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Miss.Out.Of.Line's picture

My 7 year old step daughter has been going to therapy for about 9 months. Her mom made the first appointment, took her to the appointment and told her father she could continue to go to therapy, on his time. Now that my step daughter is starting to tell the therapist things, stuff her mom says about her dad and the court papers, her mom has pulled her consent and called the therapist's office to tell them my husband can no longer make any appointments. My husband has a letter from the therapist stating it is in the child's best interest to continue therapy.
has anyone filed a motion with the court for something like this?
BM is high conflict and a narcissist.
Please share your experiences.
Hubby has the paperwork to file a motion.

Calypso1977's picture

we battled for awhile over SD's therapist.

BM arbitrarily sent her to a therapist who was biased towards BM. in fact, she was BM's therapist at one point which we felt was unethical. The parenting plan clearly states they must jointly agree on any medical decisions.

BM was "steering" the sessions - going in, telling the therapist "her side" and basically telling the therapist what to focus on with SD which was not at all what needed to be worked on (she was spinning in that the problem was my fiance, and their "father daughter" relationship when in theory it was attention problems, behavior problems, lack of respect of authority, etc.

After a brief custody battle they came to an agreement on a new therapist. SD went for about 9 months with each parent rotating who took her. still didnt do any good so she stopped going.

SMof2Girls's picture

He should continue. It's doctor recommended and the precedence has been set. Let a judge tell him to stop.

Miss.Out.Of.Line's picture

It is an issue of joint legal custody.
They have to mutually agree.
She did until now.
The FOC and our lawyer said he has to have her permission, if not then he has to file a motion.
So he will file.
I am curious if anyone else has done this and have been ordered NOT to continue therapy.

step off already's picture

DH is custodial. BM is pissed off that SS is in therapy. She doesn't understand why he needs it.

... oh, I don't know. Maybe because his mother left when he was five, decided to become a lesbian and then showed back up when SS was 11 when DH tried getting on with his life with me. And then of course there's BM's attempt to try and rewrite history... or the fact that she spends her visitation drunk or high and fought for the right to smoke pot 12 hours prior to her visit with SS....

Mommy issues for life anyone?

Should we even talk about how he became a stalker after his first GF broke up with him and the teacher had to actually speak with us about his behavior and the girl's discomfort?

Oh, no reason for the boy to be in therapy.