers who don't have any children and have no idea what it takes to raise a child? There are too many gray areas. At some point, I will be making more money, perhaps marry again. I would love to take that money from BF and put every penny into an account for her future. So, I'd basically have nothing but a bank statement. Does that mean a court would decide that I don't need it since I didn't spend it? Do I have to provide receipts from the grocery store and highlight the items that are for DD? Pull apart my utility and rent bills so that a portion gets paid by the CS? There is just no way for the court or any of its agencies to track the usage.
Not to mention that it's none of the NCP's business what the CP does with the CS, frankly. Although I felt that the CS he paid was too high when I was still with EX it was largely because BB was lying about not being able to work and that jacked up our cost since PA uses the shared income model. But I never wanted to know nor cared what she did with the money because it was hers to spend. If she chose to spend it unwisely, well, that's a shame. But she was entitled to it as the CP, period, end of story. Until the judge changes the amount, or she is found to be lying about her circumstances, there's nothing that can be done. Just because CP is irresponsible does not mean that the NCP's responsibility is suddenly lifted.
I agree with Stamina...it's really just not worth getting upset about. I spent many nights crying and bitching about CS among other things during my marriage and I know now that it wasn't advantageous to me or anyone else. It just made me more bitter and stressed and I carried that around with me all day. Maybe it's just that, for me, hindsight is 20/20.