child support

inneedofhelp's picture


I am paying child support to my 15 year old ss who is residentially placed for sexually abusing my biological 5 yo son. Not only that But I am paying the most of everyone involved including my wife and the bf. How can this be right, that I as the father of the sexually abused son, am paying for the sexual offender to get treatment.....something has gotta give here?


inneedofhelp's picture

I did not adopt the 15 yo ss. He has lived with me for 12 years. The bm is paying also which is more money being taken away from our 5 yo bs. The bio father is paying the same amoumt as he was in 2003. He was scheduled to appear in court on the same day and never showed, get that. They also are not going after step mom.............

I cannot afford a lawyer at this point, and when we call asking for public assistance.....we make too much money

I am about ready to go to every news media out there and just start screming for my little man

Clorell's picture

That doesn't make sense. You should go down to family court and file something. You are not legally obligated to pay for your step son unless the mother was the one ordered to pay child support and has defaulted on that. (Or unless you agreed to pay and signed something.) Then the bf would have had to file against the bm, which in some states the court does in deed come after the step parent of that household. Is that the case? Were you ordered to pay the bf? If that is not the case? You should research your state's child support laws and you can file without the help of lawyers or legal aids. You just have to do the work. Calm down, and look up the laws on the internet.

Is your bio. child alright? Have you sought couseling for him? Sexual abuse can be devastating to a child and the ramifications can last a lifetime. Love and support your little guy and make sure he gets the counseling he needs to get past what he experienced.

God Bless.