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Adult step daughters ages 21 and 22 hate me

Stepdaughters hate me's picture

Ages 21 and almost 23 adult step daughters and they boss around their dad.  Yesterday they actually texted him "I told you not to spend so much time with her" and they refuse to say hello when they come in the house.    Last night she locked herself in the bathroom rather than come down and acknowledge me.     

How does this end?   They say I'm pulling him away from them and that I'm controlling and manipulating.   Meanwhile I've raised two polite and kind daughters and work full time and just want peace and kindness.      I truely believe they have mental health issues that have not been addressed.  They are only happy when they are seporating their father and I.   And of course he has no boundaries and doesn't hold them accountable.   He keeps defending them saying "they are good girls".  They are so mean and vile and make up lies about me and manipulate everything I do and say.     

when he tells them that if the behavior continues they will have to move out.   They say "your kicking us out and she's getting her way".    And of course he doesn't want to kick them out and he wants to have a relationship with them but they will only have a relationship with him if it's 100% on their terms.   And they won't leave.  He pays for 100% of everything for them. School, car, phone, health insurance etc.... and in return they boss him around, yell and scream and demand more.   

we have tried therapy and mediation And books.   Nothing seems to work.  Help!

Harry's picture

BF is not going to kick out his ADULT DD.  you have to kick them out.  You have to take control of your home.

This May end your relationship, but if it does then you did not have the relationship you wanted 

Stepdrama2020's picture

Kick them all out, that includes your DH. You are married? Living together? Take your power back regardless. Tell those bitches to get the F out .

They all sound vile. Mental illness maybe. OR just spoiled lil daddys princess who always got their way.

Personally I would leave this shithole marriage?/relationship. Gawd you can meet better than this. 


Thumper's picture

There are 2 things going on.

1. They hate you or dislike you because their mom does. BM should have drilled it into her kids heads they better be kind and respectful to dads new wife. I know I sure did. I would NOT put up with hearing my kids treated my xdh like garbage.

2. They continue to act like that because dh allows it.

 He should them to shape UP or ship out---"do NOT speak of my wife that way" you will continue to have this same result until he does.

I am so sorry.  Assuming you are in your 40's maybe 50's?? Thinking about starting over may be scary.


tog redux's picture

I could not live in this situation. How do you stand being treated so poorly in your own home, while your DH stands around with his thumb up his a$$, saying, "they are NICE girls!" 

Winterglow's picture

Why are you allowing him to raise his children to your level? They have no place in your life. If he doesn't understand the difference between his wife and his daughters then he isn't worth the time. Time they moved out and started to work on their own lives. It's actually pretty pathetic that they have so little going for them. 

The problem is your husband. 

Kaylee's picture

When you wrote your other blogs, you hadn't actually moved in but were thinking about it? Is that right?

I hope you haven't given up your home and moved in to his.... because this is never going to work.

They are NOT  "good girls" and for your boyfriend to claim they they are, just shows how  obtuse and disrespectful of you, that he really is. How can he say they are good when he witnesses the way they treat you??

He is a total enabler. Those girls aren't going anywhere. He is giving them a cushy lifestyle. Of course they aren't leaving!!!

I really think you should end this relationship and find some one worthy of you. You deserve the peace and kindness that you are wishing for.

MissTexas's picture

HE IS YOUR PROBLEM, plain and simple.

Not so easy to face it. Nobody likes believing the man they fell in love with thinks so little of them, they'd put their kids FIRST.

This NEVER CHANGES. What you're experiencing now is a FORESHADOWING of things to come, should you decide to invest more of your time, energy and efforts in this relationship.

Kaylee's picture

Yeah exactly this. He is putting his Princesses first, and his relationship with the OP a distant second.

My sister met a man, a lovely guy. My sister's daughter who was living with her, was rude and obnoxious to the boyfriend.

My sister took her aside one day and said, "X makes me very happy. He is important to me, very important. You are welcome to continue living here, but if you can't treat X with politeness and respect, then you will be moving out. That is a promise, not an idle threat"

The daughter soon amended her snotty attitude! She did end up moving out in order to get a job in another town. Also, she now regrets her behaviour towards X, and they have a very civil relationship. My sister made her apologise too.

My point is, my sister put her relationship first, and told her ADULT daughter to shape up or ship out!

Stepdaughters hate me's picture

We haven't moved in.  He's still in his house with his girls and iM in my house with my girls. There is no way I am going to live under the same roof with girls who are that mean and I would never put my daughters in a position like that.  It's horrible. I've been at his house 3 times in the last 8 weeks. Each time ended with his girls having temper tantrums that I was there.  They think they are the mini wife and they can't handle that they have lost some control over their dad. 

he gets upset with me and says if I really loved him I wound be patient and stand by him and get through this together.        It's all so messed up and I keep trying to move forward and the his daughters become meaner and more vendictive.        I know I can't change them.  I'm 49!  Wasting so much time on this. 

MissTexas's picture

It's great you have NOT MOVED IN. I would flat out refuse to, and it sounds like you have, until he gets a serious grip on "his girls." This is easier said than done, if not impossible.

Oh, he's guilt tripping you. What about telling him, "If you REALLY LOVED ME, you'd be MY PARTNER and take off your ROSE COLORED DADDY LOVE GOGGLES and see your brats for what they really are, and take a stand for OUR RELATIONSHIP."

49 is still young. Don't let age cause you to panic. Being alone, while waiting for the right one beats jumping into chaos that you can clearly already see. This will not improve, UNLESS daddy WANTS IT TO. It's time for him to decide if he wants to be daddy to his princesses, or your man. He cannot put all of his women FIRST. There's only room for ONE QUEEN, no princesses.

FWSM1964's picture

You do love him and that's why you have put up with as much as you have.  But there comes a time when one's self-preservation and dignity trump an abusive relationship. Your SO's daughters have learned from their father that it is alright to mistreat the "interloper" as he has never stood up for you. Sometimes, love isn't enough.  Please cut your losses and run! 

Movingonisbest's picture

he gets upset with me and says if I really loved him I wound be patient and stand by him and get through this together.   

What was your response to this statement to your SO? I know I would have went the hell off on him. These are HIS problems NOT yours. The truth is he should have resolved this before even dating you but definitely before you two ended up in a relationship. Kindness isn't going to work with these b--ches. The moment they started disrespecting you, you should have corrected them even if your SO didn't. Just because he thinks it's ok for you to put up with abuse doesn't mean you have to.

The truth is, if your SO can't protect you, he doesn't really love you. No way in hell would I stay with a man that I know can't or won't protect me. He either fixes this issue, or I would dump him if I were you.

stepparentingsucks's picture

I am going to try and give you hopefully, some insight from experience. I will try not to make this a long story, and there is a point to be made here. Please be patient with me and hopefully, it will shed some light on the situation. Something very similar happened to me with my SS. My DH was feeling like my SS and I were like bickering siblings.  DH also felt like he was in the middle in a tug of war game between us constantly. My SS would make up stuff and tell DH that I was being mean when he was alone with me. He also would make comments under his breath or push my buttons in passive aggressive ways to get me to snap at him or raise my voice. (I had to start recording conversations to prove I wasn't hurting his son)

It became so bad, that my SS forced my DH to choose between SS and me. This was recently in the past year after almost 24 years involved in his life, and him living with us for eleven years of that 24. SS recenty told his grandfather that he never ever liked me. The grandfather told me what SS told him. Suddenly, everything he had said and done to me in the past made perfect sense. I never had a chance with him. It didn't matter what I said or what I did. My SS hated me from day one. It wasn't any one particular thing I had done to make him feel this way, it's just what it was. My DH witnessed a lot of it, but it didn't register with him what was actually going on. What made it worse, was that rarely did he stop the behavior that was being projected towards me when he himself had just witnessed it. Then, my SS started doing the same thing to DH that he was doing to me years later. THAT was when it finally hit home with my DH. My DH had told SS no to paying his $50K student loans. SS suddenly started treating DH like he had always treated me. Passive agressive, lying, and pushing buttons to irritate him on purpose. DH then realized that what SS was putting him through, was the exact same thing that I was put through for over twenty years with this kid. As a result of this, and my SS forcing my DH to choose between me and SS, my DH no longer has a relationship with his son. (His decision, not mine.)

I am telling you this because I actually have a point here. I guess my point is, sometimes, the bio dad or mom doesn't see what is going on until it happens to them. It can take years for it to click with them what is actually going on and how it feels to be treated that way. I don't know how your patience level is, but it took my DH a VERY long time to see it.

SO is there a way to stop this now? Yes, but your BF is the only one who can put a stop to this. If he doesn't, it will only keep escalating until he is forced to choose by his own children like my DH. If my DH had stopped the disrespect by his son early on, he may not have had to choose, but I don't know. Your BF can do this in a loving way with his kids and yet get the point across. They need to learn how to share him. Your BF needs to realize that you are trying to love them, but they will not let you. I don't know how he is at communication, but he needs to let his kids know that he loves them very much and he isn't replacing them. They need to respect his decision on who he is with, and respect you. That doesn't mean that they have to like you, but they need to be civil and stop the toxic behavior. If they can't be peaceful, then they will need to live elsewhere. A counselor my be able to assist him with how to talk to his kids if he is willing to go to one.  I also believe that when his kids finally move out, that it will fix a lot of the tension between you and your BF if these kids refuse to cooperate. It did for me when my SS moved out. I was so relieved, and my DH was too. He even changed the locks on the doors because he wanted to.  

Now, as far as them hating you. That is something that cannot be fixed if they've hated you from day one. If they get it in their head that they hate you and will never like you, then it means it won't matter what you say or what you do, it's not going to matter. Nothing will change that. They probably see you as competition, and they have a certain loyalty to their mother. If that's the case, you will still have to be civil with them for their father's sake and respect that decision, as they will have to be civil and respectful to you. You can't force them to like you or even love you, even if you've never done anything to make them hate you. Only time will tell if that will ever happen.

If your BF doesn't stop this now, it won't get any better, trust me. The tactics will just keep going until the bio parent stops it, or until the step parent throws their hands up and gives up and leaves. That is what these kids are hoping for, to get their father all to themselves. He needs to be made aware of that.

Make sure you let your BF know that all you want to do is get along. You hate the fighting and you are not making him choose, but you would like a little respect and for them to be civil, even if they don't like you. You are willing to share him with them. They are making it very uncomfortable and difficult for you to be around them. If he witnesses disrespect, then he needs to stop it when it happens. If they are only doing this behavior when they are alone with you, then don't be alone with them, or get a way to prove it is happening to you. Your BF and you will also need to get it across to them, that you aren't going anywhere. Someday, his kids will grow up and have their own lives. It will be nice to have someone left to share his life with him.  Hugs. 


Stepdaughters hate me's picture

Thank you for sharing your story.  I know exactly what needs to happen I just get frustrated that I can't force my wonderful loving soulmate to stand up to his toxic daughters.  He's too afraid of them leaving. And that's how they maintain control over him.        

but I do know that I can't live like that. I'm they won't change and I won't live under the same roof with behavior like that.      

thank you all for sharing and commenting. Makes me feel less alone.  Less crazy and less like I'm the bad guy and expecting too much.   

I know they hate me and I can't change that. But they take it to the next level by being mean, rude, angry, demanding and jealous.     

Movingonisbest's picture

 I just get frustrated that I can't force my wonderful loving soulmate to stand up to his toxic daughters.  He's too afraid of them leaving. And that's how they maintain control over him. 


Wonderful loving soulmate?? Original Poster, you may want to seek some counseling on your own instead of couples counseling because you seem like you are in denial about the type of man you are with. Your level of denial is just as high about him, as his denial is regarding how toxic his daughters are. 

Some have recommended you go back and read the comments on your other posts because you were given good advice. I went back and read some of the comments. Most pretty much mirror the advice you were given here. I did notice that you didn't respond much to others comments. Are you unhappy about the advice you were given? Your first post was over 5 months ago and apparently you are in the same boat now that you were back then. 

How much more time are you going to waste on this guy? He has had over 5 months  to make changes and he hasn't made any?? Smh. What is his plan to launch his daughters into adulthood? 5 months is surely enough time if he had real plans to push them out the nest. 

If I were you, I would have a serious sit down talk with him and tell him you are only giving him 6 more months to get his adult daughters launched and if it doesn't happen at that point you are moving on. To be honest if you were truly seeking change you should have told him that 5 months ago. But like I said I would give him 6 months tops to launch them into adulthood. Since it is two of them, they can get an apartment together and split the costs. In no way would I remain with this man more than another 6 months unless major changes happen. That's just my take on the situation though.

stepparentingsucks's picture

I know exactly how you feel. It took my DH receiving the same behavior from SS that he was displaying to me for him to get it. That, and the words from SS that he has never liked me. That just proved that I never stood a chance with him, and no matter what I said or did, it didn't make a difference. DH was horrified when he realized what was going on. He just didn't see it. When I tried to defend myself, explain myself, and tried to get him to see, all he saw was me fighting with SS like we were siblings, and he felt caught in the middle. I guess the only reason I stayed, was because my DH and I really do love each other. I eventually learned to not be alone with SS in the same room. If I was stuck with him alone, I had to record it. I learned to pick my battles with everyone and let DH handle the parenting, even if I disagreed with it. I had to remember that SS living with us was temporary and he would be out of the house soon, which would give us more freedom and less drama. It is the hardest, most thankless job on the planet being a step parent. Not all children hate their step parents, but I believe it is up to the bio parent to set the kids straight on showing respect and a lot of the time, they don't do it out of guilt and maipulation and fear of thier own child rejecting them. 

Now that SS has shown his true colors, he is the one who has lost out  by forcing DH to choose between him and I. He wasn't expecting the choice DH made, and now he is complaining to the rest of the family or anyone who will listen. My only response to them they they try to bring it up is, "I really don't want to talk about SS. I'm really sorry I wasn't able to make it work with him. I did my best. I just want to get along and be a member of this family. That is all I want."  I then continue to be myself and be the same person I always am. If I need to vent, I go to these boards. I take no pleasure in this outcome. The only thing I am happy about, is that DH finally saw what is actually going on here and who was the one that was causing the problems all these years. It took my SS treating him the same way that he treated me to see who started all of the past arguments and manipulations. It was like a light bulb clicked in his head. 

This man is your soulmate and you obviously love him. Please don't let them win. It is very very hard, but that is what they want. To wear you down and leave him. Is there a counselor you and DH can see together to assist? There is always a way, and I hope you can find the solution. Hugs!!!!

Rags's picture

This is on your DH.  He needs to put his foot up the asses of his disrespectful hateful adult daughters and let them know that his bride will be respected or they are gone. Out and cut off immediatly.  Their choice. Grow up immedietly into respectful adults who recognize their father as a husband and his wife.... as his wife. Or launch.

You need to give DH clarity that until he does this that he will be a ball-less failure of a man, husband, and father.

I am baffled by any man who would serve his bride up as a victim for any toxic individual to insult.

Good luck.

Merry's picture

"If you really loved me, you would do xyz" is not love. It's manipulation. Every.Single.Time. If HE really loved YOU he would at least try to hear what you're saying. He's much more interested in his own comfort than anything you want or need.

Kaylee's picture

If you still want to see this man (after all this great advice), tell him you are NOT coming to his house anymore, to be abused and disrespected by his two bitches.
Stuff that! Tell him if he wants to see you, it will be in a place of peace and harmony (ie your house) where you feel relaxed and safe.
And while you're at it, ask him how HE would feel if your two daughters acted towards him the way his bitches do towards you?? Let's hear what he has to say about that!
But to be honest, I think this guy is a waste of time. He hasn't stood up for you to date, and he won't start now. He is completely under his daughter's thumbs.
Sorry to sound so harsh, but this is true and I think you know it, otherwise you wouldn't be here asking for advice.
Dump him and live a nice peaceful life. A great guy will come along eventually....but take some time out for yourself to recover from this experience.

Stepdaughters hate me's picture

Thank you for all the feedback.  This has been so hard. Trying to be supportive and loving and having them twist everything into something bad.     Tonight ended in another argument with them calling not only their mother but johns mother to have all four of them gang up on him and tell him he needs to be home with his daughters.   

how do I be a good person and be supportive and loving and at the same time put up with this toxic behavior.   All they keep saying is "we just want more time with our dad" yet every time he tries to spend time with them they blow him off.  They don't want time they want control. And they blow everything up to level 1000% when they don't get their way.        I don't want to leave him and have him be alone in this but at the same time this is not my circus and not my monkey.  

I read all the comments and digest them.   Not one person says stay and put up with it.   Everybody sees that this won't end well.     

Winterglow's picture

If he had any spine left, he'd have told them to mind their own damn business and to eff off! Did he?

WTF does his ex have to do with any of this? Any man worth his salt wouldn't tolerate his mummy telling him what to do ...

These women are sick, sick, sick...

Evil4's picture

 "I don't want to leave him and have him be alone in this but at the same time this is not my circus and not my monkey."  

Your ball-less wonder doesn't deserve your concern about being left alone in the mess that HE created. His failure to yank his DDs' chains is HIS failing. It's HIS problem. Why should you care when he doesn't seem to give a flying one about how you're treated and what you're going through? 

I would honestly tell him that he's too busy with a toxic dynamic to be in a relationship right now and to lose your number unless and until the issue is completely resolved. 

Stepdrama2020's picture

Is he worth all of this? I mean can you block out the hatred. and the tantrums, and the interrupted time with him? Can you be ok that some other women , his DD's, manipulate him and he caves. Can you be ok with placing last on his female priority list?

Why would you want a BF where you can never go over because of his shitty mini wives? It will only get worse. You will build up so much resentment. You will feel like you are in a competition to "win" this booby prize. You will never win. I had only one SD. Two would be a flipping nightmare.

Gawd you deserve better than this. 

eminem's picture

Two SD are a nighmare so bitchy so false too  3 sides to their faces one playing their dad off the other cutting the back of their BM to their dad cutting the back of the BM boyfriend  to their dad no end to the drama and my Husband 2 are 31 and 28 now.If at this age they still at it and been disrespectfull than nothing will change .

Catmom024's picture

~~"I don't want to leave him and have him be alone"~~

Uhm...that is EXACTLY what you need to do !!!!  Go do your own thing, live your own life.  Tell him he can spend all the time he wants with the little biotches.  Guess what?  He'll sit home all alone and they will only honor him with their presence when they want something from him.


Kaylee's picture


LMFAO at this guy who LETS not only his 2 miniwives but also his EX WIFE and his MUMMY tell him what to do!!

Was he at your house when they called? He should not have answered the's ridiculous. I hope he didn't up and leave your house? He should have told them all to F off.

"Telling him he needs to be at home with his daughters" WHAT? They are 21 and 23. Adults. Not minors who need supervision.

Honestly mate, this whole family and this situation sound crazy.

Get out - go. Maintain your dignity and sanity.

Ana S.'s picture

His brats will never change. HE has to change, or your relationship doesn't stand a chance. He needs to set rules and limits and INSIST on respect for you and your relationship. They also need to move out, they are adults! If he won't do that, RUN. Trust me. You don't want to waste your life on a hopeless situation. If he won't form a united front with you, leave and don't ever look back. You deserve better.

Exjuliemccoy's picture

This guy has sooo many issues that predate you. He is completely p.w. by his mommy, which led him to marry another domineering female, and then he had daughters who were raised knowing he is weak and unworthy of respect. This isn't merely a skid issue; this is multi generational dysfunction. 

There's so much toxicity attached to him that he's not even relationship material. He should have been in therapy DECADES ago for HIS issues. You can't separate the man from the coven that controls him. They are united in their hatred of you, another female that wants to trespass on their territory and threaten the status quo.

There is ZERO possibility for a peaceful, emotionally healthy existence with this guy.