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Maryland Lawyers

CrazieCoconut86's picture

I am in Maryland and would like to know if anyone can suggest a way to find a lawyer that is either really inexpensive or will work pro-bono. DH and I just found out that BM will be moving into our county and will be living about 20 minutes away. We can finally go for 50/50 of SS4 (5 next month). DH tried doing that when SS was 1 and 2, but BM refuesed and the judge and mediator didn't seem to care who SS was with.

Can anyone make any suggestions?

jaffa's picture

The lawyers brief a court in writing on the issues in a case before the issues can be orally argued. They may have to perform extensive research into relevant facts and law while drafting legal papers and preparing for oral argument. Thanks.
custom essay writing service's picture

I would suggest instead, finding a counselor who is willing to work with both parents in reaching an agreement that is in the best interest of the child. It will save everyone money, and is WAY BETTER than what will happen to them in court. They can have an attorney for help in the legal matters and filing whatever decision they reach together, but the second they both join different sides, it becomes a war. Worst. plan. ever. Trust me.

CrazieCoconut86's picture

This would be great, but in the past, BM refused to make any compromises. It was her way or no way. The mediator didn't give two shits what DH wanted, which was 50/50 from the beginning. I am worried that a counselor or mediator just won't work. She will do whatever she can to make sure her CS doesn't go down.

SMof2Girls's picture

Same boat I'm in. Maryland tends to favor the mother, regardless of all the evidence pointing to the father being just as good, if not better parent.

We've never tried to take our SDs away from BM, we just want a fair agreement that keeps them in a consistent environment.

overwhelmed_underappreciated's picture

Good luck. MD screwed us too despite the fact that BM has been in and out of jail. I hhate that damn state and SO and I will not be moving there when he gets out of the Marine Corps... maybe DE to be closer to the skids but NOT MD.

davidb4's picture

Excellent affordable or efficient attorney is now unusual around us. By the help of a injuries attorney you can resist with your unfortunate situation that comes suddenly. Personal injury lawyer has been a popular name in the Tacoma, WA who has been looking after the injuries claims and smiles of many individuals in the matter.

emaily26's picture

It will save everyone money, and is WAY BETTER than what will happen to them in court. They can have an attorney for help in the legal matters and filing whatever decision they reach together, but the second they both join different sides, it becomes a war.

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