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Court trial is done what happens????

kathycrosbyvt's picture

Trial finished today with the last witness. I'm a mess and have some questions I'm hoping someone can help me with..

1. "Closing arguments" are due from both attorneys next month. What is this? I don't appear before the judge just the attorneys. Do I need to give my attorney anything for this? Like everything I would like changed in the custody agreement or things I'm willing to negotiate on?

2. There are a few BIG issues but a lot of minor things both my ex and I disagree on that we just can't work out. At this point in the game does the judge decided EVERYTHING or will he send us back to mediation to work out the little details?

3. Now that its gone to trial will the other side try and negotiate terms or is that something that would have happened BEFORE trial?

Sorry for all the questions but unfortunately my ex can afford a better attorney and mine is not very good and I can never reach him for questions. In all honesty I'm hoping the judge will call all the shots as whenever its worked out between attorneys I lose.

kathycrosbyvt's picture


Rags's picture

I am not familiar with the closing arguments being delayed. When we went to court at the end of the hearing the Judge made a ruling then assigned one of the attorneys (always ours since the SpermCLan attorneys were usually just barely functionally literate). Our lawyer would then write up the CO and submit it to the Judge for signature then copies would be sent to us and to the SpermClan. We always knew the ruling at the end of the day in court. Good luck. I hope the ruling is in your favor.

Thumper's picture


Whewww that is good to know, thank you.

Hope the child involved has 50 50 physical access to dad and you. Even years for you at Christmas, odd years for dad. Even years for you at Tax time, odd years for dad. First 4 weeks of summer for you, last 4 weeks of summer for dad. Even/odd for spring break too.

It is very easy to do and lowers stress AND financial drain on both parents.

Your child will thank you when they grow UP. Mine did.

Good Luck