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Amazing Breakthrough with DH!

Get-it-Together's picture

So as per usual, my 24 year old SD starts a pissing contest about nicknames of all things and it kind of blows up until I end it and wont allow her to manufacture a fight (ALL THROUGH FACEBOOK). So as an afterthought, I approached my DH and gave him an overview of the situation so he wouldn't be blindsided if it were brought up. He actually chuckled and said how petty it was and how she much have been hanging around with her BM again. He was calm, reassuring, and actually acknowledged that she needs to be kept at arms length. This is a tremendous breakthrough for him! Now, let's see what happens if she's jumping up and down in his face, but for the time being, I'm on cloud nine knowing that he has my back for a change and is slowly realizing the disguisting behaviour in his children. Happy Friday all!