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Insurance issue

Crazymommaof4's picture

I have a question if anyone knows if this is possible. I am able to add my boyfriends daughter to my companies health plan and since I am paying for it I feel the BM should pay the company's and such. It's not my child so kinda like not my duty but her mother refuses to get her medicade cause she is collecting benefits plus working for cash so she don't want to get caught. If she agrees is it legal to write up some kind of contract stating she will pay the bills so that they don't end up in my name or if unpaid go on my credit score. Also would it hold up in court if we just get it noterized? Or must everything go thru a lawyer?

SASX's picture

Hypothetically: six months from now the kid is climbing a tree, falls out and breaks both arms. Insurance is in your name and the kid needs surgery. Surgery is done but hey there is a 20% co insurance amount that BM/Dad make a payment agreement on. (No exaggeration these bills with co insurance can reach $7500.00)

Only mom doesn't pay her half and dad isnt paying on time. You and dad start to argue over the bill becaue the hospital/doctors are calling.

Then: your broken up. No longer together, your insurance thusly you get stuck with the bill OH... and breaking up with your boyfriend is not considered "significant life change" so you can't just drop the kid off your insurance. You have to wait until open enrollment and pray the child does not fall out of another tree, rupture an appendix, get in a car wreck etc.

Insurance is mom and dads problem. Run away from this issue. Do not, do not, do not engage your credit on what is possibly only a temporary relationship.

Unfreakingreal's picture

Hell to the big fat no. As it is, SS20 isn't even on our car insurance policy! DH and I are married, he has HIS medical insurance thru his employer and I have mine thru my employer. I won't mingle these things. I just think it's too much of a hassle later on if ever things go sour.

Disneyfan's picture

The kid has two parents. It's their job to make sure she's has insurance.

Mom refusing to get medicaid is a good thing. Tax payers should not get stuck doing mom and dad's job.

StickAFork's picture

How can you legally put your boyfriend's children on your insurance??

Every insurance plan I've ever had has required:
1. Marriage certificate
2. Birth certificats of minors showing relation to the insured or the spouse

I even had to remove SD from my plan when her father and I got divorced. Sad

Crazymommaof4's picture

Well I forgot to add we are supposed to marry in march. I've been looking into the thought of adding her cause I will add him once we marry. I asked opinions in another forum because I have this feeling that I should t add the step kid but then I feel bad cause when she's sick her mother does nothing and we treat her so in one way I know it would save us money then in one way I think fuck that bitch (BM) it's her kid and I was told their divorce agreement is she's responsible for the health part but nothing goes according to agreement cause the child is supposed to be with each parent alternet weeks so 50/50 no child support cause they would both be doing everything but we have her full time mom pays nothing and kid sees her usually 3 weekends a month but less if she gets a better offer to go out with friends cause god knows friends are higher on the list then her kid

StickAFork's picture

In that case, and you'll be MARRIED (that's big to me) then it *can* work.

I insured my SD for years. Her mother didn't pay much of anything (and that's being generous) but it was important to me that SD be insured.

When XH and I split, I kept her on until the decree was signed. She stayed on my health and car insurance, with NO help from XH or BM.

Queeny's picture

Why not just find a private policy for her? As long as there are not serious health issues, it shouldn't be too bad...I think!