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Adult Step Children are taking me for granted.

wilspeak's picture

I have 3 step ADULT step kids. I have had respect issues wit all of them. This latest incident has made me very angry. My wife talked me into giving my Stepdaughter $80 to purchase some theme park tickets through her job. Needless to say the tickets didn't get purchased and the money was never returned, even after I was told time and time again that the $80 would be returned in full. My step daughter has a very good job and her husband is employed too , so its not like they cant pay it back. Me and my wife got into a really bad argument over this issue of her daughter lying and keeping that money. Its not the money, its the principal and integrity of the promise to give the money back, it also made her mother look bad. I am tired of dealing with her conniving daughter and son. Please can any one give me some advice ? Sad

HappyHome's picture

I love the title of your post. It's like saying the sky is blue and the grass is green. Of course the adult stepchildren are taking you for granted! You know what else? They will stick it to you every chance they get. They didn't purchase the tickets, they didn't pay you back. Like you are nothing. Like you don't matter. And you fought with your wife over it, like you could ever win that one. Look how they screwed you up and you let them. Next time, say no to doing them any favors and no to any of their requests. Let your wife do for them, if she wants. For sure she will be appreciated. But not you. So don't put yourself in that position. And don't take it personally because it is no reflection of you, your kindness, or your worth as a person.

wilspeak's picture

Your so right, I brought her stepdaughter college text books and paid for her car tags and taxes for 3 yrs, this year I am not doing it !Thank You Smile

Andie91801's picture

You're absolutely right. Enough is enough. Just be prepared that they will start to call you all kind of name and drive a wedge between you and your wife when you stop giving out money, Smile

Best of luck.


Last In Line's picture

Never give anyone anything you will regret/resent later, no matter who they are. I have found that living by that rule has made my life MUCH happier.

MAHM-mami's picture

So it seems like you have given them money before and purchased things for them. Screw that! They're adults, nobody has to give them anything, I wouldn't! She has a job and a husband. Sounds like the perfect definition of an adult that shouldn't be depending on parents anymore.
And I gotta love the fact that her husband doesn't make enough to give her $80. Gotta love how these stepdaughters manage to find loser men who don't know how to provide for the family.

wilspeak's picture

Your exactly correct about me doing for the children, I have brought them all computers, clothes and did other nice things for them such as pay some bills for them. NO MORE I am tired of it now , especially since I am not appreciated. As for her husband, I cant blame the guy, I didn't give the money to him , I give it to HER, syre he could pay it for her, BUT I cant hold him responsible. Thank You Smile

wilspeak's picture

Your exactly correct about me doing for the children, I have brought them all computers, clothes and did other nice things for them such as pay some bills for them. NO MORE I am tired of it now , especially since I am not appreciated. As for her husband, I cant blame the guy, I didn't give the money to him , I give it to HER, syre he could pay it for her, BUT I cant hold him responsible. Thank You Smile

MAHM-mami's picture

I guess you're right about the husband. But yeah, stop being a doormat. She's old enough to understand what appreciation is and she's not showing it.

notasm3's picture


Adult skids who are not semi-decent human beings need to be 100% removed from your life.

You do not need to participate in "parenting" adult skids. Most adult skids are not horrible user/losers. But when you find yourself in possession of adult skids who are not decent people you just erase them from your life and most importantly from your wallet.

Your spouse can see them outside of your home.

ownpersonalopinion1's picture

I saw somewhere on this board where someone said their money came with conditions if loaned or give to step kids-respect and decent treatment required.

My step kids know my money comes with conditions-none of which they like.

jam's picture

I agree with catlettuce. Cut them out.

No! is a complete sentence and it does not require and explanation. Or the next time said sd comes asking for $$, say "Sure!, just take it out of what you already owe me Wink

hatesteplife's picture

Like the others said. Next time your wife tries to talk you into something stupid like that, just change the subject, calmly say "no thanks", or whatever. Screw those manipulating skids.