what do u think?
BM sent my hubby a nice long notice (last august 2011) with copies of bills from 2010-2011-2012 including outings with school, summer pass for amusement park, clothes for school, after school activities and sports etc...the amount was 2500$ but hubby didnt answer, just ignored it...then two weeks before xmas, he gets a notice but this time from a lawyer (that she used to work for) through regular mail. the amount went up to 3000$...she gave him 5 days to pay it off or else she would bring him to court.
he pays his child support for SD16 that they take from his paycheck every week.
he used to be able to pay for her extra activities until i got into a serious accident and im not working since then, we have two minor children together. and shes very aware of the situation.
we live very modestly. nice little home, two 9 yr old cars...no iphones, ipads, regular clothes, u get the drift.
meanwhile BM has a new home built and purchased in 2010. went twice to cuba only last year and has a brand new grande caravan 2012. her new boyfriend is an account.
SD16's nails are done every 3 weeks, nice johua peretz clothes, iphone, christian dior makeup...etc...
Hubby sent her a back a letter (from his lawyer) saying that he refuses to pay for her demands with his reasons mentionned.
She hasnt answered back, its been almost 8 months since the last letter.
U think she gave up or shes up to something? I think she was just trying to scare him, no?
thank u all!!!!! xxxx
8 months with no response.
8 months with no response. I'd say she was just trying it on, he called her bluff and she's backed off. Well don. More men should have the gumption to do this.
BM used to do that to DH. He
BM used to do that to DH. He paid massive CS and medical bills. She would send receipts for tampons, feminine pads and Tylenol. DH told her that CS covered these things for skids. She would also send medical receipts with charges for no show appointments. Once BM sent a long itemized bill with many toiletries, household supplies and several no show charges for the skid's therapist totaling over $1000. DH added up what he actually owed (50% of medical) and wrote her a check for $3.85 BM never said a word about it.
This is hilarious. They will
This is hilarious.
They will always try to get as much as they can. I love hearing when they are shot down.
We just started dealing with
We just started dealing with this again with our BM, she wanted $1200 for 1 sport per kid (I have 2 skids)!! DH told her to pound sand, we pay our CS, they never agreed to extras in the CO. We have in the past to keep the peace, paid for soccer, baseball, etc. But it never cost $1200!! She threw a bitch fit about it, she is not very smart and I know the CO backwards and forwards, hell I pulled all the paperwork and we took her back to court and got everything we wanted and she got told no!
She would spend at least $3000 to take us back to court and she is in the process of having a house built, doubt she'll waste the money on court fees. We told her she could put skids in sport but she would pay for it. Hell they live states away from us, and we would never see them in the sport anyways! Meanwhile, we spend $1200 or more in plane tickets to get the skids to us each year. DH has to fly with them till they are old enough to fly unaccompanied. Does she help with that? Hell no!! I told DH it's either plane tickets or sport activity, you can't have both.
My SD already wants to live with us, I can't wait till BM has to pay for a plane ticket to get SD for the summer!!
If its not in a court order
If its not in a court order nobody has to pay. That's what child support is for.
I hate hearing that someones paycheck is garnished for child support. It's just assumed, now-a-days, that the father won't pay and now everyone from the company president down thinks he's a dead beat father. Even if he's not.
nope...only child support is
nope...only child support is in the last judgment...thats it ...thats all....shes lucky that since the judgment my hubby and i have had 2 kids...and he never tried to lower the child support AND SHE KNOWS THAT!!! thank u girls!