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Being pushed out of family by step son and daughter in law

amr78's picture

I am new to this so please bare with me. I have never posted on any kind of chat rooms but I really need some advice. I am a mom to 2 daughters ages 19 & 17 and I'm a step mom to 2 stepsons ages 27 & 20 and a step daughter age 17. I have been with my husband for 14 years we were married for 2 of those years now. We met when our kids were pretty young and we've always managed to co-parent with our exes without much trouble. We have done that over the years by letting the biological parent discipline the child and we have managed to keep things pretty well balanced. There have really never been issues with any of our kids being disrespectful to me or my husband.  I was in no part the reason my husbands first marriage ended. They were separated and their divorce was finalized a few months before we met. His ex was the one that filed for and wanted the divorce. That however never stopped his ex from saying mean things to the kids about me all the years we have been together. They would come to our house every weekend and twice during the week and always make comments about what their mom said about me. They were too young to understand what was going on. It was all just immature things and I didn't let it get to me. My husband and I showed up together to school functions, etc. and his ex and I have always managed to tolerate each other for the kids sake. I just showed up and smiled but I never went out of my way to be extra nice to her because I knew she was deliberately saying those things to the kids so they would say them to me and their dad. It was her way of hurting me. I'm always uncomfortable when I go to family functions and she is there but I just keep that smile on my face and power through it. The problem began when my stepson and his wife had their first child. My stepsons wife did not like her new mother in law for the first year. So my husband and I were always called to watch our grandson and they let me fall in love with him and let him call me Grammy. We were very invoked in his life the first nearly 2 years. Then my stepson and his wife had their second baby about 6 months ago. Around that time my husbands ex went to her son and expressed that she didn't feel like she was involved enough with her first grandson and she wanted to be more involved with her second one. Keep in mind this was because her daughter in law didn't want her involved and kept her at arms length. Suddenly, there was a shift in grand parenting and my husband and I were asked to watch the boys less and less. The daughter in law changed her heart and started warming up to her mother in law. I thought this was great for their family but over time she has now pretty much completely replaced me in the boys lives. My husband and I are no longer her called to watch the boys. My husband isn't the type of person to express his feelings. He saw it happening and it bothered him but he never said anything to his son. They just don't have any relationship like that. I always had a good relationship with my stepson's wife so I tried talking to her about it. She assured me that we were still very much a part of the boys lives and she was just trying to let her mother in law spend more time with the boys and get to know them. We had a good conversation and I thought we had an understanding. It may not have been my place to speak up about things but my husband was fine that I did. As time went on we still weren't called to watch the boys and my stepsons wife and my husbands ex got really close. Now all of a sudden they both talk about me and I feel like I'm the outsider in the family now. They even have my step daughter not speaking to me much or her dad. Recently, my stepson said some not so nice things about me too which is out of character for him. Him and I have always been able to get along. I've always remained behind the scenes and I have given him respect and never bad mouthed his mom to him or his brother or sister. When I heard the things he said I became very hurt and very upset.  I do not deserve to be treated that way by anyone. For the last 2 years I have jumped through hoops for them doing everything and anything they've asked when it came to their little boy. I love that little boy like he's my own grandson and they've always told me he is. I'm the one that buys all the birthday, holiday gifts, etc. I'm the one that helps out with making food for their birthday parties and other events. My husband however does not help things. He knows how upset I am that his son berated me like he did yet he has never said a word to his son about it. His son said he doesn't want me around his kids anymore and that has hurt me the most. I haven't seen the boys in weeks. My husband continues to talk to his son everyday and act like nothing ever happened. My husband goes to visit the boys on his way home from work without me now. He comes home and talks to me about them but I tell him I don't want to hear it because I'm still so hurt that I was pushed out of their lives. I have asked him how he can go there and pretend that nothing happened and they didn't treat me the way they did. He doesn't want to get in the middle of things because he's afraid that his son will push him away like he did to me. His son is very hot tempered just like his mom. He's said some nasty things about my husband recently too, his own dad but my husband ignores it and pretends like it didn't happen. He says he loves his son and his grandsons very much and he loves me too. This is causing a lot of stress and anxiety for me. There was recently a baptism for the youngest baby and at first I wasn't going to go but my husband had an unexpected hospital stay the week before the baptism and I was told by my step sons wife that I should show up for my husbands sake and not make him go alone. I went for my husbands sake and no one talked to me. The oldest grandchild came over to me and hugged me and said "Hi Grammy! What are you doing?" It was so sweet and it hurt me so much because I miss not being able to see him. He approached me 2 other times that day and called me Grammy. What was I supposed to do? I couldn't ignore him because his parents don't like me anymore. It was a really sad day and I haven't been the same since that day. I felt like such an outsider. I mean him and I used to be so close. We really had a connection. You can tell he hasn't been around me much just wants the same. I've always thought his ex was manipulative and now I believe it even more. I believe she's played a big part in turning them against me. I don't know what to do. I want to try and sit down with them and clear the air but I know they won't be receptive to that. They are from a generation that thinks they can treat people horribly whenever they want to. I just don't understand why we all can't be in their lives. When we visit them I don't need to or want to talk about my husbands ex and when she's visits they shouldn't talk about me and my husband. There are plenty of other things to talk about. I think they should feel lucky that their kids have so many grandparents that love them. My husbands ex wife recently got married and her husband is accepted into the family. Ironically, her new husband is/was a good friend of my husbands. My husband still talks to him but only when he sees him somewhere and has no ill feelings toward him for marrying his ex wife. Part of me wants to just cut ties with them for treating me the way they did but the other part of me wants to fight for my place in their lives for the sake of the grandchildren. I get upset with my husband now often because he won't stick up for me. I'm worried this will cause a big problem in our marriage if things are left this way. I miss the grandkids but they really aren't mine to miss are they? Am I alone in the way I feel?

tog redux's picture

Sounds like both your DH's ex and your SS's wife are manipulative people - the first clue should have been that she was treating BM badly and favoring you.

And your husband is being spineless and unfair to you by not addressing how his kids treat you. Honestly, though - they don't have to allow you ANY place in their kids' lives anymore, so as hard as it is, I would stop buying things for them, stop planning parties and stop trying to talk to them beyond DH signing your name to a card for their birthdays, or something of the sort.

Sorry, it sounds very painful, but you can't make people allow you to be part of their lives or the children's lives.  Let him go on and have a relationship with everyone and do nothing to help him with any of it.

susanm's picture

Tog is right.  Life will be much easier for you if you just let him have the relationship with his adult children and do your own thing when he is not around.  Obviously that means no more presents from you or events at your home unless he does all the work.  If you are not part of the family then you are not a servant, are you?  No, you are not.  Your DH is perfectly capable of hiring someone to fill that role if he can not do it himself and the skids will probably be much happier that way.  If nothing else, that statement should get his attention!

Perhaps you could do us a favor?  I know that you are a new member and so are not used to how the posts print out when you are finished.  The posts are a lot easier to read if you use paragraphs rather than just writing everything in one long string of text.  It is hard to think of when you are writing - especially when you are caught up in frustration! - but you will get a lot more responses when the post is easy to read.  And the responses are always helpful and occasionally really entertaining.  Welcome to the group!!!!

2Tired4Drama's picture

As hard as it may be you have to just let go of the stepkids, the stepgrandkids and let go of providing input to your DH as to his relationship with his kids/grandkids.

The reason is simple:  You will never, ever be considered a member of their family because BM doesn't want you to be included.  Period.  In these situations, BM will trump every other female who comes along, and always will.

Sounds like your StepDaughter In law has now fallen in line and is doing BM's bidding, so now she is included.  You, however, never will be.  

You must let go of feelings you have for the children even though they are innocent right now.  Those kids will eventually start mirroring what the parents are saying and someday it won't be all hugs and "Grammy."  They will learn to avoid you or say cutting things, too.

For what it's worth, I'm in a very similar situation where BM calls the shots and is the uber-parent, especially because BM's family has money.  SD had a baby and I am well aware I will never be a genuine part of this kid's life.  I will not emotionally invest myself in him because I don't need the kind of heartbreak you are going through.  It's not too late for you to do the same.  

Psychologically, just start thinking of that little boy as the child of a former co-worker who moved far away.  You enjoyed the time you spent with him but are now letting go.  

(Ditto on using paragraphs.  I almost didn't read your post but glad I did.)




sandye21's picture

I agree with Tog, let DH have a relationship with his kids.  Disengage.  Let him pay for everything and be the only one to communicate with them, prepare for them, feed them, clean up after them.  Don't speak of them to him and if he brings them up in conversation change the subject as soon as possible.  If you allow them in your home, treat them cordially but if they ask for anything tell them to ask their Father.  You don't have to tell DH you are disengaging, sometimes this brings on more problems. 

" I get upset with my husband now often because he won't stick up for me. I'm worried this will cause a big problem in our marriage if things are left this way."  By disengaging you create boundaries.  You must stand your ground as far as being respected in your home.  If DH can't insure you are, then it might be necessary to ban them from your home until he does.  Another thing - does he defend and protect you otherwise?   This can be a very big problem if it is not addressed.  Each instance of a wimp-out episode doesn't get forgotten.  It just piles up until all respect is lost and the marriage fails.


ldvilen's picture

So true!: "Each instance of a wimp-out episode doesn't get forgotten.  It just piles up until all respect is lost and the marriage fails."

amr78's picture

Thanks for all the responses. You gave me a lot to think about. I know I should disengage and that's what I'm trying to do. My husband expects me to keep showing up to all his family events and he doesn't understand how difficult it is for me. 

Sorry for not using paragraphs too. I was typing out of frustration and wasn't thinking clearly. 

SacrificialLamb's picture

Tell your DH you lose respect for him when you see how he panders to his adult children. You find it very unsexy. That will get his attention. 

Also tell him that normal healthy people do not hang out where they do not feel welcome. You are not a second or third class citizen in anyone's family, therefore he can attend these events on his own.

Exjuliemccoy's picture

I am also a SM who "used" to be granny. When it was useful to OSD. When I was willing to repeatedly turn the other cheek. When I was an easy mark. When I still had hope that things would get better one day. When I was willing to be exploited financially.

And when I finally spoke up, my DH's narcissistic daughter cut me out. Then she cut her father out when he challenged her behavior. We went from seeing the gskids weekly to zero. That was over eight years ago. 

Children of divorce often pick up not-so-great behaviors. They learn how to manipulate, apply leverage, exploit, play the victim, and play one parent against the other. They are often spoilt, self absorbed, and lacking in empathy. And if dysfunction is present before skids have gskids, it often ramps up afterwards.

You've received a lot of good advice, and you have already identified that alpha BM played a big role in icing you out. I agree that you need to accept that things have changed; that this is beyond your control; and that you should mourn the loss and disengage from your SS. I'd say nothing to any other family members and just fade back from all things related to this volatile skid and his wife. Your services are no longer required by these new parents, so make sure that includes all services. Protect your heart with quiet dignity, and hold to the new boundary these self absorbed parents have erected so in future they can't accuse you of causing drama. In steplife alliances can be fluid, meaning your H's son may change his tune in the future.

Frankly, I think your H is your real problem. He has dismissed/ignored your pain, and failed to advocate or stand by you. I would be very hurt by this, and I would not tolerate it. His pandering and cake eating needs to be addressed, too. 



MissTexas's picture

process, especially when you've done nothing to warrant it. The key word here is "process." First your mind has to accept what has happened, and there's a lot here. Exjuliemccoy puts it correctly, " should mourn the loss and disengage." You are actually mourning the loss of 2 things here, as I see it. 1, the loss of the contact with this little boy, a relationship you both clearly enjoyed. You need to know the BM SS and wife will drip their toxic poison into this little boy's mind, and hence, the sick cycle is guaranteed to perpetuate. 2. You, (like many of us here) are mourning the loss of what you THOUGHT your husband would do for you, which is have your back in ALL circumstances, not selectively, as he is doing. He is solely responsible in this area for not standing in alliance with you. Marriage is a LEGAL CONTRACT, parenting or grandparenting is not. What loss is HE mourning? Absolutely nothing. He let them figuratively kick you to the curb emotionally, and just kept pressing onward.

Though the ex BM is less than desirable in her conduct, she has the SS and his wife under her reign, and that will be next to impossible to change. These are all adults (at least with regard to their ages) and they have the free will to behave as they choose, HOWEVER, your DH is YOUR HUSBAND FIRST AND FOREMOST. You are ONE, and in marriage, when one is in the trenches, you need the other to get in it with you and help pull you out of it. You do it TOGETHER. 

I agree with some of the other posters. EVERYTHING regarding kids and grandkids is HIS SOLE RESPONSIBILITY. At first, you will hurt, but you will get a little bit stronger with each day and each event. After you move through the shock, denial, acceptance phases, you'll be able to think more clearly about things. NOW IS THE TIME to realize you need to call your DH to the carpet on this, and let him know you fully expect him to be aligned with you and your feelings. He is participated and therefore, perpetuating the disrespect. He is sending the message that what they are saying and doing is ok with him. Always remember, doing NOTHING is a decision also. He is trying to do what they want him to out of fear. He is worried they will toss him aside too. That may be what happens, but spouses are responsible to each other. He needs to be aware of what is happening and HE has to be the one to remedy it, not you. 

Divorced daddy guilt makes these men to the unthinkable. 

Welcome to ST. I hope you get some resolve here. Remember, breathe, and it is a process. 

And yes, paragraphing would be helpful. I know when we type we are trying to get it all out there before we forget anything, so I get it.


piegirl's picture

I know you will find lots of likeminded people here. I too am an 'ex grandparent'. I was very useful while I was gift buying and babysitting, but as soon as I asserted myself and said something when treated badly, I was discarded completely and utterly. That was 15 months ago now. My husband is still playing the guilty daddy card and it does wear very very thin. My problem is with my DH not with his adult kids, just as your problem is with your DH too. These men are so scared of asserting themselves and asking for respect that they take anything handed out. The less they take, the less they get. My DH now calls and leaves messages for 2-3 weeks before OSD will send him a single text in response asking what he wants becuase she is busy. And yes, he takes this treatment....very sad.

amr78's picture

Well after taking all the advice I received I decided to confront my husband. I realized I was giving him what I thought he needed by encouraging him maintain his relationship with his son and to visit his grandsons as much as he could. I didn't want him to    hurt like I am. 

I forgot about me! I'm important and I should matter to him first and foremost. I told him I didn't expect him to cut ties with his son and his family but he needs to let his son know that he doesn't agree with the way that I'm being treated. I warned him his son might lash out and start treating him like he's treating me but he needs to show me some respect as my husband and take a stand for me. I did nothing wrong to cause their ill feeling towards me so there was no reason for their sudden hatred and immature, hurtful behaviors. I didn't deserve it.

I still think this whole situation is all being manipulated by his ex wife and that's very sad on her part. I know she is loving life right now! She's got all of them right where she wants them and knowing they hurt me in the worst possible way is a major acomplishment for her. I think I'm most angry toward her. 

His ex wife wasn't really much of a mother while her kids were growing up. She hated the fact that she had 2 sons before her daughter and she mistreated them often when they were young. I wasn't around during that time of course but I heard about it from multiple family members. I just thought that was awful of her and she should be counting her blessings that either of her sons even speak to her today.  Her youngest son lives with us and he has very little contact with her and that's been his choice. He moved away from her as soon as she let him. He'd been asking for years but she didn't want to give up her child support! He was 14 and is now 20. Him and I get along well and he is very respectful to me and helps out around the house and I'm grateful for that.

I'm trying to take the advice to just cut my ties and move on. It's easier said then done though but I now realize it's going to be a process. I'm going back and forth between anger and hurt all the time. I have to accept this is my new reality. I go home and our home is filled with toys and photos of the grandsons. I look at the toys and think about how much fun we had playing together now knowing we won't be able to do that anymore. I think I'm going to move the toys into the attic so it's not a constant reminder for me. It's not like they will ever bring the boys to our house to use any of them again. I don't think I should get rid of the pictures out of respect for my husband since it's his family. I have decided that I'm no longer going to spend a dime on anything for any of them. If I can't see them and I'm not considered family then they don't get expensive gifts! 

Oh how I wish we were never put in this situation! It's awful to go through but since joining ST I realized I'm not alone and that helps give me comfort. I'm so glad I joined! It's going to take me a long time to move on.

As for my husband, I think I gave him a lot to think about so what he does will be up to him. He didn't really say much when I was unloading on him but I could tell what I was saying was getting to him. I feel better now that I did! 

Thanks again to everyone for your kindness and support! 


SacrificialLamb's picture

First off, to answer one of your questions - why is everyone else treated as family and you aren't?  The simple answer is that Dad's wife is not allowed to be part of the family.....the skids could remarry over and over and each spouse is family. My YSD's boyfriend's step family is their family. Their aunt's second DH is family. Their 18th cousin is family. Dad's wife? Nope.  I am competition and that's it.

You are definitely not alone in how you feel. Many of us fell in love with the sgkids and tried to facilitate the happy family.  I used to throw parties for the sgkids, then had the feeling that my OSD45 was snickering about me to the other attendees.  Shortly after this OSD told DH she didn't want to have to communicate with me directly - she wanted all communications kept in the family and DH could pass on anything important to me that I needed to know.

Message received loud and clear - I am not her family. Ok then, you no longer get any benefit from me being in your family. I did absolutely nothing for them. I did not buy gifts, sign cards; I have not seen them in 4 1/2 years. It hurt at first, but the kids are getting older now, and I can see they are being raised to be manipulative narcissists like their parents.  

I suspect BM was behind part of this - we even had been on beach vacations where BM was present and as soon as one of the kids got out of the water BM would start yelling for the kids to run to her, not allowing them to spend time with DH, their Papa.   But my OSD is also the type that must be the alpha female. She did not like that her kids loved me, that I was a retired executive who had had a higher level job than her own DH, that I had talents that I shared with the kids. Her only talent is manipulating and punishing to get her way.

Since it seems in your case the relationship between BM and your skids has been hot and cold, here's what will happen when you pull away. They will no longer have a common enemy - you. So they will turn on each other.  I guarantee it.  Even though my SDs, BM, and DH's gossipy sister live far away, I could see when they were plotting something. Then they started getting mad at each other.  It got to the point now it's almost funny.

But the part that is most hurtful for you is your DH's behavior. Men in this situation tend to want to bury their heads in the sand and hope the problem goes away.  It just gets worse and worse because the spoiled kids see that dad isn't going to do anything. Dh is worried about losing his precious babies but takes you for granted that you will always be there, after all, for years you played Mrs. Doormat to his Mr. Doormat.

Here's what a very wise poster here told me once.......(she commented on your post so you also get the benefit of her expertise).  Let your marriage go into "drift" mode for awhile. Tell your DH it seems he has some priorities to work out. Establish boundaries for yourself for your own protection since you can't count on him to protect you. Get therapy to help you along the way.  Focus on your own bios and activities that you enjoy. When mine saw me get involved in activities that did not include him, he started to be more concerned that he could actually lose ME. 

When your DH starts whining about you not attending events, all you have to say is one thing over and over again - "I am not a second class citizen in anyone's life or family." He will learn you mean business.

Even if you see the sgkids from time to time, do not emotionally invest yourself. I have bios and will someday hopefully have my own grandchildren. I dote on my friends' grandchildren.   DH's family now is nothing more to me than his distant family.

I continue to have no relationship with OSD and her children. DH and I have found peace. He visits them only once or twice a year. We are to the point that I don't mind if he tells me a little what the kids are doing. I just hope they are well, and I have no emotions invested in them at all.  

youdonotdefineme's picture

Eff them and their soon to be effed up offspring.  Don't talk to DH about them, don't ask about them, spend no money on them and live your best life.  You lived many years without knowing these eff-ups you'll live far happier ignoring they exist.

Doodlemadmummy's picture

Never put your heart where your arse 'aint wanted!

This is the beginning of the end as far as I'm concerned.  The mere fact your husband even CONSIDERS seeing them when they are saying or have said horrid things about you is unforgivable.  Don't leave it like I have hoping things will change because it ain't gonna happen anytime soon.  Your guts are telling you it is wrong, visceral feelings are there for a reason.  Act on them!

Doodlemadmummy's picture

Never put your heart where your arse 'aint wanted!

This is the beginning of the end as far as I'm concerned.  The mere fact your husband even CONSIDERS seeing them when they are saying or have said horrid things about you is unforgivable.  Don't leave it like I have hoping things will change because it ain't gonna happen anytime soon.  Your guts are telling you it is wrong, visceral feelings are there for a reason.  Act on them!