How can I make him pay CS?
I have a CS order in Illinois court (now live in AR) but the ex doesn't pay his support. He is a cdl truck driver. I have no address, no phone #, and I know he works for cash. He last told me 6 months ago that he lives in rural MO. now but could've lied. I do know his social sec #. Anyone know how I can make him pay some of the $8000 he owes? I can't afford the lawyers here. Legal aid has extensive waiting list.
I thought of that too.
I thought of that too. Started trying to collect through them 3 years ago - no luck. They're so swamped. They occasionally intercept his tax refund but that's about all I can get them to do..
Thanks though for your speedy response. I'll keep the heat on them
You need to keep on your case
You need to keep on your case worker. "They are swamped" is a ridiculous excuse-I hope no one told you that. They are required to do their jobs. Call the attorney general do whatever you need to do, call everyday, etc.
You might try again. Illinois
You might try again. Illinois has gotten better (more serious) about enforcing CS orders. The State Attorney General's Office (google for Lisa Madigan IL Attroney General child support) in conjuction with IL Dept Healthcare and Family Services implemented some new tactics to get deadbeat's attention not so long ago.
If you have his SS# and he has a CDL registration in IL, he won't be too hard to find. Your ex can't renew that CDL and could even have it yanked. Anymore a person can't even buy a fishing license in IL without a check being ran to see if person is behind in CS.
Oh that's is really good
Oh that's is really good news! I hope he didn't renew his cdl in Missouri though - that may cause a problem
It takes a long time but
It takes a long time but eventually they will get him. Even when I provided our CSE office with addresses and names of the companies he worked for, it STILL took them until my son was almost 10 before they got an income withholding order on him. It is easier after that.
But yeah, he still owes over $15K and my son is almost 23 now.
People will go to great
People will go to great lengths not to pay support to their children. I will never understand this mentality. How they sleep at night is beyond me. There is really no way to force blood from a turnip. What you can do is open a case with the state and keep pressing the state/your case worker to file a contempt case.
Sent a letter to the states
Sent a letter to the states attorney today, and to the office of child support enforcement. I asked for a response from both - we'll see if either is acknowledged.. thanks for all of your advice!
Call the IL CSE office and
Call the IL CSE office and request direct payroll with holding of your CS from XW's check. At the very least he will acrue huge arrearages which he will eventually have to pay to you.
At best they will start garninshing his wages.
Good luck.