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Identity theft

stormof77's picture

So I just found out my SKs BM has been using their SSNs to set up phone and cable accounts for the last 4 years!!! :jawdrop: All the accounts have been terminated for non-payment. So she just turns them on, runs up the bill and walks away!!! :O I've spent 3 full business days on the phone calling every phone, cable and utility company. She also made a large purchase using my DHs name and we just found out when he requested copies of his credit report! We are waiting for a fraud packet from one of the companies and then we were advised to call the police and report her! Has anyone else been through anything like this?? Will she go to jail? Will those companies go after her for the unpaid balances? She also used the kids/father's last name and they were NEVER married!!

Orange County Ca's picture

I'm not as worried as step.... said. If the adult kids run into credit problems they can prove they were children when it all happened. That plus any paperwork your husband generates should tell the tale.

Screwed for life? Nah.

Helena.Handbasket's picture

I'm so less worried about the skids and more concerned about your DH's credit (and yours).

Do as you were instructed. Fill out the fraud report paperwork, file a report with the police. At this point, I'd be less concerned about her and more concerned about wiping that credit fraud clean. it can take such a long time.

stormof77's picture

My SDs are 6 and 8. I am not super worried about their credit as they will be able to prove later in life that this happened to them as children. We are actually hoping we can use this incidence to get their SSNs changed so that BM will not have them anymore. She is constantly trying to get state benefits for them and used to claim them both on her tax returns before my DH had the chance to. She has been to jail twice for theft of her employers. (She has stolen from every single employer she has had, but has only been prosecuted twice!) As far as my DH's credit goes, out of all three reports, that's the only thing on his credit from her and it was only $157 from 2 years ago. My DH has Friday's off so we will be contacting the police on Friday and going to the SS office to place a credit freeze on the girls' SSNs and a Fraud Alert on his. I'm hoping since BM has already done some time for theft, that she will get a little more than a slap on the wrist. And I'm assuming since she's been caught, she will owe all these phone and cable companies the money from terminated contracts due to non-payment. Life won't be looking so great for her; she's already paying restitution on both theft charges and has her wages garnished for repossessed cars and for stealing money from the state due to day care fraud!!! We are all wondering WTH she does with her money?!?!?!?! :O

stormof77's picture

So aggravating! The deputy who took our report was a total jerk! We arrived just as he was getting ready to take his lunch. So sorry. My husband has a debilitating fear of speaking in public and to people he doesn't know. I do all the phone calls and talking on his behalf for just about everything. He's stumbling over his words and stuttering, so I take over. The officer then pretty much accused us (while looking at me) of a "witch hunt" in connection with the parenting plan trial!! :jawdrop: He wanted to know why I made all the phone calls to all the companies when I am not their legal guardian. He wasn't interested in hearing about my husband's 12-hour work days. So he does his job and files the report and then informs us that another deputy will be following up on the case because he's injured and on desk duty for the next 4-6 months. So his shitty attitude was all because he's a pencil pusher. He had the nerve to say there is a grey area between a civil matter and criminal intent. So he probably put some snide comments in his report because she has not been arrested and no one has gotten a hold of us for further details, interviews or information. Her entire adult life has been based on criminal intent! He would know that if he looked into her arrest record!!!!! Sad

SanAntonioSoccerMom's picture

I hope you stepped above him and went to his supervisor, or contacted the district attorney to ensure your claim is filed appropriately. His job is to take the report and help the victims not to speculate as to potential motives. That attitude and commentary would not have flown with me. I tend to have a more agressive personality.

In situations like this when it comes to illegal activity regarding his children, your husband really needs to be able to be speak on his children's behalf.