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Adult SDs and SMs who are close in age

Anon2009's picture

Is it just me or does this seem to be happening a lot?

My stepmother is 12 years older than me. That age difference in and of itself can make things really interesting. I resented the fact that she really wasn't that much older than me compared to many of the other adults in my life.

I figured out that it was best to make the best of the situation and treat my stepmother with the same respect I showed to every other adult in my life. And as I became an adult, I figured it would be best to treat her with the same respect I'd show any other fellow adult.

The lack of age difference doesn't bother me like it did when I was a kid. I've grown used to it and have discovered that the best way to adapt to these changes and situations is to treat everyone involved with respect. The more I did that, the more I got used to it.

Some of you have SMs who aren't much older than you. Some of you have SKs fairly close in age to you. Some of you are younger than your SKs.

It affect celebrities too. Look at Anna Nicole Smith and her first husband. She was a lot younger than his kids. Heather Mills is 4 years older than Stella McCartney. Heather had problems with Stella. She seemed to get along better with Paul's other kids. Anna Nicole Smith's SKs didn't like her too much either. In the eyes of Stella McCartney, her former SM was a gold digger. Anna Nicole's SKs thought she was a gold digger too.

What does the lack of an age difference have to do with this? I doubt these SKs would have called women closer in age to their dads who got in relationships with said dads "gold diggers."

I think these SKs are perfectly entitled to have and form their own opinions. We all do it. However, they should find a way to make the best of the situation. Get counseling, exercise, call a friend and vent. Most of these dads aren't so old and senile that they can't realize when they're being taken advantage of. Maybe these dads and their much younger partners genuinely love and like each other. If that is the case, and SK doesn't like SM, that is fine, but the SK would be better served to find another, more healthy way of venting and releasing tension, like exercising frequently, getting counseling, and/or calling a friend for support.

PS- If I ever called my stepmother a gold digger, my father's feelings would be hurt like he11. If I ever used the lack of age difference as an excuse to treat her like he11, my father's feelings would be hurt like he11. At the end of the day, it's much better for EVERYONE (including SKs) to simply treat all others with civility and respect.

Anon2009's picture

I agree with this. Nobody would have put up with it from me either.

Adults should treat fellow adults with courtesy and respect, and as equals. Same goes for SMs and SKs close in age. I think it was you who said that titles should only come into play when one party uses their title to justify bad behavior towards another party. I couldn't agree more.

Anon2009's picture

I agree. I highly doubt it that these SKs would like it if their dads, SMs, or anyone else treated their partners like crap just because said partners are much older...

I also think a lot of their behavior is fueled by irrational fear. If dad marries a much younger woman, and has kids with her, he won't make any efforts to do things with his grandkids. What they fail to realize is that when people love each other, they make sacrifices to make their relationships work. They meet in the middle. Yes, Dad might not get to see his grandkids just as much as before. But if he truly loves ALL of his kids and his grandkids, and they truly love him, they'll meet in the middle somewhere. And his new kids could be more people who love their kids.

Sorry to go off on such a rant but again, I truly believe a lot of adult SKs actions are fueled by irrational fear. If they really, truly have concerns about this, they could talk to their dad, and him about what he wants his role as a grandpa to be, and try to meet him in the middle somewhere.

bi's picture

sd19 is 14 years younger than me, and i have often wondered if that is part of why she has such a competitive, shitty attitude with me, and why she thinks she's my equal, when she clearly isn't.

Dory's picture

I'm 15 years younger than DH and 13 years older than eldest skid.

Honestly, I don't think our age difference has had any bearing on their resentment towards me. I think in the early days BM certainly didn't like the fact that I'm younger than her, but she's been out of our lives for so long, I'm sure she's had enough time to get over it ....

As for being branded a gold-digger: I'm sure that is a question many people ask themselves when the DH is considerably wealthy. In our case, my DH hit a huge financial dip not too far into our relationship and became financially dependant on me for a period of time. So as far as my skids considering me a gold-digger - they wouldn't dare. I was the one who provided them with food and accommodation during a period of time when DH couldn't.

Anon2009's picture

"I still think it's about respect for one another, and how the kids were raised. SD never heard the word 'no' while she was growing up, and it shows."

I guess she didn't, and that's a shame. It's also a shame she was never taught how the golden rule either.

StillSearching's picture

My SD is 8 years younger than me and my SS is 10 years younger than me. This plays a big part in the respect category. The SD has told my DF that she will not take orders from me and hasn't in the past 4 years we have been together!