Why aren't you allowed to ask how CS is being used??
I'm not sure if its different everywhere but in ri when you pay CS you have no right to ask where the money is going. Why is that? Shouldn't the paying parent have a right to know that the money is indeed being used for the child? My DH BM has just recently gone back to work since the child was born. The kid is going to be 8. DH has been paying since they split. And what bothers him is that BM lives at home with her parents and 4 other people rent free. AND has a habit that he wonders how she manages to have if she's had no income other then CS. So it's frustrating thinking that BM is spending 700 a month just on the 7year old child. Again she pays no rent an doesn't have a place of her own so it's jot like that's where the money is going. So why is it the paying parent has no right to know where the CS they are paying is going?? The court says because the money is to benefit the child. That's what's it's SUPPOSE to go towards how is it fair if its being used to support habits or let BM buy things for herself???
Your DH has every right to
Your DH has every right to ask what BM is spending the CS on. However, she nor anyone else is required to answer.
The difficulty of this topic is that CS is usually just a part of the income of the CP household and which specific dollar of income goes to which specific bill or cost can not be determined.
Dollars are dollars.
Personally I believe that if CS makes up a notable % of the CP household income (say 35+
that the NCP should be able to request periodic audits of CP household expenditures. If CS makes up <35% of the CPs household income then there should be no ability by the NCP to ask for an audit.
In our case CS was never more than a low single digit % of our household income so it was for the most part completely irrelevent (Started at $110/mo and peaked at $385/mo).
Any audit response should be simple. In our case a single line item response showing CS at $110/mo and our mortgage at $XXXX.XX should be adequate to show the NCP and courts that CS is not being abused.
Though I am the CP StepDad I agree that CS audits should be required in qualifying situatios.
Interestingly even the pittance of CS paid by my Skid's SpermClan caused a whole bunch of drama on their side. They wanted to know what it was spent on. I played that for all kinds of entertainment value over the years. }:) }:) }:) That pittance of CS bought 6 cars, 2 houses, boarding school for my Skid and several very nice vacations over the years. At least it did in the minds of the toothless morons in the SpermClan. They gnashed their teeth about that until the CO expired and still do when they rarely speak to my Skid.
Basic math is not their strong suit.
Maybe you didn't read the
Maybe you didn't read the whole post. She does NOT pay rent or utilities. She has a car that's been paid off since my DH and her were together. So no car payment. She live with her parents and 4 other family members. So where's the money go to?? Her drug habit? That's where there is a concern. If she had her own place for her and child we wouldn't be even thinking about any of this.
"Once I got done reminding
"Once I got done reminding him of the roof over our son's head, water, electric, trash, sewer, cable/internet, food, entertainment...all the things that our son needed, he never asked again"
BUT, for an involved NCP, they have to have the same things during their parenting time. So, why do you get paid to have water? You as an adult who is not destitute need water anyway!
I am totally all for a
I am totally all for a rule/law that requires CP to show how/where the CS money is being spent on. I know for a fact my BF's 920.00 a month is NOT being spent on JUST skid. BM is currently not working and has 4 other kids from 3 different men. I know she doesnt get much for the oldest 3 anymore so of course my BF's hard earned money is supporting them all. GRRR burns my ass. BF doesnt make much after getting raped in CS every month but in cases like BF's I think that BMs should have to give an account for it. There is something fishy going on when a woman with 5 kids can have a new vehicle every 1-2 years and get her hair, nails, tanning, etc done all the time. :O
In my case I am also a BM. And I can honestly say that I spend all of the CS I receive on my son. I receive 400.00 a month and I spend every penny of it on my sons private school tuition. As of this month it is being bumped up to 500.00 a month and I will still be spending it on my sons tuition and there will be some extra left over and that will be for my son to have for spending money.
I just don't get these pos BMs and how they can do this and always seem to get away with it.
He can ask, but she can
He can ask, but she can choose not to answer. If he's concerned that neglect is happening, he needs to go to the courts/CPS.
so your one of those Ex Bms
so your one of those Ex Bms then? of course you are
Nope. I'm just saying that I
Nope. I'm just saying that I would make sure my kids have what they need and are well cared for. And everyone, including my ex, would see that. So if he asked me how I was spending the cs, I'd tell him I'm not married to him anymore and laugh in his face, as one poster on another blog said.
"I dont know why people are
"I dont know why people are SO SURPRISED that someone acts the way they do AFTER they split up. OH you had 3 kids with 3 other guys before me and I am suprised now that we are split up that you are a HO? HELLO! Oh you never paid the bills when we were married and drove us into debt yet I stayed married to you for another 5 years and had 2 more kids and now that we are split up I am surprised that you dont pay your bills and I often have to help you out to pay bills on top of CS."
LOL, you are so right! OP, I understand your frustration, but the reason you are so annoyed is because BM is living somewhere rent free. Remember, though, the courts can't force someone to live where they have to pay rent. If BM is able to find some place where she doesn't have to pay rent, that's just her good luck. She still has to feed and clothe the kid, pay school fees, doctor/dentist bills, etc.
I'm divorced and I get $300 a month in CS from my ex. Right now I"m paying over $800 a month in rent. I'm going to be moving in with my BF soon, who will be paying all the bills. That means I'll be living somewhere rent free. But that doesn't mean my exH doesn't have to pay CS anymore for our two daughters. I know that's going to eat him up, but just because my living expenses change does not mean a parent is free from providing for their kids. That's just the way the cookie crumbles.
I get everything that you are
I get everything that you are saying, and you are right...but it still sucks and is depressing. Our "Justice" system has failed us in sooo many ways, CS being one of them.

If money wasn't so important to live then I for one wouldn't care so much but 920.00 a month taken away from ones income is alot of money to lose and could definitely be used on things NEEDED and not new cars, hair, nails, etc. like some of these BMs like to spend it on. Sorry....
Tasha - you always complain
Tasha - you always complain about how much your DH's pays and I understand your frustration, but you DO understand CS is based on the parent's income, right? If one parent works and the other parent (BM) doesn't, the working parent will pay even more CS. If your DH is paying $920 a month, that is because of how much he makes and how much BM makes.
My exH only pays $300 a month because I work and he doesn't make a lot of money. CS is not just some number pulled out of the sky, it's based on the parent's income.
The current amount he pays is
The current amount he pays is based on when he was working ALOT of hours to support HER and her other kids and his ONE kid. He is working less now, and we will be addressing that soon BUT her slick atty got them to base his recent CS amount on his W2 so of course he is going to get fucked because he worked alot the prior year. So we are going to wait until DEC, 31 and then we will file for a CS modification.
BF and I went online to calculate whereabouts his CS would be and it didnt even matter if BM made 200.00 or the same as BF did he STILL pretty much had to pay the same thing. How is that fair? I get it that life isnt fair but why is it that if BM CHOOSES NOT to work that she gets more of BF's money to support their kid when she is just as responsible for skid as he is? God forbid if a man said he wasnt going to work to support his kid he would be in prison for it but a BM can do it?
So in my mind anyway I feel that I have a legit reason to complain.
I have no issue with a NCP supporting their child but when he has barely anything left over then I have a problem.
That's good you're going for
That's good you're going for a modification.
About BM's income - you must live in a state where CS is based solely on the NCP's income. I think in Texas it's a straight 20% of NCP's income regardless of how much BM makes. Yeah, that does suck. I think it goes back to Aenon's post about how CS laws just have not caught up with the times.
Like I said before, I have no
Like I said before, I have no issue with a NCP paying CS for their child. That has never been the issue for me, believe me it would be nice not to have to give money to a BM/SKID but I know he has to at least pay something. It is just when the CP gets to live "high off the hog" so to speak while the NCP barely squeaks by. That is what burns my ass Amber.
We live in Mass so here the NCP pays anywheres up to around 33% I believe of their GROSS income...so of course she is going to get a good chunk...she gets money that my BF doesnt even SEE and there is nothing he can do about it.
I just can't wait for this CS nightmare to end!
And they will take away a
And they will take away a portion of CS if you receive state or federal aid in Ohio.
They recently recalculated SO's CS automatically because HH received more aid - his CS went down, but more of it goes to the state.
She is downright livid it too.
Amen to that Scubed. I have
Amen to that Scubed.
I have an ex-friend who did that sort of thing. It got maddening to listen and I finally stopped talking to her. I can't deal.
It's hard to be friends with people who pull that same shit. If I think it's horrid from my SO's ex wife, why would I be ok with it from my friend?
Tasha - I understand where
Tasha - I understand where you're coming from. I would get pissed too if my DH was starving while the BM like you say "lives high on the hog". Like another poster said, no one really minds their DH paying CS, it's just when it obvious that the CS is not being spent on the child that it gets infuriating.
Scubed had a good point, though. When you get the CS reviewed, I'd look into getting BM's income inputted. Even if she's not working, she should be imputed to minimum wage.
It makes me wonder sometimes
It makes me wonder sometimes with these bm's. you are so quick to jump an laugh at the idea of your ex asking where the money goes. Have something to hide?? Turn the situation around if YOU were the one paying I'm sure you'd want to kno
I have nothing to hide. My
I have nothing to hide. My exH once complained that he couldn't claim our two daughters on his tax return.
I told him: You have the kids one day out of the week. I have them the other six days. I pay $60 a week in after school care - that's $240 a month. The girl's school lunches cost $10 a week, that's $20 a week for both of them - $80 a month. We're at $320 already. We haven't even talked about doctor/dentist bills that insurance doesn't cover, (last month I paid over $200 for dentist bills) uniforms for school, clothes, food, the additional rent/utilities I have to pay for a three bedroom.
Not to mention time off from work when they're sick or I have to take them to the doctor/dentist.
Yeah, there are some BM's that abuse CS, but just like every thing else, there are bad apples in every bunch.
I am right there with you!
I am right there with you! Whenever my EXH complains about CS I do remind him of all those things and I tell him that I would be happy to split every child related need right down the middle instead and he will always shut up real fast!
I'm not a bm but I do agree
I'm not a bm but I do agree with the SMs who are also BMs. Like it or not, once that check is deposited, it is on bm to decide how it's spent, and it's her money. That said, it is meant for her to use on the kids. But it's still hers. In my DHs case, he was paying bm $1500 a month for 2 girls. They were being neglected. He got the courts and CPS involved and now he has custody. Asking bm how the cs is spent is only going to earn the cs payer a laugh in their face. Unfair, maybe. But it's the truth.
I totally agree!!
I totally agree!!

My DH only has 3 more years
My DH only has 3 more years of CS on the last two kids. It's been a long financial road since he is down to approx 850 a month now and at one point he paid as much as 1400 for 4 kids plus 60% of day care and 50% of medical.
I don't think so much about the money anymore, just a relief to be rid of owing the BM anything. I get so tired of seeing her little e-mail reminders of how much he still owes her for braces and dr visits!
Over the years listening to the SKids rants that BM would not buy year books and school pictures and knowing how much CS my DH paid I was disgusted with their constant complaints that their BM made them pay for 1/2 of everything and that she had 2 closets full of clothes and shoes. These are things I would not know without them bitching and complaining about her to me....not to mention her nails and tanning visits.
I used to get SS for my son
I used to get SS for my son (father deceased), every year I have to fill out a form that says what I spent it on and how much I saved for him for college. Every year, I put tuition, mortgage and bills. I think they can do the same for CS, but honestly, no one is ever going to check up on it and do an accounting so does it really matter. Do you know how many people they would have to employ to have that level of accountability? Never going to happen. Just accept it and move on and count the days until they are 18 and CS goes away.
When you start asking for a
When you start asking for a financial breakdown, it gets ugly. When you have the government forcing you to account for every penny tyou spend, you're asking for a massive violation of privacy. When they start deeming things you do as an adult as unnecessary and unfair - how will you like that? My ex has a brand new pool - is that necessary? I have a new car. Is that necessary? I have cable, but he has satellite, are either necessary? I paint my own nails twice a week and spend money on nail polish - is that necessary? Oh you don't like that we eat out, well I don't like that you buy Omaha steaks. Why can't you buy your shoes at Walmart? Oh you have low arches? Prove it. You don't need to spend that on that! You don't need to pay money for this or for that! Why? Because they don't deem it necessary! You want your ex and the goverment to dictate EXACTLY how much you spend and where? Seriously? I don't.
Sure you can ask and you can get a high level breakdown - but won't most people have the same high level breakdown?
Food, Shelter, Clothing, Utilities, Education, Daycare if applicable, and then the extras.
Think about the sheer number of people they'd have to employ to do that sort of thing. Not to mention how much time and effort the current system already takes, now multiply exponentially.
Sure I get that it's frustrating when your EX or your exes EX suck, but adding a whole new level of beauracracy on the top of it is ridiculous.
(Sorry this is a hot button for me as my exes fiance' asked me the other day how much I spend on my son as if I neglect him - I know that's not how she meant it, but seriously, I haven't taken that man back for a review in ten years and I send my son with money every weekend that he goes to his dads so he doesn't have to spend extra on him. He goes to private school and is in extracurriculars that I don't ask for help with, I pay for extra school photos for my ex and his family, I pay for the insurance, I pay for it all - F that shit. I dare someone to come and ask me how much I spend on my son again. It won't be pretty)
^^^THIS^^^ Not to mention,
^^^THIS^^^ Not to mention, who has the right to dictate where someone lives? A CP can save a lot of money depending on where they live, but that's so subjective. You can live in a crappy apartment in a high crime neighborhood and save a bunch of money, but who gets to decide where someone else lives?
Yeah, it sucks, but it gets so sticky.
I really get that money is a
I really get that money is a sticky issue - it always will be. Especially when we live in an age where we put emotional, intellectual and physical value on all the "things" we have or don't have.
I also know that we get pissed when we see a woman we wouldn't even choose to be friends with taking someone we care about for a ride that impacts our lives.
I wouldn't want that imposed on me so I wouldn't impose it on someone else.
I sometimes look around at the women who are my friends and I see some of them that make the same choices as good ol' Horsehead, especially when it comes to money, and I wonder why I don't get so livid at them but I do at her and I know it's all about how *I* perceive it. My friends don't hurt me, but HH hurts someone I love or it impacts me, so I get mad. But I also know I can't ask of others what I would'nt be willing to do myself.
In response to the original
In response to the original general question... most likely because when the law was made the law makers realized that accountability of CS spending could and would be used as another way to harass the CP. most of these laws were originally made in another time when women had very little power and were generally screwed over because they had little or no ability to support themselves and generally no ability to support themselves on the level that the father did. There were many more cases of women being victimized, abused and harassed by an ex husband at the time, so saying that those women had to supply an accounting of where the went would be one more avenue for them to be harassed.
That being said, times have changed. Should there be an accounting now? Maybe. But I doubt the laws will change because who's going to be responsible for doing the checking? Most state governments don't have the budget to start a department just to check up to make sure that CS is being used on the kid and if its a one parent overseeing the other parent,you're just going to have a huge increase in frivolous contempt suits. The courts are already pretty busy,I don't think they have any desire to open up another avenue of legal recourse in family court.
ETA- and it's not different everywhere, there is no state I know of where the CP is required to account for how CS is spent to the court or the other parent.
If I had bios and my ex asked
If I had bios and my ex asked how I spent cs, I'd laugh in his face because I'd have an excellent job and would be using my salary from that and the cs to put a decent roof over their heads, buy clothes, food, doctors visits, etc.
The $500 per month in CS I
The $500 per month in CS I pay my ex for DD15 goes straight to his live-in girlfriend's new Jeep payment. My daughter still does without most items and borrows things like hair conditioner, tampons and body wash from her friends. On a good note though, the gf is a realtor and just hit the jackpot with a house she sold and I have to give her kudos, she bought my daughter a new wardrobe of summer clothes! Well, gee, thanks since usually every summer she arrives in Colorado wearing the same clothes I bought her the year before...they're holy, ripped and too small. This year, I guess I'm off the hook for having to buy her clothes!
I could not give a financial
I could not give a financial accounting for my DS's CS (when it was received - DS is almost 23 and he still has $15K in arrears). Like other posters have said, it was all in the same account.
BUT I was sole custodial parent. His father didn't even try to get any visitation. It was on me completely to fund DS's life. The CS I received, when received, wasn't close to half of the expenses.
Also, my son was always fed. Not bony. He had plenty of clothes to wear and toys. He had everything he needed and quite a few things he wanted.
What a lot of us have a problem with is when the CP is OBVIOUSLY using the CS money towards their OWN lifestyle, instead of on the skids (i.e., turning it into alimony rather than CS).
Our BM got an increase in CS and went out and bought a new 5 bedroom house (she already had a 3 bedroom house but had to get a bigger one for her and two skids) and a new car (she already had a van that was over a decade newer than either of our cars). Then, when CS went down again, she sold the house and car. All the while, both skids would come in tattered jeans and flip flops, even when cold out. You cannot convince me that she was using the CS towards the skids and not to increase her OWN lifestyle!
As a BM I kept records and
As a BM I kept records and separate bank accounts for CS. At anytime I could have provided this information. I only used a small amount of CS toward rent or utilities, most of it went to feeding my teenage son. It also provided extra curricular activities for my son. Once my ExH asked what I spent it on and I provided him a spreadsheet, he never asked again. I was not using CS on vacations to Morocco. }:)
As a SM, I'd love to ask, but cannot. Skids always look to us to provide any basics needed and all the extras. SS13 told us that DH and I have more money than anyone they know. We corrected him, it's just that we know that we have to provide everything so we budget for their needs and go without so they can have. A little reality check? BM spends CS on whatever she wants and that usually doesn't mean anything on the skids.
I've never thought much about
I've never thought much about it. My husband pays $356 (he paid $20/mo the first 3 years of SS10's life $218 for 5 years now $356) and it's hard for me to imagine that the CS money DOESN'T go toward the kid. She probably spends that much for food alone on SS10! Good Lord that kid can eat. She also works full time, so if she has a new car, gets her nails done, etc., who really cares? It's her money.
But then again, I'm not in the situation a lot of you are in. Having a BM who doesn't work, yet lives like a Boss would not be fun!