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Anyone here a COD that went through custody battles as a kid?

Toastergirl's picture

If you were a child of divorce with one parent PASing you, saw your parents fight over you, had a GAL or was asked to choose which parent, how did it affect you? Were you able to see through the BS as an adult? Did being a child of divorce really fuck your childhood up?

I want stories. I think the endless litigation will hurt SD more in the long run.

Disillusioned's picture

W0W dtzyblnd just got goosebumps reading your post. That is MY story exactly and I mean exactly! Even the age is close to when my parents divorced, my step-dad was the best parent at the end of the day!

My dad wasn't the bad guy though, he didn't PAS but my mom was truly the queen of PAS, the level she went to try to destroy the relationship with our dad was unbelievable

To answer your question toastergirl, it didn't destroy my childhood or anything but I do think it created some issues (especially having trust in relationships with my SO's over the years) but yes in the end we did see exactly what our mother had done with all the PASing us against our father

The majority of my siblings and I see through what she did, but it took a long time well into adulthood and some of my siblings still believe our father was the bad guy - although not one of us sees our mom as the good guy that's for sure. And it is hard to forgive her for it. We have, but the loss is still something I can't get past now as an adult. I feel so much was lost as a result that obviously can never be regained.