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Yesterday was my birthday and it was better than expected

SMof2Girls's picture

We got news "unofficially" from BM that her next set of orders will be right back here in Maryland afterall!

Because it's so late in the school year, DH won't get them for the rest of the spring semester like their original agreement states, but at least come May we won't be dealing with the distance anymore!

AND DH's lawyer is drafting the paperwork for all of the motions for contempt today. They will be filed first thing Monday morning.

She is also planning to disenroll the skids 2 weeks early from school, which means we'll get them 2 extra weeks for the summer! She may try to fight that, but we'll get her butt in court and win the lost days if she does (lawyer is extremely confident about that, especially following the contempt for the Spring Break days BM is withholding).

It's not perfect or ideal .. but I'm really looking forward to less airplanes and hotels and more quality local time with the skids Smile

I know a lot of you hate your skids, or would dread this extra time .. but it really really made my birthday great to get this news!!