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Celebration, myself.

Newimprvmodel's picture

Dh got the final order of emancipation signed!!! Of course he is moping this weekend, but I am so damn happy!!!
It is done. I will have a glass of bubbly this weekend.....on my own.....not with dh.
Maybe soaking in a hot bath tonight......champagne.
The final child support done.

Newimprvmodel's picture are right!!! There is a reason he has entitled bees for daughters!! Lol
I would crazy to think that it ends here. But I am still happy. Poor ex bee has to pay for her own mani and pedis now. Poor bees.......
I got myself a big fat bottle of champagne and me and MY mother will toast tomorrow.

I really should send a fruit basket saying Bon voyage to the ex bee.....too funny right!! Aw the fantasies.....

Rags's picture

Congratulations. Enjoy your new found financial freedom. Give DH a until his next pay check. Not having that big chunk missing will be bound to improve his mood. Biggrin