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Can I be detached from pregnant SD and her future child

dadof2's picture

I wrote in a previous post that my 28 year old pregnant SD is moving into my home after receiving permission from my DW.  I told my DW no and then later caved due to my other children and not having the funds to move because of a recent purchase of our home.

My question is, is it possible to be detach from my SD and her child in the same home or am I just creating a powder keg just waiting to blow up.

marblefawn's picture

You were pretty adamant in your last post.

If you have no way to avoid this, and it sounds as if you don't, at least use the fact that you caved to negotiate terms. Be very specific and make sure your wife agrees. Don't forget the to negotiate what will happen if SD doesn't follow the terms. Write it down and get your wife to sign it. It sounds ridiculous, but showing how serious you are about rules and ramifications should make both of them take it more seriously.

Once you negotiate the terms, you must suck it up and be pleasant because you hashed it out and also agreed to the terms.

Don't make your wife grovel, but make it very business like so she knows you're taking seriously any agreements that are made.


Rags's picture

Short turn boomerang kid periods may ... or may not... be acceptable. That is entirely up to both of the adults in the marriage. If one or the other of the adults say no... the answer is no. PERIOD!  For sure I would not be accepting of a independent breeder kid returning to the nest except under very short term circumstances and even then only under a clearly defined structured dictate of terms by either or both marital partners.