I have no control in my home!
Hey all i'm new to the board and have been following it for quite some time and this is great! on to my situation..i live with my "domestic partner" and she has two kids one 14 and one 13 boy and girl also i ave a one year old with my "domestic partner" who I adore and i would be devastated if i wasnt in his life every single day but its getting tough my armor is beginning to tear and im beginning to get really bothered by just them being around.First things first she lets them getaway with EVERYTHING! specially the little girl she can't do no wrong and gets everything she DEMANDS! and is a total brat on to her son this kid has major issues anger problems and has never gotten corrected and is growing older and im afraid that with him getting older he is gonna and there will be problems physical problems and that worries bcuz im at a loss in all angles. i some what get along with my girl but anyting about her kids its taken the wrong way and mind you she has BD that doesnt pay child support at all yet is the jewl of there eyes and of course I understand that notion its there daddy but damn i feel like im being used to the max by this woman! please any advice will help sorry for the run on sentences im just tyoing as i go....thanks in advance.
I can completely relate with
I can completely relate with everything you are going through. I would like to say that in four and a half years of our marriage it hasn't gotten much better. I am to the point I can't stand for him to be around at all and I'm just on pins and needles while he is here. All of my vacations are when the stepson is here, so I hate vacation time. As the years go by, my husband just becomes more defensive over the whole situation and we can't really talk about it. He thinks I'm being unreasonable. I wish I had suggestions for you, but all I can offer is support in the notion that you are not alone.
wow thank you for your
wow thank you for your response and will take your advice!
A little bit of an update
A little bit of an update 8/21 my soon to be wife is pist at me because she feels that she can't buy the things that she needs for her kids(SD&SS) I.E a phone for her daughter and the rest of her school supplies which i understand but one thing is getting a pre paid phone and the other is demanding for her child to have an iphone and this snowball comes storming at me while her BD gets no blame no B****ing and gets to talk to his kids through my girls phone which i pay. something just isnt adding up here....am i being immature? i dont get it. :? :? by the way this forum is so great it's almost therapeutical!
I don't think your
I don't think your overreacting
Does she work? How was she
Does she work? How was she supporting the kids before you got together? Where is BF and how come he doesn't pay CS?
she works, the BF is in texas
she works, the BF is in texas she now resides in miami and the BF pays child support when ever he wants. doesnt keep a steady job and gets paid under the table to screw CS
a little bit of an update* I
a little bit of an update*
I went ahead and moved out i couldn't take it anymore and now im getting ready to put myself on child support and correspoind to my own and my own only!
So, where is the 1 yo boy?
So, where is the 1 yo boy? Please tell me you didn't leave him with her and her aggressive son??