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You're the just let the kid treat you like a piece of crap

EvilWickedSM's picture

Went to SD15s softball game last night with DH because he asked me to go. We get there and SD says “Hi” to her dad and grandma, but not to me. I don’t say anything. They chitchat, BM asks us where we are sitting, we tell her and DH and MIL start to walk away. I’m walking behind them and I hear, in a whisper, BM say “Did she say hi to you?”…and SD mumbles under her breath huh-uh, while catching a glance at me. They don’t even know that I heard the exchange. I said to DH “you might want to tell your ex that she isn’t helping things with SD and me by asking SD if I said hi to her”. His response…”well, did you say hi”. WTF!!! I said “uhm, I didn’t, but I consider it beyond rude that she made it a point to say hello to everyone else that was standing there but me.” Well, then the MIL pipes up and says “True, however, you are the adult and should be the bigger person”. I responded…”nah, not this time”. May have been childish but I was pissed that, once again, I was expected to kiss the ass of this child that treats me disrespectfully.

Then, BM moves over to sit closer to. She and DH get talking about Prom, which is tonight. As usual, since the world revolves around SD, her hair and nail appointments were made for today. Mind you, her mother works until 4:00, so wouldn’t be taking her to these appointments. Nothing was mentioned to DH until LAST NIGHT. MIL says she can take SD to her appointments. DH said that it would have been nice to have been told about them beforehand. Notice the use of the word “told” instead of “asked”. A light bulb went off in my head….aha…this is why SD wanted to stay with us last night, when she hasn’t had anything to do with us recently…she needed a chauffeur today. If it were me I’d have said, sorry, can’t do, have plans, should have asked me earlier.

I really am getting to the point where I can’t stand BM or SD.

EvilWickedSM's picture

I forgot to add, I did, later in the game, say a very exuberant “Hi SD, how are you today!”.

EvilWickedSM's picture

Who has Prom on a Thursday night??

I would like to know the same thing! Granted, schools are closed today so the Seniors can present their projects, and are closed tomorrow for Lord knows what. But, they have a track meet tomorrow!! So, these kids are going to prom tonight and staying up very late, I'm sure, and then have to worry about a track meet tomorrow...makes no sense.

EvilWickedSM's picture

Haha....It would have felt so good to say that.

On a side don't realize just how closely you hit the nail on the head.

On the way home we all got talking about BM and her varied affairs and MIL pipes up and says “I knew about a lot of them, but I figured if she was being faithful to you while you weren’t at sea then that wasn’t bad. You know, sometimes telling people those things can backfire, so I just let it go.”. DH was like, “WTF mom, gee, thanks”. I was dying.

EvilWickedSM's picture

Lol, I don't think so, but who knows how much they talk when I'm not around! She has mentioned how much she dislikes BM, but she also feels sorry for her because of the family life she had growing up. (Uhm, time to get over that). I do have to say that she (MIL) recently incurred the wrath of SD because she dared have a talk with her about how she was treating DD and I. I was floored because she basically told SD she was being a brat and needed to get over Of course, that prompted a text to DH from BM saying "what, so your mom is now taking EvilWicked's and DD's side?".

EvilWickedSM's picture

Yep Smile

Anon2009's picture


Anon2009's picture

Would bm have been angry with sd if she said hi to you? I think bm is, sadly, egging her on in this.

You're the adult so you don't fly off the handle and yell at sd. But you do make your wallet and all the nice things you do for her gone until she changes, and make "go ask your dad" your new motto.

EvilWickedSM's picture

I have never gotten the impression that BM would be angry with SD for being nice to me. I do, however, get the impression that BM tries to sabatoge our relationship when it is going well. I have been practicing the “go ask your father” tactic for the past couple weeks, and saying “no” when she asks to borrow something of mine, etc. I have to say, it’s been very liberating so far!