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Does hell actually freeze over?? desperately pleading for advice

babygirl25stl's picture

My 10 year old SS lives with me and dh and has visitation every other weekend with Bm. This has been going on for years, but bm home is ingested with fleas! Ss comes back covered, bleeding and scabs. We have had him get secondary infectious, Staphylococcus, more than once. Bm wont do shit, has 7 animals in the home and no matter what we do she always makes excuses up. Dh has even offered to buy the supplies to get the home free of bugs, she wont do it. We have reported it to the hotline, but since she lives in another county, and the child lives with us, services are provided at the childs primary residence, which is out home! Wtf! They wont even go to her home... im losing my mind and this kid has scars all over his body from this. Not to mention ss had to have surgery on his legs, blunts disease, a condition which was induced by bm and wr gained custody over, had surgery to break and realign the bones, while in a cast he had fleas nesting in them! I took him to get cast removed and replaced and clear as day he was eaten up! I cant send him back there to be subjected to this treatments, but have been warned that I'm interfering with custody and visitation, and will be placed in jail. What can i do.. ive documented every thing, have photos and doctors notes to prove. But i cant seam to get Child Services to do anything but harass me!

kathc's picture

Take photos when he comes back in that condition. Then stop sending him and file a motion for emergency relief. (I forget what it's called...someone here will know) Basically, you file in court stating that she's got him in unsafe conditions, bring all the documentation you have (emails offering to help her clean it up and she refused, photos of the bites on his body, etc) and then you get a judge to tell her she either cleans the shit hole or she doesn't get visitation.

Besides that, wtf? Child services should be on this. Start Monday morning and call for a supervisor. DO NOT talk to the lowlings that answer the phone. Politely but firmly demand a supervisor until you get one. Then tell them, calmly and politely, that you are extremely frustrated because the workers have refused to do anything, you have all this documentation and you want something done to protect this child.

Does BM rent? Call her landlord and anonymously report that the house is trashed and infested with bugs.

babygirl25stl's picture

Bm lives with her bf, and their bd... I dont know if they rent, they have had 17 addresses since 2009! Who does this shit!

babygirl25stl's picture

I know it sounds simple right? So why isnt it so... well school even made the hotline, said we pulled out all four of the children that live in my home, the only one who had the bites was ss!! This was on a Monday morning, ss returned from bm sunday evening at 6pm, with bites, I took ss to urgent care... reived documents and meds and brought him to school Monday morning.. explained to the nurse and teachers. They hotlined, Social Services pull my bio kids out and stripped them and found nothing! Guess what, I spent 3 months of them visiting my home checking on ss, CAUSE IM HIS PRIMARY RESIDENCE! Omgosh im just losing it.. i feel really hopeless. Bm has done lists of shit that are not ok with any parent, yet she gets by with this while I pick up the pieces for this poor child!

ChiefGrownup's picture

You are not having luck with CPS. Leave them behind you in a trail of dust.

1. Look up your state legislature's website. Find the committee that overseas CPS. Find the name of the chairman of that committee. Call that person's office first thing Monday morning and ask for "constituent services." A liaison should come on the line. Tell that person your tale of woe and tell him you have organized documentation. Tell him your bottleneck seems to be CPS won't cross some imaginary jurisdictional line. This should get you some relief one way or the other.

2. Call the Health Dept. for the County BM lives in. Offer them your story and documentation and find out if they can inspect her home.

I am surprised the school nor the ER could pursue this further. That's a ridiculous excuse for CPS to let him suffer. There should very well be away around it and going to the legislature is a good way to get things going.

babygirl25stl's picture

Im going to do that Monday morning for sure! Thank you for that. As far as school, the call is followed up from the county the call "originated from" so I have heard so many times. My dh and I have a good relationship with our school, it certainly helps when they know the situation with bm and have a copy if the custody order. School thought they were helping the situation by placing a call as well, and when I was greeted at mt front door with kids in tow after the school pick up line... by 3 Cps agents and 2 police officers, I spoken with my schools social worker and she was shocked they operated in this manner! Also, the fact they pulled my twins out of kindergarten and took photos of them and interviewed them, mind you one twins have Autism and the other has language impairment issues, with out my concent or notifing me at all! My kids told me... wtf Missouri Child Services, get your shit together.

Rags's picture

Okay this is what we did under similar circumstances.

SS would go to Sperm Land visitation 80% toilet trained, clean and well groomed which in our home is the norm. He would come back after Sperm Clan visitation in diapers so loaded they would leak all kinds of foul ooze, half inch grunge caked finger and toe nails, with puss filled welts oozing all over his backside, diaper rash so bad his anus would bleed when we cleaned him up, black grunge under his arm pits, in his crotch, arm pits, and waist line, and BO so bad it would gag a maggot or a buzzard.

We started completely documenting his cleanliness and grooming prior to departing for Sperm Land visitation then started picking him up from the airport and going directly to his pediatricians office where they would examine him, treat his pustules, document it all, and call CPS immediately. CPS would come immediately to the docs office where we would show them the dated predarture photos and the travel documents for his today return from Sperm Land and his departure to Sperm Land airline documentation. Texas CPS would call Sperm Land CPS and they would come down on Sperm Grandhag’s house and the Sperm Idiot’s house like stink on shit.

The Sperm Clan would whine and cry about how they could not afford diapers (remember, in our house he was in training pants not diapers and was ~80% toilet trained), claim that they did not have time to toilet train him (all they had to do was let him go to the damned toilet when he asked), claim we were interfering with their visitation and trying to control how they parented, tried to sue us for harassment, and generally did all they could to not have to provide for the kid’s (then a toddler) when he was in Sperm Land.

My IL’s at that time sounds much like the BM in your world’s home now. We never let the Skid even visit my ILs ever. The ILs live in the heart of Sperm Land and tried repeatedly to get us to send SS to them either before or following his Sperm Clan visitation so they could spend dedicated time with the Skid. My bride never once agreed to that and to this day if we visit we stay in a hotel because my ILs house could easily be on an episode of Hoarders.

So, take your Skid to the doc each and every time he comes back from BMs covered in flea bites. Let the doc drive the CPS response to BM. They should come down on her hard. At least that was the case with my Skid under similar circumstances and we never lived nearer than 1200 miles and at least 2 or 3 states from Sperm Land.

Good luck. This kid needs someone to bring the pain down on his disgusting mother.

Evil stepmonster's picture

You won't get thrown in jail. It also takes a while to get a contempt of court charge which is the charge filed if you ignore a court order. Ignore the court order. You'll get called before a judge and that's when you show him all the documentation and proof of what is going on, the medical problems you're ss is having, and proof that the BM refuses to do anything about it and social services won't help. It's a crap shoot yes, and they'll probably be a fine for ignoring the court order, but you have to argue that you were doing it in the best interest of the child.

babygirl25stl's picture

Dh tried this once, they attempted to arrest him on a class A misdemeanor charge of "interference of custody or visitation" which we were told by the Captain at the police dept that its the same for parental abduction as long as we dont leave the state with the child. Swear Im so tired of seeing her get by with the crap she has pulled. Bm cant afford her CS, cant buy school supplies or provide insurance for her child, but can manage to have 2 dogs and 6 cats in a house. Nasty bitch

intrinsicmemory's picture

While doing all of that pick the kid up some Avon Skin so Soft Original bath oil. It is kind of teal blue in coloring on the packaging. It works to hide the fact he exists from fleas, teach him to apply it to himself a couple times a day so at least he doesn't have to suffer. It comes in a 5 ounce spray, and there are 16.9 ounce and 24 ounce sizes so it can be refilled.

I hate seeing kids suffer with fleas because of disgusting parents, and I see it a lot. These kids who know nothing better because their parents live in squalor with 5,6,7 or more animals that are virtually ignored. I fell pretty bad for the animals too getting eaten alive by fleas... But you are more likely to get an animal control unit to rescue the animals than you are to get CPS to rescue a BMs pay check... Err kids.

babygirl25stl's picture

After a few days to think on things. I went shopping and purchased almost 150$ in flea remedies and sprays. Also provided ss with 3 different types of bugs repellent for his self. I drove him to BM for her visitation, recorded with a gopro camera me handing her the stuff and the kid and telling her that if he comes back with one more bite, I'm going to file for full custody after I turn her into the dept of health and human services, and the animal protection society and Child welfare for her living conditions. Told her there are no more excuses, figure out whats more important, visitation with your child or your animals! Of course she didnt like it, but she took the stuff. I have the receipts and proof of me handing it to her and my statement. Hope this is enough.... for the time being