How should dh go abt visitation
Bm is very demanding. She sends emails that are demanding and it belittles dh. Dh sent an email back recently that said lease do not send demanding emails or offend him in any way. Im sure he will get a complete book back. Lol. He needs to take bm to court because he changed jobs a while ago and he works until 7pm. Very late esp. If he has to have sd11 home by 9pm. Also, he gets her one day on the weekend. But this all changed because bm put sd11 in dance classes EVERY single day during the week! Soo, im thinking its time to take her to court again. Should he get visitation revised if its through divorce or start a complete new visitation document?
Also, does he have to be off
Also, does he have to be off all days in order for him to have the child? He wants sd11 over weekend he will be off on sunday only...we feel stupid for asking this question
Ha we got a 5 pager this past
Ha we got a 5 pager this past friday crazy from BM. I'm in the same boat as you. She does everything she can to make DH feel like lesser of a person. Then makes crazy demands. THEN puts skids in all kinds of activities on HIS scheduled time. Did you know that if she does that without telling your DH that he doesn't have to take her to those things? That she can't be planning things on HIS scheduled time?
If they have First Right of
If they have First Right of Refusal in their CO than she gets the kids over anybody else if he is not able to be home during his scheduled time.
He has a visitation order.
He has a visitation order. She must produce the kid per that schedule or he can ask the court to find her in criminal violation of a court order. No dance class schedule takes presidence over seeing Daddy. Daddy should ask his attorney to write her a letter threatening just than and do so if necessary.
Now if Daddy wants to be nice he can pick daughter up and in the course of her visit take her to her class.
The nice thing about a visitation order is nobody can push anybody around. Either party can hold the other to the minute. Dot I's and cross T's. OR both parties can be civil about stuff and juggle as necessary without any court getting involved.
Often it one party has to shove the others nose in it by holding to the order. Giving nor asking for any changes for about a year. Then slowly easing into co-operation. But its not required. If she remains hard nosed he can also.
He has every right to ask that the order be changed to fit his schedule but once the book is open on that subject its impossible to predict what will come out of it. Unless Daddy is asking for the basic schedule - weekends - holidays - PU at 6PM deliver back at 6PM etc he cannot be sure of what he will end up with.
Mostly I've found that the final order pleases nobody and eventually they learn to co-operate. But for now see paragraph one above.
No the only reason she wants
No the only reason she wants him there is to be difficult. Does not say anything abt refusal.
I wish there was a way to
I wish there was a way to delete this one. I actually posted again with a little bit more info...sorry if this annoyed anyone.