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Custody battle to begin between BF and my Fiancee...

OBrien88's picture

So they're completing their financial claims for court and apparently this morning my fiancee just got the news that apparently the BF has zero income but claims he has 2500 dollars worth of expenses.

Here's the thing though.

BF's Daddy is multi-millionaire rich. BF doesn't work for a living. He's still sucking off of Daddy's teet.

My fiancee on the other hand is a hard working professional woman that works 5 days, 40 hours a week to pay her mortgage, and several of her other bills.

The courts will see this as.. Oh, she makes money, you deserve child support.

Soo how will this work? Will that ass hole end up getting child support from a working (on paper single mother of one) when all he does is sit on his ass smoking dope and consuming prescription paid medication? They're on a week to week right now and my fiancee would like full custody of her 5 year old daughter. (mostly because BF doesn't know the first thing about discipline, values, morals, she literally comes back to my fiancee's house every other week acting like a different little girl completely, and it's always a battle because BF doesn't do anything to benefit her daughter mentally.

Soo.. What do we do? Attempt to get BF's father's income statements and financial information... Or just use this as fuel to gain full custody? I.E. BF is obviously an unfit parent if he doesn't work, makes no money, has 2500 dollars of expenses monthly and thus can't provide for his daughter... The only people I know that can come up with 2500 a month but don't have jobs are drug dealers.

Soon-to-be-Step-Mommy's picture

I don't think the Bio Dad's Father's financial statements will have any value in court. Because they are just that..his Father's, not his. You can't really prove the son is living off of the Father. Unfortunately if the Bio Dad doesn't have any income on the "books" there won't be any proof of what he has coming in so if the judge awards 50/50 custody, yes your fiance might have to pay child support. Totally SUCKS but this is the reality many of us face. These bums get under the table jobs or work for family off the books, collect aid from the state in the form of food stamps and insurance, and then they get child support. They are living the damn life I tell you. SCAM artists.

OBrien88's picture

What's another way of proving that he's an unfit parent?

The fact that it's documented from several doctors that he's been trying to get prescribed medicinal marijuana and he's already on narcotic pain medications that he drives around on with his daughter in the car?(No doctor will allow him both, one or the other) That he fails to tell my fiancee about events at the school during his weeks. That the daughter comes home after she's been to BF's house a completely un-tameable monster that effects her in school, her psychological make up, and her general well being?

I wish this scum bag would just fall off the face of the planet.

OBrien88's picture

Okay, so having a valid driver's license makes it okay to drive a child around on drugs or alcahol? People get DUI's and DWAI's for driving on presription drugs all the time.

I thought that was child abuse, but what do I know?

Endangering the life of a child is neglegent child abuse, is it not?

Oh, and I guess I could always have the teachers go on record, or perhaps the school councelor go on record as to how she behaves when she's with her BF as apposed to us.

OBrien88's picture

Well all things considered he owns a house, at least one car, a Harley Davidson motorcycle and has the money to spend every month on his drugs but zero income.. Soo hopefully the courts will smell something fishy. Perhaps we could plant the seed of doubt as to where his income is coming from to force him to pull Daddy's financial records?