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Why? Not really step related but sorta is.

onebright1's picture

Why would a guy/SO/boyfriend/husband say one thing to you and something entirely different to his friends about your relationship?

oldone's picture

Because he's a big fat liar. Not a good sign.

He's either lying to you or to his friends. He could be lying to you to manipulate you or he could be lying to his friends to build up his ego. Again not the sign of a mature man.

onebright1's picture

I tend to think like Oldone too. But I still dont understand why? I mean I tell my friends the same thing I tell him. But Id love to know which one is true. Is he lieing to me to manipulate? or to them to build ego?

onebright1's picture

Or Oldone, Is he lieing to me to build my ego or lieing to them to manipulate them? I just thought of that one.

fedup13's picture

I have had to deal with a round of lying/manipulation or two and still deal with it with my DH as he is a notorious fence straddler. He talks out of both sides of his mouth to me, trying to pacify me, then goes and agrees with or tells MIL and BM exactly what they want to hear to pacify them. In my experience, people that lie do so because they are trying to project one image to one person and then project another to the other person because they have no backbone.

onebright1's picture

That makes sense. I hate to think SO has no backbone which I interpret to balls. And Im pretty sure that NBBM took his balls with her when she left him 4 yrs ago. But like I said, I tell everyone that Me and SO are great, I like him lots and bunches, Our relationship as its own entity is good. My relationship with his kids is not good, nor do I even want a relationship with his kids.
SO tells me how much he likes being with me, having me here with him, going out with me, etc. But it would seem he is telling others he is tired of taking care of me.
I take care of me, he doesnt. I pay my bills and some of the household bills. Yes he had to fix my car, but guess what? I have to clean his house, toilet, tub, etc. To me it evens out. Apparently he feels he does more? Or his contributions count more? I dunno. But from what Ive experienced in past relationships, this is where the resentment starts, when one of the couple feel they are doing more than the other. I also know from experience that it is rare when it is even. One or the other is always doing more at different times. Its when it is always one sided that there is reason for resentment.
I guess I just want to know, which is true, what he tells me or what he tells them. And I guess I will just have to ask him.....

fedup13's picture

Yeah, my DH has ZERO balls when it comes to MIL and BM. He is not like that with me or other people, he in fact, can be a downright prick, but with them its as if he becomes a totally different person. He tells me he is that way with his mom because it was his only way to survive living with such a domineering overbearing mother and it is a habit. He tells me he is civil with BM just so she will think everything is ok and not bother him or try to pull anymore stunts with the court system but that in reality he hates her and wouldn't piss on her if she were on fire. In your situation, with this issue, yes, confront him, ask him, give him the chance to talk, it may make sense or you may smell bullshit, but either way, you will know where u stand and know what to do.